Other Conditional Content questions

SQL Injection

Roger Bilinda's Avatar Roger Bilinda
Method remove_mapping at line 132 of com_conditions/src/Controller/ItemController.php gets
user input from the get element. This element’s value then flows through the code without
being properly sanitized or validated, and is eventually used in a database query in method
removeMapping at line 173 of com_conditions/src/Model/ItemModel.php. This may enable an
SQL Injection attack.
Source Destination
File com_conditions/src/Controller/ItemContr
Line 134 188
Object get execute
Code Snippet
File Name com_conditions/src/Controller/ItemController.php
Method public function remove_mapping()
134. $extension = $this->input->get('extension', '')
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
What are you basing this on?
Have you even tested the thing you are claiming?

The value is sanitized and does not get pushed into a query as plain text as you say...
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