Makes it possible to place plugin tag attribute values in single quotes instead of double quotes (can be useful when used inside html attribute values)
Fixes issue with SQL errors when using the Tags conditions in some edge cases
Fixes issue with php TypeError concerning Registry in editor button modal popup
Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain AcyMailing pages
Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain HikaShop pages
Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
Improves way Regular Labs Library scripts and styles are loaded on admin side
Refactors some code
Fixes issue with menu items with types 'separator', 'heading', 'alias' and 'url' not being selectable (meaning you can use the “Also on Child Items” option)
Adds extra option to the Tag Characters setting («...»)
Changes ordering of assignment types
Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
Improves menu item select field
Updates translations: de-DE, tr-TR
Fixes issue with content in Yootheme Pro templates not working in some cases (because of a jacked up way Yootheme is storing data in the fulltext property!)