
Latest version

Modules Anywhere
8.1.2 08 July 2024

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Updates some deprecated code
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue php error when uploading media

Older versions

Modules Anywhere
8.1.1 04 March 2024

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with RegularLabs\Scoped being output in some cases
  • Scopes external composer libraries to prevent conflicts

Modules Anywhere
8.1.0 20 December 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Also triggers replacement on onAfterRenderModule event to prevent "WebAssetManager is locked" in some cases
  • Catches "WebAssetManager is locked" errors and outputs a html comment instead

Modules Anywhere
8.0.3 13 December 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Changes layout of editor button popup
  • Refactors some code
  • Fixes issue with errors when trying to install/update via CLI

Modules Anywhere
8.0.2 21 October 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Fixes issue with editor button icon not displaying correctly in some editors
  • J5 Fixes issue with fatal errors in editor button popup about onBeforeRender event

Modules Anywhere
8.0.1 19 October 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Fixes issue with "WebAsset Manager is locked" errors when caching is switched on
  • Fixes issue with plugin being run over category description twice

Modules Anywhere
8.0.0 21 September 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J3 Removes Joomla 3 support
  • J4J5 Updates code to PHP 8.1 standards
  • J5 Fixes issue with errors on installation

Modules Anywhere
7.18.0 04 September 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Increases minimum php version to 8.1

Modules Anywhere
7.17.1 27 August 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J5 Fixes issue with extension getting disabled on Joomla 5

Modules Anywhere
7.17.0 02 August 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J5 Makes it possible to install on Joomla 5
  • J4 Fixes issue with replacements being done in some edit forms when they contain too much html

Modules Anywhere
7.16.8 22 June 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Fixes issue with fix html also running on urls with type raw
  • J4 Fixes issue with PHP warning about undefined array key
  • J4 Fixes issue with tags not being converted in Finder Indexer

Modules Anywhere
7.16.7 09 June 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issues with error about media folder on uninstallation

Modules Anywhere
7.16.6 08 June 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issue with fix html also running on urls with type raw

Modules Anywhere
7.16.5 22 May 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Improves memory usage preventing memory exhaustion in some cases
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with properties with uppercase letters not being overridable

Modules Anywhere
7.16.4 27 March 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issues with html entities not being converted correctly when 'fixing' the html
  • J4 Fixes issues with some PHP 8.2 warnings

Modules Anywhere
7.16.3 27 March 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issue with PHP errors/warnings on PHP 8.2
  • J4 Fixes issues with classes not being defined after upgrading from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 on some setups

Modules Anywhere
7.16.2 14 March 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Removes not-used language files after installation
  • Updates jumper
  • Fixes issue with incorrect prefix characters for comments in the language files
  • PRO Fixes issue with Download Key check not working on some setups
  • J4 Fixes issue with 'Combine Admin Menu' option in the Regular Labs Library plugin not working
  • J4 Fixes issue with SP PageBuilder edit pages breaking
  • J4 Fixes issue with editor button not working on the frontend (in some cases)
  • J4 Fixes issue with formatting issues in frontend editor button popup on some templates

Modules Anywhere
7.16.1 13 October 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Updated some php code to use PHP 7.4 standards
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • J4 Fixes issue with extensions not being re-enabled after upgrading from J3 to J4
  • J4 Fixes issue with pagination missing in editor button popup

Modules Anywhere
7.16.0 04 September 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Changes code styling: tabs to spaces
  • Changes installer to use a package manifest instead of a custom installer plugin
  • Refactors some code
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • J4 Fixes issue with potential error about Database not set in ChromeStyleField
  • J4 Updates editor button icon

Modules Anywhere
7.15.2 11 June 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Updates translations: cs-CZ
  • J4 Fixes issue with Ajax component not showing up in the disable list
  • J4 Fixes issue with installation breaking on Joomla 4.2

Modules Anywhere
7.15.1 23 April 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issue with potential php warnings about NULL value in strpos, on PHP 8.1+
  • J4 Fixes issue with showtitle attribute not working if no style is set
  • J4 Refactors some code

Modules Anywhere
7.15.0 17 March 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Adds Joomla 4 support

Modules Anywhere
7.14.0 10 February 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Increases minimum php version to 7.4.0
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with error on installation when using php 8.1 or higher
  • Fixes issue with some error messages that should only show in admin side also showing on frontend

Modules Anywhere
7.13.5 24 August 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves upgrade/update check information in Joomla updater for editor button plugin

Modules Anywhere
7.13.4 14 August 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to add a comment after the id of the module with a hash (#)
  • Changes the comment prefix used by the editor button to a hash instead of a colon
  • Improves upgrade/update check information in Joomla updater
  • Fixes issue with non-html pages (like raw) being forced to html format in some case
  • Fixes issue with php TypeError being thrown on some xml pages
  • Fixes issue with potential php error about undefined property $button_text

Modules Anywhere
7.13.3 27 May 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Cleans up code

Modules Anywhere
7.13.2 21 May 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Mixes issue with other Regular Labs extensions potentially breaking during update and causing installation to fail

Modules Anywhere
7.13.1 20 May 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with document buffer not being interpreted correctly during onAfterDispatch event

Modules Anywhere
7.13.0 20 May 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes code in minified javascript files to not use eval
  • Cleans up code
  • Improves dealing with Joomla 3 code (disabling plugins) after upgrading to Joomla 4
  • Increases minimum php version to 7.2.0
  • Fixes issue with incorrect update urls on plugins
  • Fixes issue with php warning about array offset on value of type int in certain cases

Modules Anywhere
7.12.0 10 February 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Deprecates the syntax {module 123} in favor of the attribute syntax {module id="123"}
  • Fixes issue with plugin tags not getting handled in some cases (due to empty value being saved in Disable in Components setting)

Modules Anywhere
7.11.2 14 September 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • More preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility
  • Fixes issue with plugin being handled inside frontend module edit form
  • Fixes issue with plugin not running on AcyMailing archive pages

Modules Anywhere
7.11.1 19 August 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with modal popups not respecting right-to-left languages
  • Fixes issue with php notice about too few arguments passed to function onContentPrepare

Modules Anywhere
7.11.0 17 August 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds extra css class to editor buttons which can be used for custom styling
  • Preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility
  • Updates translations: de-DE, tr-TR

Modules Anywhere
7.10.0 29 March 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds option to add the module title as a comment after the ID when inserting the tag using the module ID via the editor button
  • Updates translations: nl-NL
  • Fixes issue with plugin running on Gridbox edit forms (which it shouldn't)
  • Fixes issue with plugin running on SP PageBuilder edit forms (which it shouldn't)

Modules Anywhere
7.9.0 28 January 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds support for the 'new' core {loadmoduleid} tags
  • Fixes issue with tags not always getting handled during the onAfterDispatch event

Modules Anywhere
7.8.2 14 October 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Makes it possible to place plugin tag attribute values in single quotes instead of double quotes (can be useful when used inside html attribute values)
  • Updates translations: it-IT
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain AcyMailing pages
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain HikaShop pages
  • FREE Fixes issue with installation not going well when installing Free version when the Pro version is already installed

Modules Anywhere
7.8.1 06 April 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: zh-CN
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.8.0 to Joomla 3.9.0
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with paragraph tags getting stripped in some cases
  • Fixes issue with plugin tags not working correctly when using different than default tag characters in some cases

Modules Anywhere
7.8.0 30 December 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Removes redundant (not working) "Enable style overriding" setting
  • Improves language strings
  • Makes editor button use the id="" and title="" attributes instead of module=""
  • Moves some plugin settings around

Modules Anywhere
7.7.3 21 December 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: et-EE
  • PRO Fixes issue with Position: [:REMOVE:] showing in tooltip of frontend module edit button

Modules Anywhere
7.7.2 09 December 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with core tags not getting handled if there are no Modules Anywhere tags on the page

Modules Anywhere
7.7.1 28 November 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with pages breaking when "Handle Joomla core module tags" is off

Modules Anywhere
7.7.0 28 November 2018

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
  • Improves jumper setting
  • Improves way Regular Labs Library scripts and styles are loaded on admin side
  • Refactors some code
  • Updates translations: et-EE, sv-SE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with jumper setting not showing in system plugin settings
  • Fixes issue with tags not working when using loadmodule as the main tag word
  • PRO Fixes issue with core {loadmodule} and {loadposition} tags not getting handled when using different syntax characters

Modules Anywhere
7.6.0 26 October 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds extra option to the Tag Characters setting («...»)
  • Adds support to also handle the core {loadmodule} tag
  • Updates translations: de-DE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with content in Yootheme Pro templates not working in some cases (because of a jacked up way Yootheme is storing data in the fulltext property!)

Modules Anywhere
7.5.2 02 October 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.7.0 to Joomla 3.8.0
  • Fixes issue with content sometimes getting duplicated on K2 items
  • Fixes issue with tags not always being handled at article prepare stage

Modules Anywhere
7.5.1 07 September 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Rearranges plugin options
  • Fixes issue with plugin tags inside html comments being converted
  • Fixes issue with tags sometimes not getting handled when found after comment tags with certain syntax
  • Fixes potential SECURITY issue concerning cross site scripting via editor button popup
  • Fixes some language string typos and issues

Modules Anywhere
7.5.0 11 February 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.6.0 to Joomla 3.7.0
  • Updates translations: nb-NO, ru-RU
  • Fixes issue with plugin tags not getting replaced in some cases
  • Fixes some javascript issues in admin side on Joomla 3.7.0
  • PRO Fixes issue with Disable On Components option not working

Modules Anywhere
7.4.0 04 September 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to override Advanced Module Manager assignment settings
  • Adds ability to override extra Advanced Module Manager settings in module
  • Improves styling of editor button popup
  • Improves the way the system plugin methods gets called
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ, tr-TR
  • PRO Fixes issue with Joomla updater not seeing new Pro versions after upgrading from Free to Pro

Modules Anywhere
7.3.3 26 June 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: id-ID, it-IT
  • Fixes issue with Advanced settings tab in system plugin not showing correctly
  • Fixes issue with some modules not generating output when placed in category description

Modules Anywhere
7.3.2 15 May 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with error about undefined method isClient() on Joomla < 3.7

Modules Anywhere
7.3.1 11 May 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with indexing of smart search (finder) breaking
  • Fixes issue with potential jQuery error in editor popup on some setups

Modules Anywhere
7.3.0 28 April 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Disables core Module editor button plugin on installation
  • Enables core Module editor button plugin on un-installation

Modules Anywhere
7.2.0 04 April 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves checks on whether module output html should be passed through the html fixer
  • Fixes issue with nested modules not working

Modules Anywhere
7.1.0 17 March 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds option to not let Modules Anywhere fix the html structure it outputs
  • Fixes issue with inline javascripts potentially causing html structure breaks
  • Fixes issue with paragraph tags being added when they shouldn't

Modules Anywhere
7.0.3 15 March 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with 'Enable in Articles' option not working
  • Fixes issue with caching off not working correctly

Modules Anywhere
7.0.2 10 March 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with surrounding html sometimes getting messed up

Modules Anywhere
7.0.1 08 March 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves rendering speed when no plugin tags are found
  • Fixes issue with html attributes surrounded in single quotes potentially breaking
  • Fixes issue with surrounding inline html tags not being stripped/fixed

Modules Anywhere
7.0.0 27 February 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Removes buggy {div} tag support
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.4.1 to Joomla 3.6.0
  • Changes minimum requirement from php 5.3.13 to php 5.4
  • Completely recoded the extension and Regular Labs Library (now using namespaces)
  • Updates translations: id-ID
  • Fixes issue with SobiPro edit forms not being protected from plugin handling
  • Fixes issue with {module} tags will large amounts of content not being handled
  • Fixes issue with language assignment being ignored
  • PRO Fixes issue with updates via core installer sometimes failing

Modules Anywhere
6.0.6 04 December 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes handling of {div} tags to also support html attribute style syntax
  • Fixes issue with Regular Labs Library plugin causing slowness in administrator when 'Show Help Menu Item' is enabled
  • Fixes issue with editor button still inserting old syntax

Modules Anywhere
6.0.5 28 November 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves loading speed on pages with large forms
  • Updates translations: de-DE
  • Fixes issue with editor button popup not working when core.edit.own ACL setting does not pass
  • Fixes issue with links to settings/plugins not being correct when non-English language uses different extension names
  • Fixes issues with page breaking when Regular Labs Library folder is missing

Modules Anywhere
6.0.4 24 October 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with tags not being handled in pdfs

Modules Anywhere
6.0.3 19 October 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with pages with textareas getting messed up

Modules Anywhere
6.0.2 04 October 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: nl-BE
  • Updates translations: nl-NL, pt-PT
  • Fixes issue with parameters with value false or 0 not working correctly

Modules Anywhere
6.0.1 05 September 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with administrator returning blank on some setups

Modules Anywhere
6.0.0 29 August 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes tag syntax to use html style attributes (still works with old style too)

Modules Anywhere
5.0.3 10 August 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: ru-RU
  • Fixes issue with redundant code being executed when module is not found

Modules Anywhere
5.0.2 13 July 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with editor button popup throwing error in Joomla 3.6

Modules Anywhere
5.0.1 14 June 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: da-DK, tr-TR

Modules Anywhere
5.0.0 16 April 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Moves from NoNumber to Regular Labs branding

Modules Anywhere
4.2.1 07 April 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with position tags breaking indexing of smart search (finder)

Modules Anywhere
4.2.0 30 March 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to set the default Show Title setting
  • FREE Makes div tag options available in Free version
  • Adds version number to own css/js files
  • Improves handling of AcyMailing pages
  • Updates some HTML syntax

Modules Anywhere
4.1.4 28 January 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with plugin tags not being converted in smart search (finder)
  • Fixes issues with Joomla 3.5 and php7 compatibility

Modules Anywhere
4.1.3 09 December 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with showtitle=1 forcing chrome to xhtml when default is not none
  • Fixes issue with tags being converted in edit forms

Modules Anywhere
4.1.2 03 November 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with tags not getting interpreted

Modules Anywhere
4.1.1 03 November 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with overrides not working correctly with modules coming from upgraded J2.5 setups
  • Fixes issue with regular expressions not working on some php versions (5.6.14)

Modules Anywhere
4.1.0 01 October 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to change the surrounding tag syntax characters
  • Improves handling of surrounding html tags
  • Updates translations: ja-JP
  • Fixes issue with chrome overriding not working with templates that contain a '-'

Modules Anywhere
4.0.3 10 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with missing language strings in editor button popup

Modules Anywhere
4.0.2 09 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with php error about call to a member function get() on a non-object on some components

Modules Anywhere
4.0.1 07 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with uninstallation getting into a loop
  • Fixes issue with upgrading not working

Modules Anywhere
4.0.0 02 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J2.5 Removes Joomla 2.5 support
  • Changes minimum requirement to Joomla version 3.4.1
  • Recodes the installer
  • Fixes issue with assignments Advanced Module Manager not working in some cases
  • Fixes issue with chrome overrides not working anymore
  • Fixes issue with loadposition tag using a chrome not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with {div} tags without a class not getting replaced

Modules Anywhere
3.6.6 19 May 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J3 Fixes issue with not being able to set module chrome when module style is selected in module

Modules Anywhere
3.6.5 08 April 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: it-IT, sv-SE
  • J3 Improves rendering speed on pages with large contents
  • J3 Fixes issue with editor button showing to users without edit/create permissions
  • J3FREE Fixes issue with error about undefined property disable_components

Modules Anywhere
3.6.4 03 March 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: fr-FR, hu-HU
  • PRO Fixes issue with components select list only saving one value
  • J3.4 Fixes issue with editor plugin showing in Extension Manager > Discover

Modules Anywhere
3.6.3 12 January 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J3PRO Adds option to remove/keep plugin syntax on disabled components
  • Fixes issue with warning about empty needle
  • PRO Fixes issue with disable on components option not working

Modules Anywhere
3.6.2 08 January 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: sr-YU
  • Removes compatibility for php versions under 5.3.13
  • J3 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.3.0
  • Updates translations: pl-PL, pt-BR
  • Fixes issue with Free version being able to be installed over the Pro version

Modules Anywhere
3.6.1 25 November 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with error about nnFile on installation on some setups
  • Fixes issues with ignore assignments setting not working when Advanced Module Manager is not installed
  • PRO Fixes issues with duplicate rows in update_sites table

Modules Anywhere
3.6.0 20 October 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J3PRO Adds option to show frontend editing mouse-over link
  • Fixes issue with plugin not working on jDownloads frontend view

Modules Anywhere
3.5.2 01 October 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with plugin not being run over introtext/fulltext on onContentPrepare event
  • Fixes issue with surrounding p and div tags not being handled correctly in some cases

Modules Anywhere
3.5.1 16 August 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: et-EE
  • Fixes issue with loadposition tag not being handled if then are no module(s) tags in content

Modules Anywhere
3.5.0 11 August 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: tr-TR
  • J3 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.2.2
  • Refactors code
  • Updates translations: id-ID, lt-LT, ru-RU
  • Fixes issue with tags being converted in com_myjspace edit forms
  • J2 Fixes issue with errors after upgrade to Joomla 3
  • J3 Fixes issue with incompatibility with new Advanced Module Manager assignments
  • J3 Fixes issue with tags not being handled in search results

Modules Anywhere
3.4.3 25 April 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: id-ID
  • Fixes issue with html structure issues when tags are directly inside html 5 elements
  • J3.3 Fixes some Joomla 3.3 incompatibility issues

Modules Anywhere
3.4.2 11 April 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: hu-HU, id-ID
  • Fixes issue with some missing language strings in some occasions

Modules Anywhere
3.4.1 25 February 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves rendering speed on list views
  • Fixes issue with breaking of xml view of com_jmap
  • Fixes issue with feeds being broken
  • Fixes issue with some missing language strings in some occasions
  • Fixes issue with tags being encoded in frontend edit views
  • PRO Fixes issue with html entities in parameter overrides

Modules Anywhere
3.4.0 19 December 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves some code in NoNumber Framework which improves page load speed
  • SECURITY FIX: Fixes issue with editor button popup window being accessible to all registered users

Modules Anywhere
3.3.6 26 November 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes installation error about duplicate entry on some MySQL 5.6 setups
  • J3.1 Fixes issue with fatal php error about using $this

Modules Anywhere
3.3.5 08 November 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J3.1 Fixes issue with modal popups not working

Modules Anywhere
3.3.4 07 November 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with tags in Sourcerer code being converted
  • Fixes issue with tags in some text and textarea fields being converted
  • J3 Fixes Joomla 3.2 compatibility issues

Modules Anywhere
3.3.3 16 October 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • FREE Fixes issue with update failing due to false message about using old version from before Free/Pro

Modules Anywhere
3.3.2 16 October 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: bg-BG, fa-IR, nb-NO, pt-PT, ro-RO
  • Changes javascript minification to use Google Closure
  • Updates translations: ar-AA, ar-SA, el-GR, es-ES, ja-JP, ru-RU, sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with header stuff (javascript/css) not always being added in category views

Modules Anywhere
3.3.1 25 September 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with opening tags not being converted on some setups
  • Fixes issue with tags not being handled when site has invalid html structure
  • Fixes issue with tags sometimes appearing in title tags and title attributes

Modules Anywhere
3.3.0 09 August 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J2 Removes compatibility for Joomla 2.5 versions lower than 2.5.10
  • J3.0 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions lower than 3.1.0
  • J3.0 Improves rendering speed on list views
  • J3 Fixes issue with editor button not getting styled correctly on TinyMCE

Modules Anywhere
3.2.5 19 June 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves minification of js files
  • J2 Converts images in (editor) buttons to font icons
  • J3 Fixes issue with Module Style select in editor popup not working

Modules Anywhere
3.2.4 30 May 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: bs-BA
  • Updates translations: et-EE, nl-NL, pl-PL
  • Fixes issue with article security settings being applied to modules that have content prepare enabled

Modules Anywhere
3.2.3 28 March 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: pl-PL
  • Changes messaging on installation on unsupported Joomla versions
  • Cleans up some code (syntax)
  • Updates translations: sl-SI

Modules Anywhere
3.2.2 09 February 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds less files for generating css files
  • Minifies css files
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, pt-BR, th-TH
  • Fixes some issues with installation breaking and throwing errors on some setups
  • J2 Fixes issue with editor button not having icon due to missing css file

Modules Anywhere
3.2.1 11 January 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue of slowness due to looping when modules hav caching switched off

Modules Anywhere
3.2.0 10 January 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds option to ignore the caching setting of the module to force handling on article level
  • Adds option to overrule the ignore_caching setting via the tag
  • Adds possibility to set array values in overrides like: [1,2,3,"foo","bar"]
  • Fixes issue with modules that have no caching options not being handled at article level

Modules Anywhere
3.1.1 30 December 2012

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with RAXO modules not being handled on article level because RAXO messes with core param names
  • Fixes issue with stylesheets and javascripts not being handled on modules that have caching set

Modules Anywhere
3.1.0 29 December 2012

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Cleans up code
  • Modules with caching off will no longer be placed at article level, to prevent article caching module output
  • Moves media files to Joomla media folder
  • Fixes error about XML setup file on first install

Modules Anywhere
3.0.3 11 December 2012

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J2 Removes ability to install on Joomla versions lower than 2.5.7
  • J2 Fixes issue with errors about xml files on installation

Modules Anywhere
3.0.2 27 November 2012

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with tags sometimes not being replaces on some setups
  • J2 Fixes issue with error about search in editor button popup

Modules Anywhere
3.0.1 14 November 2012

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with error messages about XML file on installation on some setups

Modules Anywhere
3.0.0 11 November 2012

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J3 Adds Joomla 3 support
  • J1.5 Removes Joomla 1.5 support
  • Updates translations: et-EE

Modules Anywhere
2.3.3 01 November 2012

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with:

  • Updates translations: da-DK, nl-NL
  • J2 Fixes issue with empty modules outputting chrome when hide-if-empty option is on (via AMM)

Modules Anywhere
2.3.2 25 September 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds possibility to set chrome via style= parameter in tag
  • Updates translations: de-DE, ja-JP, th-TH
  • FREE Fixes issue with showtitle overriding not working

Modules Anywhere
2.3.1 13 September 2012

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with tags being handled in edit for of jcal, jevent and some others
  • J2PRO Fixes issue with overriding parameters not working (since v2.3.0)

Modules Anywhere
2.3.0 07 September 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds ability to override the ignore_access and ignore_assignment settings from the tag
  • Adds option to ignore the assignment settings (default = ignored)
  • Adds option to ignore the modules access level
  • Updates translations: it-IT, th-TH

Modules Anywhere
2.2.0 31 July 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds ability to override the override_state setting from the tag
  • Adds support for {div} tags back to Free version
  • Adds checks for Advanced Module Manager module assignment settings
  • Improves messaging when modules are not shown for whatever reason
  • Updates translations: de-DE, lt-LT, nl-NL
  • J2 Adds checks for module date assignment settings

Modules Anywhere
2.1.9 13 July 2012

Compatible with:

  • Updates translations: de-DE, nl-NL, pt-BR, zh-TW
  • J2PRO Fixes issues with poorly coded modules still using old style params, like swMenuPro

Modules Anywhere
2.1.8 02 July 2012

Compatible with:

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with PHP error about Class NNText not found (wasn't fixed in v2.1.7)

Modules Anywhere
2.1.7 02 July 2012

Compatible with:

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with PHP error about Class NNText not found

Modules Anywhere
2.1.6 29 June 2012

Compatible with:

  • Removes ability to install on Joomla 1.6 and 1.7
  • Cleans a lot of code
  • Made database queries multi-database compatible
  • Updates translations: et-EE, sl-SI, th-TH
  • J2 Changes type selectbox in editor button popup to show real names
  • Fixes issue with tags being interpreted inside the Josetta form
  • FREE Fixes issue with PHP notice about undefined property override_settings
  • J2 Fixes issue with filters in editor button popup not working

Modules Anywhere
2.1.5 08 June 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds ability to customize the selectable styles (chromes)
  • Adds ability to manually set the default style (chrome) (textfield instead of dropdown)
  • Adds translations: sv-SE
  • Removes ability to install on setups with php 5.2 or lower
  • Updates translations: es-ES, lt-LT

Modules Anywhere
2.1.4 10 May 2012

Compatible with:

  • FREE Fixes issue with PHP notice about undefined property articles_security_level

Modules Anywhere
2.1.3 09 May 2012

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with installation failing (conflicted-copy)

Modules Anywhere
2.1.2 09 May 2012

Compatible with:

  • J2 Adds display of module note in list

Modules Anywhere
2.1.1 03 May 2012

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with modules not passing access level check correctly

Modules Anywhere
2.1.0 01 May 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds translations: cs-CZ, zh-TW
  • PRO Adds ability to also override main settings of module like showtitle and access
  • Improves protecting of edit forms to only protect fields (so tags work outside form fields)
  • Increases page load speed by changing how xml files are loaded
  • Updates translations: da-DK

Modules Anywhere
2.0.3 12 April 2012

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with language strings not being converted in editor button popup

Modules Anywhere
2.0.2 12 April 2012

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with use of style and params in tags not working

Modules Anywhere
2.0.1 10 April 2012

Compatible with:

  • SECURITY FIX: Fixes URL injection vulnerability in NoNumber Framework

Modules Anywhere
2.0.0 07 April 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds translations: et-EE
  • Changes some language strings
  • Cleans up code syntax
  • Improves handling of other plugin style tags inside the {module} tags
  • Moves editor button settings to system plugin
  • Now available as Pro and Free version
  • Updates translations: sl-SI
  • Fixes issue with installer not removing the folder/zip from the tmp
  • J1.7+ Fixes styling issues in Editor Button popup

Modules Anywhere
1.13.3 18 November 2011

Compatible with:

  • J1.7 Fixes issue with Editor Settings not working

Modules Anywhere
1.13.2 06 November 2011

Compatible with:

  • Adds option to add show/hide title parameter to tag from modal window
  • Cleans code syntax (no longer guaranteed support for php 5.2.x and lower)

Modules Anywhere
1.13.1 08 October 2011

Compatible with:

  • Fixes SECURITY issue in NoNumber Framework plugin

Modules Anywhere
1.13.0 08 October 2011

Compatible with:

  • Cleans up some code (like no more use of DS)
  • Improves installer
  • Moves translation language files to main package (no more language packs)
  • Fixes issue with tags being handled in editor button popup

Modules Anywhere
1.12.0 16 September 2011

Compatible with:

  • Changes NoNumber Elements plugin to NoNumber Framework
  • Moves common language strings to NoNumber Framework files
  • Fixes issue with surrounding whitespace

Modules Anywhere
1.11.8 05 August 2011

Compatible with:

  • J1.5 Fixes issue error on datetime.php
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with modules with user group selections not working properly

Modules Anywhere
1.11.7 04 August 2011

Compatible with:

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with setting elements not working

Modules Anywhere
1.11.6 04 August 2011

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with php error in feeds
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with modules with user group selections not working properly

Modules Anywhere
1.11.5 25 July 2011

Compatible with:

  • J1.7 Fixes issue with editor button popup not working (error)

Modules Anywhere
1.11.4 21 July 2011

Compatible with:

  • Changes layout of options
  • Changes use of elements
  • Fixes issue with JEventHandler error on some setups
  • Fixes some issues with surrounding tags and whitespace
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with articles with higher access level showing

Modules Anywhere
1.11.3 20 June 2011

Compatible with:

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with installation problems

Modules Anywhere
1.11.2 18 June 2011

Compatible with:

  • J1.7 Fixes issue with missing language string
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with overriding array settings

Modules Anywhere
1.11.1 18 June 2011

Compatible with:

  • Adds ability to overrule parameters with curly brackets in value (by adding leading backward slash)
  • Fixes issue with tags not working outside component area of disabled components
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with parameter overriding not working (thanks David-Hai Gootvilig)

Modules Anywhere
1.11.0 23 May 2011

Compatible with:

  • Joomla 1.7 compatible!
  • Fixes issue with some non-UTF-8 pages breaking

Modules Anywhere
1.10.3 30 March 2011

Compatible with:

  • Adds break to prevent looping of module inclusion
  • Made code a little lighter
  • Fixes issue plugin being executed on raw format pages
  • Fixes issue with some non-UTF-8 pages breaking

Modules Anywhere
1.10.2 25 March 2011

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with leading/trailing paragraph/div tags not being handled well
  • Fixes issue with search component breaking in some cases
  • Fixes issue with special characters (UTF-8)

Modules Anywhere
1.10.1 17 March 2011

Compatible with:

  • Changes language files to be J1.6 ready
  • Fixes issue with editor button not working for registered/author level
  • Fixes issue with problems when html has multiple body tags
  • Fixes issue with tags being interpreted in frontend editor fields with very large contents

Modules Anywhere
1.10.0 11 February 2011

Compatible with:

  • Changes extension icon / logo
  • Fixes issue with overruling parameters with equal or bar signs in the value
  • Fixes issue with public access to editor button popup page (security fix!)

Modules Anywhere
1.9.2 13 December 2010

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with conflicting characters in language file

Modules Anywhere
1.9.1 12 December 2010

Compatible with:

  • Cleans up some code
  • Fixes issues with document being called to early
  • Fixes some issues with compatibility with AcyMailing
  • Fixes some issues with loading of language strings

Modules Anywhere
1.9.0 25 November 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds checks to see if NoNumber Elements plugin is installed/enabled
  • Fixes and updated all language strings
  • Improves code to make it lighter/faster
  • Fixes issue with tags being handled in edit fields

Modules Anywhere
1.8.0 16 November 2010

Compatible with:

  • Fixes extension causing pages to break on some setups
  • Fixes issue with not working in some forms (where they should)

Modules Anywhere
1.7.0 15 November 2010

Compatible with:

  • Improves code to make it lighter/faster
  • Made syntax also be handled in AcyMailing
  • Moves popup styles and images to NoNumber Elements plugin
  • Fixes issue with div tags not being placed through Editor Button
  • Fixes issue with tag names not being taken from settings through Editor Button

Modules Anywhere
1.6.0 18 October 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds ability to wrap output in styled div tags
  • Changes layout of Editor Button popup popup window a little
  • Changes tooltips ids/titles/aliases of articles in list in Editor Button popup window
  • Fixes issue with comment tags not being true HTML compliant

Modules Anywhere
1.5.2 24 July 2010

Compatible with:

  • Changes way version and license information are displayed (now via ajax)
  • Changes way versions and licenses are checked (no more base64)
  • Made code a little lighter

Modules Anywhere
1.5.1 23 June 2010

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with code looping, causing page timeouts

Modules Anywhere
1.5.0 22 June 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds ability to override module parameters in module tag
  • Improves code (=faster)
  • Fixes issue with feeds not working

Modules Anywhere
1.4.1 22 May 2010

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with ordering not working in (editor button) modal popup
  • Fixes issue with some language strings not being loaded
  • Fixes styling of notice in (editor button) modal popup

Modules Anywhere
1.4.0 12 May 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds option to not place the HTML comments
  • Fixes issue with editor button popup page being accessible to all
  • Fixes issue with module settings not always working
  • Fixes issue with modules cache not being used

Modules Anywhere
1.3.4 13 February 2010

Compatible with:

  • Changes the License Code check (now controlled by the License Manager)
  • Fixes errors regarding preg_match_all
  • Fixes incorrect message about plugin not being installed (in editor button settings
  • Fixes issue with errors about registry for php 5.0.5
  • Fixes wrong version number in xml file

Modules Anywhere
1.3.3 29 January 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds option to ignore published state of modules
  • Reduces number of database queries
  • Fixes issue with assignment to JACL user group levels not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with deprecated syntax for php 5.3+
  • Fixes issue with false message about system plugin missing
  • Fixes issue with preg_match_all error in some cases (when article author is not set)

Modules Anywhere
1.3.2 26 January 2010

Compatible with:

  • Fixes location of Joomla! DTD files
  • Fixes tags with style not working

Modules Anywhere
1.3.1 22 January 2010

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with editor button placing half a comment tag (breaks editor on IE)

Modules Anywhere
1.3.0 20 January 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds Commercial License Code support
  • Adds option to not display icon in editor button
  • Adds option to set text in editor button
  • Changes file encoding to UTF-8
  • Improves styling of editor button popup
  • Made settings react a little faster (toggling options)
  • Fixes issue with module tag still being handled within head
  • Fixes issue with modules being handled in editor on frontend
  • Fixes issue with titles with special characters

Modules Anywhere
1.2.0 09 October 2009

Compatible with:

  • Changes the update check
  • Changes to make module tag only be handled within body tag (not in head)
  • Fixes issue with errors on articles with no creator
  • Fixes issue with language file not being loaded (comments in html not readable)
  • Fixes issue with popup not being able to open on some setups

Modules Anywhere
1.1.4 08 August 2009

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with errors regarding "Call to a member function get() on a non-object" on some modules

Modules Anywhere
1.1.3 07 August 2009

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with errors in feeds when using K2

Modules Anywhere
1.1.2 20 July 2009

Compatible with:

  • MODA tags will not show anymore when server runs out of memory
  • Fixes issue with modules with numeric names not working
  • Fixes issue with pagination and ordering not working in Modules Anywhere editor button popup window

Modules Anywhere
1.1.1 14 July 2009

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with module tags still being converted in edit page when there are forms in the text

Modules Anywhere
1.1.0 14 July 2009

Compatible with:

  • Adds jumper setting
  • Changes auto installer
  • Fixes issue with module tags in articles being converted to modules when editing in frontend
  • Fixes issue with update notification not working correctly

Modules Anywhere
1.0.0 08 June 2009

Compatible with:

  • Changes since Modules in Content v0.1.3:
  • Modules Anywhere is based on Modules in Content.
  • Adds an editor button to easily insert the {module} tag
  • Adds options for components and other areas
  • First stable release
  • Removes update icon in administrator toolbar
  • Changes different administrator elements
  • Changes installation procedure (automatic installer/updater)
  • Changes the way plugin works so you can use the syntax everywhere (not only in articles)
  • Changes update notification
  • Fixes issue with style overruling not working