Modules Anywhere

Place modules anywhere in Joomla!

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Buy Pro  29
Compatible with: Joomla 3 Joomla 4 & 5
 Core PluginModules Anywhere
 Included in JoomlaFREEPRO € 29
Include modules and module positions inside articles Yes Yes Yes
Editor Button to insert modules and module positions Yes Yes Yes
Handle the Joomla core tags {loadmodule} and {loadposition} Yes Yes Yes
Control the module html styles of each individual module tag Yes Yes Yes
Include modules and module positions inside other modules, 3rd party components and template overrides No Yes Yes
Editor Button to insert modules and module positions inside other modules and 3rd party components No Yes Yes
Select module html styles right from the Editor Button No Yes Yes
Ability to ignore the module access level, state and assignments No Yes Yes
Ability to customize the tag syntax and the surrounding tag characters No Yes Yes
Frequent and continuous updates No Yes Yes
Ability to override module settings / parameters of each individual module tag No No Yes
Advanced Security Control to disable the use for selected User Group Levels and Components No No Yes
Frontend editing buttons for modules placed through Modules Anywhere No No Yes
Get fast support to the extension via the Support forum No No Yes
 Included in JoomlaFREEPRO € 29
 Core PluginModules Anywhere


per year

Pro features

  • All features available in the free version, plus:
  • Parameter overriding
  • Frontend Editing
  • Advanced Security Control


Free, forever
Download Free


  • Place modules
  • Place module positions
  • Select module styles via Editor Button
  • Ignore settings