Patricia Lawson
Hello Peter,
I did the fix you suggested, but it has not solved my problem.
I have done a lot of sleuthing and am almost certain the issue lies partially with Mysql.
My dev system runs Maria DB, and the functionality works there. I use Akeeba to deploy to production. If I deploy to systems running MySQL 8 the problem shows itself. I have tested this on a variety of environments (Google Cloud, SiteGround and Windows). On my dev system, I can change nothing other than which database is running: it always fails with MySQL and works with Maria DB. I have used both Akeeba and phpMyAdmin (import/export) to restore the database.
Restoring from my dev system to production is important and relevant to you because I used the dev system to upgrade the site from Joomla 3.10 to the current version of Joomla 5.
I would really appreciate your help. In anticipation of that, I have setup a dev environment for you on SiteGround and made Super User credentials for you. The url of the broken page is
. Feel free to break/change anything you like.
Referring to the images I sent above, you normally would see one or more articles under each date. Clicking on the Release Date title goes to a page for the articles for that date.
You will see that some of the articles (with title New Features..) use 'Joomlashack Sliders and Tabs Pro'. For a while, I believed that their plugin was the problem. It is disabled on the system I have set up for you, but even with it disabled, the articles that make up the Release Notes do not show on the Release Notes page as they used to.
The reason why I suspected their plugin is because clicking on some links - for example, Aug 8, 2024 - would result in the error: '
WebAssetManager is locked, you came late'
This error only occurs when used inside the Articles Anywhere / Snippets plugin. On the home page you will a 'Test Slider Article' menu which works correctly when the plugin is enabled. If you are able to get the Release Notes working as designed, we would want to re-enable the slider plugin.
Confidential information:
A colleague suggests that the MySQL issue could be negatively affecting Joomla's WebAsset manager (the js & css scripts look very different in Page Source) which may be affecting your plugin. All of this is above my pay grade. 🙂