Release Notes

Articles Anywhere
16.0.9 09 July 2024

  • Fixes issue with editor button popup not working on new Chrome due to use of DOMSubtreeModified

Articles Anywhere
16.0.8 09 July 2024

  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue php error when uploading media
  • Fixes issue with php error about DB:is() in some cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with empty datetime custom fields being interpreted as current date/time
  • PRO Fixes issue with images not displaying as target size when resizing to a larger image

Articles Anywhere
16.0.7 06 June 2024

  • Fixes issue with 404 errors on some pages that use pagination

Articles Anywhere
16.0.6 04 June 2024

  • Updates some deprecated code
  • Fixes issue with empty article tag not outputting article when using different data tag syntax characters
  • Fixes issue with php errors about Gd libray
  • Fixes issue with whitespace around custom field values in some cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with resize attributes not working on image tags
  • PRO Fixes issue with timezone offsets on calendar fields not working correctly

Articles Anywhere
16.0.5 06 March 2024

  • Fixes issue with not all Intervention classes being scoped correctly

Articles Anywhere
16.0.4 04 March 2024

  • Fixes issue with RegularLabs\Scoped being output in some cases
  • Scopes external composer libraries to prevent conflicts

Articles Anywhere
16.0.3 16 January 2024

  • PRO Fixes issue with filters on fields not working on external data

Articles Anywhere
16.0.2 15 January 2024

  • Fixes issue with negative filters not working in some cases
  • Fixes issue with php error about null given to getOperator
  • Fixes issue with unexpected results in finder (Samer Searc) output
  • PRO Fixes issue with date filters causing php error in some cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with php error about not being able to read type on fields
  • PRO Fixes issue with php errors when dealing with images
  • PRO Fixes issue with some parent-category data not working

Articles Anywhere
16.0.1 28 December 2023

  • Fixes issue with php error about array being passed to str_contains in some cases
  • Fixes issue with php error about isSelfClosingTag in some edge cases

Articles Anywhere
16.0.0 20 December 2023

  • Also triggers replacement on onAfterRenderModule event to prevent "WebAssetManager is locked" in some cases
  • PRO Changes ordering of items, by making sure numeric strings are ordered before alpha strings
  • PRO Fixes issue with comparison filters on calendar fields with no time not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with comparison filters on custom fields not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with empty date filters on calendar fields not working

Articles Anywhere
15.1.4 13 December 2023

  • Changes layout of editor button popup
  • Improves output of [readmore] Data Tag
  • Fixes issue with errors when trying to install/update via CLI

Articles Anywhere
15.1.3 04 December 2023

  • Fixes issue with php error about articlePassesSecurity

Articles Anywhere
15.1.2 02 December 2023

  • Fixes issue with error about Image::setDimensions
  • Fixes issue with fatal error when Regular Labs is not installed

Articles Anywhere
15.1.1 01 December 2023

  • Improves memory usage
  • Refactors some code

Articles Anywhere
15.1.0 23 November 2023

  • Changed DB method to be more future proof (php 8 code)
  • Refactors some code

Articles Anywhere
15.0.5 25 October 2023

  • Fixes issue with php errors about array_keys

Articles Anywhere
15.0.4 21 October 2023

  • Fixes issue with editor button icon not displaying correctly in some editors
  • Fixes issue with html not being stripped from search results
  • J5 Fixes issue with fatal errors in editor button popup about onBeforeRender event

Articles Anywhere
15.0.3 19 October 2023

  • Fixes issue with plugin being run over category description twice
  • PRO Fixes issue with keywords (IN, NOT) in if conditions being case sensitive
  • PRO Fixes issue with register page and custom URL params not working

Articles Anywhere
15.0.2 05 October 2023

  • Fixes issue with incorrect data in Smart Search results
  • Fixes issue with nested data tags not getting replaced

Articles Anywhere
15.0.1 25 September 2023

  • Fixes issue with article tags not getting handled properly in search results
  • Fixes issue with error about mb_strpos
  • Fixes issue with nested data tags being handled twice in some cases

Articles Anywhere
15.0.0 21 September 2023

  • J4J5 Adds ability to escape string based data tags (add slashes to quotes)
  • J3 Removes Joomla 3 support
  • J4J5 Updates code to PHP 8.1 standards
  • J4J5 Fixes issue with [total] not returning correct value in some cases
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with custom field filters that return empty causing the articles tag to ignore the filter
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with empty input values not working in filters
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with filtering by dates and ranges not working on fields
  • J5 Fixes issue with errors on installation

Articles Anywhere
14.2.0 04 September 2023

  • J4J5PRO Adds option to disable protection inside Sourcerer tags
  • J4 Increases minimum php version to 8.1
  • J4J5 Fixes issue with php warning about creation of dynamic property $filter_subkey on php 8

Articles Anywhere
14.1.1 27 August 2023

  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with '*' as default input value not working
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with IN and NOT IN conditions not working on array values on both sides
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with date range filters not working correctly
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with empty multiple integer fields outputting as 0
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with field filters not always working
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with filtering on "current" values not working correctly
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with lazy loading attribute not being added to images correctly
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with media fields not outputting properly when upgraded from (old) J3 values
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with media fields using layout when trying to override class or style
  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with style attributes not being passed to image tag for media fields
  • J5 Fixes issue with extension getting disabled on Joomla 5

Articles Anywhere
14.1.0 02 August 2023

  • J4 Add ability to set a target, id, style, rel and a bunch of other attributes on the [link] tag
  • J4PRO Adds ability to set Max Age, Use Retina Images and Retina Pixel Density settings for images
  • J5 Makes it possible to install on Joomla 5
  • J4 Fixes issue with [parent-category] outputting title of category instead of parent category
  • J4 Fixes issue with filters with empty value being ignored
  • J4 Fixes issue with negative checks on dynamic values (like "!current") not working
  • J4 Fixes issue with replacements being done in some edit forms when they contain too much html
  • J4 Fixes issue with some filters containing multiple values acting as AND instead of OR filters
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with [my-field:value] removing spaces after comma's when it shouldn't
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with [row:value] outputting fields through layout
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with [tags] never using the layout
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with attributes overrides of custom fields not when outputting other things than just the layout
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with empty input filters sometimes being ignored
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with html in attributes of custom fields not being handled as raw html
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with images paths of resized images not being correct in some cases
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with long execution times when trying to read external images
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with width and height settings not having an effect on media fields
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with {foreach} tags over certain types of data causing fatal php errors

Articles Anywhere
14.0.0 22 June 2023

  • J4PRO Adds ability to set an ordering on the tags Data Tag
  • J4PRO Adds ability to use row data in if tags inside foreach tags
  • J4PRO Changes the tags to be output in alphabetical order instead of by id
  • J4 Fixes issue with tags not being converted in Finder Indexer
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with foreach tags not getting handled when there are if tags inside

Articles Anywhere
13.2.4 12 June 2023

  • J4 Fixes issues with duplicate database queries being cached separately
  • J4 Fixes issues with most queries still getting cached if Cache DB Queries setting is switched off

Articles Anywhere
13.2.3 06 June 2023

  • J3PRO Fixes issue with php error about division by zero when using certain non-resizable image types
  • J4 Fixes issue with getting article by their title containing comma's not working
  • J4 Fixes issue with getting field groups by the id not working
  • J4 Fixes issue with language strings in field group title and description not being converted

Articles Anywhere
13.2.2 22 May 2023

  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with media fields not outputting the correct data when not using the layout (output value/text)

Articles Anywhere
13.2.1 11 May 2023

  • PRO Fixes issue with php error when trying to show images that don't exist from a different database

Articles Anywhere
13.2.0 09 May 2023

  • J4PRO Adds ability to download external images
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with domain of external database data not getting prepended to urls without a domain
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with filtering by custom fields on external databases not working
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with setting dimensions on external images not working

Articles Anywhere
13.1.5 04 May 2023

  • J4PRO Fixes issue with getting data from external database based on current article data not working

Articles Anywhere
13.1.4 30 April 2023

  • J4 Improves memory usage preventing memory exhaustion in some cases
  • J4 Fixes issue with PHP deprecated warnings about null in htmlspecialchars
  • J4 Fixes issue with filters with empty values getting ignored
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with incorrect data being returned when using multiple external databases on one page

Articles Anywhere
13.1.3 30 March 2023

  • PRO Fixes issues with image paths on servers running on Windows

Articles Anywhere
13.1.2 27 March 2023

  • J4 Fixes issues with html entities not being converted correctly when 'fixing' the html

Articles Anywhere
13.1.1 27 March 2023

  • J4 Fixes issue with PHP errors/warnings on PHP 8.2
  • J4 Fixes issues with classes not being defined after upgrading from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 on some setups

Articles Anywhere
13.1.0 21 March 2023

  • J4 Adds ability to use an {articles-else} tag for outputting content when no articles are found

Articles Anywhere
13.0.5 14 March 2023

  • J4 Fixes issue with editor button not working on the frontend (in some cases)
  • J4 Fixes issue with formatting issues in frontend editor button popup on some templates

Articles Anywhere
13.0.4 24 February 2023

  • PRO Fixes issue with Download Key check not working on some setups
  • J4FREE Fixes issue with PHP warnings about undefined resize_... variables

Articles Anywhere
13.0.3 20 January 2023

  • J3 Fixes issue with errors on PostgreSQL
  • J4 Fixes issue with 'Combine Admin Menu' option in the Regular Labs Library plugin not working
  • J4 Fixes issue with SP PageBuilder edit pages breaking
  • J4 Fixes issue with is-published="true" filter not working

Articles Anywhere
13.0.2 01 December 2022

  • J4PRO Fixes issue with the simple {article} tag (with no attributes) returning the first article found in the database instead of the current article

Articles Anywhere
13.0.1 23 November 2022

  • J4 Removes the joomlaImage lazy-loading hash from the src of image outputs
  • Removes not-used language files after installation
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with incorrect prefix characters for comments in the language files
  • J4 Fixes issue with editor button not outputting surrounding <p> tags when it should.
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with just the current article returning when using no filters in the multiple articles tag
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with range limits not being applied when just 1 article is found

Articles Anywhere
13.0.0 16 November 2022

  • J4 Makes some queries a bit lighter
  • J4PRO Changes default 'Resize Images' setting from 'Yes' to 'Standard'
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with custom field dates not applying timezone offset

Articles Anywhere
12.5.2 25 October 2022

  • J4 Fixes issue PHP memory issues and timeouts when using complex filters
  • J4 Fixes issue with 'OR' keyword not working to separate multiple groups
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with field labels not being passed through the language strings

Articles Anywhere
12.5.1 13 October 2022

  • Updates translations: cs-CZ
  • J4 Fixes issue with extensions not being re-enabled after upgrading from J3 to J4
  • J4 Fixes potential errors when using certain APIs

Articles Anywhere
12.5.0 06 September 2022

  • J4 Adds ability to add a modify attribute to date based Data Tags
  • Changes code styling: tabs to spaces
  • Changes installer to use a package manifest instead of a custom installer plugin
  • Refactors some code
  • Updated some php code to use PHP 7.4 standards
  • Updates translations: de-DE, nl-NL, fr-FR, tr-TR
  • J4 Fixes issue with tags being converted on pages with type json
  • J4 Updates editor button icon
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with filter on Tags not working correctly
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with filter on dates using from/to date() functions not working
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with getting parts of texts via a simple id string not working
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with images with hash info in the path not getting resized
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with operators with multiple characters (like <= and !=) not working in if statements

Articles Anywhere
12.4.1 11 June 2022

  • J4 Fixes issue with ARTA_COMPONENT comments being output in certain pages
  • J4 Fixes issue with Ajax component not showing up in the disable list
  • J4 Fixes issue with installation breaking on Joomla 4.2

Articles Anywhere
12.4.0 07 June 2022

  • J4PRO Adds ability to use data tag values inside the id attribute for text data tags
  • J4 Fixes issue with installation breaking on Joomla 4.2
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with ignore attributes not working correctly
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with utf-8 characters not displaying correctly when using the id attribute to get a specific element of a text

Articles Anywhere
12.3.1 13 May 2022

  • J4 Fixes issue with articles from unpublished categories showing
  • J4PRO Fixes issue separator not working on all custom fields

Articles Anywhere
12.3.0 26 April 2022

  • PRO Passes current item (article) to the layout renderer of custom fields
  • J4 Adds ability to set a class on [link] Data Tags
  • J4 Adds itemprop and aia-label attributes to output of [link] Data Tags
  • J4PRO Adds ability to use an offset attribute inside the {foreach} tag
  • J4PRO Adds ability to use is-current in if tags
  • J4PRO Adds ability to use ranges in the limit attribute inside the {foreach} tag
  • J3 Fixes issue with Data Tags with "meta-" prefix not working
  • J4 Fixes issue with limiting text data by number of words not breaking at correct position when string contains UTF-8 characters
  • J4 Fixes issue with php warning about undefined property src in image object in some cases
  • J4 Fixes issue with using "current" on multiple-value type values not working correctly
  • J4 Fixes some filtering on "current" article data not working when caching is triggered
  • J4 Fixes some php warnings being thrown on PHP 8.1
  • J4 Refactors some code
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with Article field id instead of name being placed in the filter or as data tag when using the editor button
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with filtering on tag ids not working
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with parameter overriding not working in Data Tags on nested subform fields
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with separator attribute not working on custom field Data Tags with multiple values

Articles Anywhere
12.2.0 12 March 2022

  • J4PRO Adds Download Key field in settings of all plugins
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with "current" value not working in articles="" filter
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with featured="true" filter also returning some non-featured articles
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with filters not working correctly when having multiple {articles} tags on the page using different databases
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with media fields in sub rows (in foreach loop) not being dealt with correctly
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with negative values not working in articles="" filter
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with urls on tags being incorrect (using categories instead of tags)
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with urls to external articles using local SEF routing

Articles Anywhere
12.1.2 25 February 2022

  • J4PRO Fixes issue with error about undefined property $subform_rows in some cases

Articles Anywhere
12.1.1 19 February 2022

  • J4 Fixes issue with editor button popups missing template styling

Articles Anywhere
12.1.0 09 February 2022

  • Increases minimum php version to 7.4.0
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with error on installation when using php 8.1 or higher
  • J4 Fixes issue with nbsp characters being converted to spaces when using Fix HTML option.

Articles Anywhere
12.0.0 03 January 2022

  • Happy New Year
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ, sv-SE, tr-TR
  • J4 Changes adding of the title in the readmore button to rely on a new setting in the Articles Anywhere system plugin settings instead of the Joomla global setting
  • Fixes issue with add-title attribute on readmore data tag not working correctly
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with date offset being applied twice on custom fields with a format attribute in the data tag
  • J4 Fixes issue with correct styles and language strings not being loaded in frontend editor button popup
  • J4 Fixes issue with date() syntax in filters not working when it contains a +
  • J4 Fixes issue with ignore settings on categories and tags not working correctly
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with foreach tag not outputting anything when list field has only one item selected
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with pagination not working in combination with limit="false"
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with per-page attribute not forcing pagination to be on
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with some characters getting escaped in the empty attribute

Articles Anywhere
11.1.3 16 November 2021

  • Fixes issue with fatal errors when trying to resize certain images
  • Fixes issue with greater and smaller than characters in plugin tag attributes messing things up in some cases
  • J4 Fixes issue with filtering on stuff with value 0 not working

Articles Anywhere
11.1.2 15 November 2021

  • PRO Fixes issue data tags of custom fields not assigned to the articles category not outputting empty
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with fatal error when trying to resize certain images in some cases
  • J4FREE Fixes issue with article select field not using the fancy select styling

Articles Anywhere
11.1.1 13 November 2021

  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • J3PRO Improves rendering speed of image tags with dimension attributes
  • J3 Fixes issue with article tags with suffixes not working correctly in com_search
  • J4 Fixes issue with single select fields not using the fancy select
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with date functions in if tags not working
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with getting custom fields by the id not working
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with {foreach} not working on checkbox and radio fields with just one value

Articles Anywhere
11.1.0 27 October 2021

  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • PRO Adds option to include articles from child tags defined in the filters
  • J3PRO Improves speed of database query used to collect custom field values
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with custom fields not connected to the articles category still being output
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with fatal errors when using data tag or array syntax inside the if tags
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with incorrect [row:total-no-limit] value inside foreach tags

Articles Anywhere
11.0.0 27 September 2021

  • J4 Adds Joomla 4 support
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with some error messages that should only show in admin side also showing on frontend
  • PRO Fixes issue with surrounding whitespace from output of custom fields rendered through the layout by trimming the output
  • J3 Fixes issue with database query collecting data from all articles when using single {article} tag in RSS fields
  • J3 Fixes issue with date format no longer working on custom fields
  • J3 Fixes issue with text override on readmore not working

Articles Anywhere
10.7.2 24 August 2021

  • Improves upgrade/update check information in Joomla updater for editor button plugin
  • J3 Fixes issue with layout not being used by default to output custom fields

Articles Anywhere
10.7.1 14 August 2021

  • Improves upgrade/update check information in Joomla updater

Articles Anywhere
10.7.0 11 August 2021

  • Adds ability to add a comment after the ids in filters with a hash (#)
  • PRO Adds ability to output basic data from the parent category
  • PRO Adds support to set a specific separator for the last item in the {articles} tag, like: last-separator=" and "
  • Cleans up code
  • Improves dealing with Joomla 3 code (disabling plugins) after upgrading to Joomla 4
  • Improves speed of rendering
  • Increases minimum php version to 7.2.0
  • Updates translations: de-DE, sv-SE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with incorrect update urls on plugins
  • Fixes issue with non-html pages (like raw) being forced to html format in some case
  • Fixes issue with php TypeError being thrown on some xml pages
  • Fixes issue with potential php error about undefined property $button_text
  • Fixes issue with update site being saved incorrectly
  • Fixes issue with url in generated links not using SEF in feeds
  • PRO Fixes issue with closing data tags prepended with previous or next: not working, like: [/next:link]

Articles Anywhere
10.6.1 14 April 2021

  • Fixes issue with articles of unpublished categories being output
  • Changes code in minified javascript files to not use eval
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with [readmore] data tag not using the alternative readmore text
  • PRO Fixes issue with DP Event field not being rendered correctly

Articles Anywhere
10.6.0 23 March 2021

  • Adds option to add stack trace comments to DB queries (useful for debugging)
  • Deprecates the syntax {article My Article} in favor of the attribute syntax {article title="My Article"}
  • Updates translations: sv-SE, tr-TR
  • Fixed issue with date (now) based queries getting cached when query caching is on (causing thousands of cache files)
  • Fixes issue with getting articles by ID sometimes returning an article with that ID as part of the alias instead
  • Fixes issue with new {ignore} tag not being handled correctly
  • Fixes issue with query caching not working when Joomla global caching is off
  • PRO Fixes issue with filtering by multiple excluded categories not returning anything
  • PRO Fixes issue with folder structure of resized images including domain parts if original image url contains the domain
  • PRO Fixes issue with single {article} tag potentially showing more than 1 article
  • PRO Fixes issue with some custom field types outputting raw value instead of output value

Articles Anywhere
10.5.1 05 November 2020

  • Improves database query speeds a little
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with plugin tags not getting handled in some cases (due to empty value being saved in Disable in Components setting)
  • Fixes issue with values for repeatable fields not outputting correctly in some cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom fields with value 0 not outputting anything
  • PRO Fixes issue with filter on date fields not working when time is saved in 0:00:00 format instead of 00:00:00
  • PRO Fixes issue with just 1 article in total returning when using one_per_category="true"

Articles Anywhere
10.5.0 28 September 2020

  • PRO Adds ability to output data from next article in the list via [next:...]
  • PRO Adds ability to output data from previous article in the list via [previous:...]
  • Fixes issue with data from radio fields not outputting correctly

Articles Anywhere
10.4.2 25 September 2020

  • Updates translations: tr-TR

Articles Anywhere
10.4.1 22 September 2020

  • Fixes issue with new {ignore} tag not being handled correctly
  • Fixes issue with ordering of multiple value field types not being correct

Articles Anywhere
10.4.0 14 September 2020

  • Adds ability to make the plugin also handle tags found in the HTML Head section
  • Adds ability to protect Data Tags / If Structures in sections of content from being converted using {ignore}...{/ignore} tags
  • PRO Adds ability to override the Resize Method in the image Data Tag via resize_type="scale" or resize_type="crop" (in combination with width/height attributes)
  • More preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility
  • Fixes issue with getting articles by ID sometimes returning an article with that ID as part of the alias instead
  • Fixes issue with output rendered from custom fields containing nested Articles Anywhere tags from being handled too early (causing mixing of article data)
  • Fixes issue with plugin being handled inside frontend module edit form
  • Fixes issue with plugin not running on AcyMailing archive pages

Articles Anywhere
10.3.2 28 August 2020

  • Fixes issue with no output being generated when Joomla debugging is on
  • PRO Fixes issue with php error about unknown column when using both one_per_category="true" and an ordering of something else than the article data

Articles Anywhere
10.3.1 19 August 2020

  • Fixes issue with modal popups not respecting right-to-left languages
  • Fixes issue with php notice about too few arguments passed to function onContentPrepare

Articles Anywhere
10.3.0 17 August 2020

  • PRO Adds ability to use in array checks in if statements, like {if color IN ['blue', 'red', 'green']}
  • Preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility
  • PRO Fixes issue with tags="current" no longer working
  • PRO Fixes issue with filtering by tag ids not working anymore since v10.2.1 (now works for both ID and alias)
  • PRO Fixes issue with ordering not working correctly when using one_per_category="true"
  • PRO Fixes issue with some 3rd party assignments not working correctly (due to changes in request data)

Articles Anywhere
10.2.1 27 July 2020

  • PRO Fixes issue with filtering by numeric tag names not working

Articles Anywhere
10.2.0 21 June 2020

  • Adds extra css class to editor buttons which can be used for custom styling
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, tr-TR
  • PRO Fixes issue with content images with a query string not being found through [image-x] tags
  • PRO Fixes issue with data of nested articles not getting collected correctly when using pagination

Articles Anywhere
10.1.4 26 March 2020

  • Updates translations: nl-NL
  • Fixes issue with Data Tags that should show '0', showing nothing
  • Fixes issue with character limits on text data tags not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with from-to date filters not working

Articles Anywhere
10.1.3 11 March 2020

  • Fixes issue with plugin running on SP PageBuilder edit forms (which it shouldn't)
  • Fixes issue with special character getting weird encodings on some setups

Articles Anywhere
10.1.2 20 February 2020

  • Fixes issue with plugin running on Gridbox edit forms (which it shouldn't)
  • FREE Fixes fatal 1064 error on all pages using Articles Anywhere

Articles Anywhere
10.1.1 20 February 2020

  • Fixes issue with php warning about invalid argument for foreach in CurrentArticle.php
  • Fixes issue with whitespace being removed around content between the tags
  • PRO Fixes issue with tags="this:tags" filter not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with empty pagination html being output when there are no extra pages
  • PRO Fixes issue with page breaking when trying to resize a non-supported image with faulty file extension

Articles Anywhere
10.1.0 29 January 2020

  • Makes it possible to also use strip and limit options on text data tags when using the page="..." attribute
  • Fixes issue with getting specific pages from text using page="..." attribute not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with special character getting weird encodings on some setups
  • PRO Fixes issue with database errors when trying to order on date fields and using MySQL 8

Articles Anywhere
10.0.1 11 January 2020

  • Fixes issue with tags not getting processed in some modules/components
  • PRO Fixes issue with layout="true" attribute on custom fields Data Tags STILL not working correctly (sowwy!)

Articles Anywhere
10.0.0 24 December 2019

  • PRO Adds ability to have filters only pass when all given tags match, by using a plus instead of comma
  • PRO Adds ability to override the auto title/alt case setting for images in the Data Tag via auto_titles_case="..."
  • PRO Adds ability to override the auto title/alt setting for images in the Data Tag via auto_titles="..."
  • PRO Removes ability to not use the results limit
  • Changes some number fields in the settings to also show a range slider
  • Improves handling of nested {article} and {articles} tags
  • Prevents cache being used when Joomla debugging is switched on
  • PRO Sets the results limit to 100 by default
  • Fixes issue with broken links in action log entries
  • Fixes issue with tags not always getting handled during the onAfterDispatch event
  • PRO Fixes issue with layout="true" attribute on custom fields Data Tags not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with output of image tags with attribute output="value" or clean="true" not taking into account the resizing

Articles Anywhere
9.5.1 14 October 2019

  • Updates translations: ru-RU
  • FREE Fixes issue with installation not going well when installing Free version when the Pro version is already installed

Articles Anywhere
9.5.0 03 October 2019

  • PRO Adds ability to use reserved attribute keys (like type and limit) as field filters by prepending it with 'field:'
  • Makes it possible to place plugin and data tag attribute values in single quotes instead of double quotes (can be useful when used inside html attribute values)
  • Fixes issue with [input:...] data fields not return empty when not being set
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom field data tags sometimes outputting the raw data when also used in if checks

Articles Anywhere
9.4.2 09 September 2019

  • PRO Fixes issue with Data Tags of empty custom fields not being replaced

Articles Anywhere
9.4.1 09 September 2019

  • PRO Fixes issue with potential php notices about undefined properties in CustomFields
  • PRO Fixes issue with quoted values in if statements being interpreted as field names in some cases

Articles Anywhere
9.4.0 07 September 2019

  • More nifty things in Articles Anywhere!

    For the full details, check out the blog post.
  • PRO Adds ability to reference data from other items using their count number, like [3:title]
  • PRO Adds ability to set a minimum to return items in the {articles} tag
  • Updates translations: it-IT
  • Fixes issue with references to [this:...] data not working correctly in search pages
  • PRO Fixes issue with rawvalue in custom fields not being defined when using custom layouts

Articles Anywhere
9.3.5 05 August 2019

  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • PRO Fixes issue with incorrect time offset on custom field dates

Articles Anywhere
9.3.4 21 June 2019

  • Fixes issue with PHP warning when using in combination with custom fields (in some cases)
  • Fixes issue with Smart Search indexer not being able to finish in some cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with offset not working when no limit is set

Articles Anywhere
9.3.3 12 June 2019

  • FREE Fixes issue with fatal php error

Articles Anywhere
9.3.2 11 June 2019

  • Fixes issue with endless looping when using tags in some custom fields
  • Fixes issue with no output when using current id on unpublished articles
  • Fixes issue with non-alphanum characters not working in url values
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain AcyMailing pages
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain HikaShop pages
  • Fixes issue with surrounding html tags sometimes getting stripped if article(s) tag has no output

Articles Anywhere
9.3.1 18 May 2019

  • Fixes issue with fatal error concerning Call to a member function get() on null

Articles Anywhere
9.3.0 18 May 2019

  • Adds ability to us this:... values to also work with param and custom field values

Articles Anywhere
9.2.0 08 May 2019

  • Pagination has arrived in Articles Anywhere!

    For the full details on the new features, check out the blog post.
  • Adds ability to override the adding of the ellipsis using the use_ellipsis="..." attribute
  • PRO Adds ability to add automatic pagination to the output of {articles} tags
  • PRO Adds ability to add extra Registered URL Parameters (which should trigger new caches)
  • PRO Adds ability to set the default 'Include Child Categories' setting in the plugin
  • PRO Adds extra Number Data Tags that do not have the pagination limits applied, like [total_no_pagination], [count_no_pagination], [first_no_pagination] and [last_no_pagination]
  • PRO Adds pagination specific Number Data Tags, like [pages], [page] and [per_page]
  • Updates translations: de-DE
  • Fixes issue with html structure breaking when limiting text which contains divs by paragraphs
  • PRO Fixes issue with input:... values containing special characters in default value not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with input:... values not working in ordering

Articles Anywhere
9.1.1 06 April 2019

  • Adds translations: zh-CN
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with paragraph tags getting stripped in some cases
  • Fixes issue with php message being thrown concerning Undefined property $id
  • PRO Fixes issue with output="value" not overriding the general layout setting in custom fields
  • PRO Fixes issue with full image tag not being passed to layout overrides on custom media fields

Articles Anywhere
9.1.0 17 March 2019

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.8.0 to Joomla 3.9.0
  • PRO Renames 'Crop' option to 'Resize Type' with a 'Scale' or 'Crop' value
  • Fixes issue with 'IN' checks in if structures not working when item has multiple values
  • Fixes issue with format on custom field date fields not working in some cases
  • Fixes issue with multiple negative filters not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with plugin tags not working correctly when using different than default tag characters in some cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with ">" and "<=" operators not working correctly on date fields
  • PRO Fixes issue with layouts set in the tag on custom fields of type Media not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with some category data returning empty in some cases

Articles Anywhere
9.0.0 26 February 2019

  • Adds ability to offset the number of the heading tags in text data tags using for instance offset_headings="2" (converts H1 to H3, etc)
  • Adds ability to use and override the layout of [image-intro] and [image-fulltext]
  • Adds ability to use text functions on metakey and metadesc values
  • PRO Adds ability to add an auto-generated title (and alt) to a image based on the file name or article title
  • PRO Adds ability to check rendered output of a custom field in {if} tags using {if my-custom-field:output}...{/if}
  • PRO Adds ability to filter articles by Month, Year and Date Ranges as part of date filters (core and custom fields)
  • PRO Adds ability to limit articles returned per category to 1, using one_per_category="true"
  • PRO Adds ability to nest tags by using an extra id, like {articles-nested ...}...{/articles-nested}
  • PRO Adds ability to order by category-ordering
  • PRO Adds ability to order by custom field values
  • PRO Adds ability to order by multiple fields, like order="category ASC, my-custom-field DESC"
  • PRO Adds ability to order by the featured ordering number using ordering="featured-ordering"
  • PRO Adds ability to output the featured ordering number using [featured-ordering]
  • Improves the default html output for images
  • Updates translations: et-EE
  • PRO Adds 'Category', 'Created By', and 'Modified By' to the default ordering option
  • PRO Improves handling of date filters and values in core and custom fields
  • PRO Improves handling of relative dates and custom formats in filters and if structures
  • PRO Makes foobar="!" or foobar="+" filters return all articles where the field is not empty
  • PRO Makes empty filters return all articles without a value set in fields or where field doesn't exist
  • PRO Makes items with empty values in ordering be listed as last
  • Fixes issue with 404 errors when calling nested articles with mixed publish states
  • Fixes issue with date fields not outputting correctly in some cases when using format attribute
  • Fixes issue with page timing out when creating loops (article text of current article being placed)
  • PRO Fixes issue with articles="!current" filter resulting in empty results on some pages
  • PRO Fixes issue with not all articles being returned when using no filters

Articles Anywhere
8.5.2 15 December 2018

  • Updates translations: et-EE
  • Fixes issue with php warning about 'continue' on php 7.3

Articles Anywhere
8.5.1 09 December 2018

  • PRO Fixes issue with dynamic date() values not returning correct full date string

Articles Anywhere
8.5.0 28 November 2018

  • PRO Adds ability for simple (-, +, *, /) calculations on numeric Number data tags
  • PRO Adds ability to use relative dates and custom formats in filters and if structures, like date('yesterday') or date('-1 year', 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
  • Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
  • Improves way Regular Labs Library scripts and styles are loaded on admin side
  • Refactors some code
  • Updates translations: pt-BR
  • Fixes issue with article tag not always returning details of correct article
  • Fixes issue with errors concerning files not existing in src/Components/Default folders on some setups
  • Fixes issue with value_layout attribute not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom field date values not getting translated
  • PRO Fixes issue with filters using NOW on custom date fields not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with if checks on dates not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issues with empty filters returning all articles instead of none
  • PRO Fixes issues with empty key/value pairs in arrays being passed to value layouts

Articles Anywhere
8.4.1 29 October 2018

  • PRO Fixes issue with user:..., this:... and input:... values not working in custom field filters

Articles Anywhere
8.4.0 28 October 2018

  • Adds ability to override the "Force Content Triggers" in the [layout] data tag using content_triggers="true" (or false)
  • Adds ability to simply use layout="name-of-the-layout" to output custom fields with a different layout
  • Adds ability to use layout="default" to output custom fields with the default Joomla! layout
  • Adds extra option to the Tag Characters setting («...»)
  • Adds support of new Custom Field Layout setting (introduced in Joomla 3.9) when displaying custom fields
  • PRO Adds ability to filter by input (get/post) values, using input:... syntax
  • PRO Adds ability to set thumbnail attributes on custom fields with image type media (like the image data tags)
  • Updates translations: de-DE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with content in Yootheme Pro templates not working in some cases (because of a jacked up way Yootheme is storing data in the fulltext property!)
  • PRO Fixes issue with fatal errors on K2 items
  • PRO Fixes issue with showtime setting on calendar fields not being respected

Articles Anywhere
8.3.1 02 October 2018

  • Fixes issue with content sometimes getting duplicated on K2 items

Articles Anywhere
8.3.0 02 October 2018

  • Adds ability to set an outer class on images via the outer-class="" attribute
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.7.0 to Joomla 3.8.0
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with incorrect output when nesting articles using Articles Anywhere tags
  • Fixes issue with tags not always being handled at article prepare stage
  • PRO Fixes issue with Security disable settings not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with force content triggers not running on outputs on individual articles in a list

Articles Anywhere
8.2.2 17 September 2018

  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • PRO Adds include_sub_categories as alias for the include_child_categories attribute
  • PRO Fixes issue with tabs in system plugin settings not working correctly

Articles Anywhere
8.2.1 07 September 2018

  • Fixes potential SECURITY issue concerning cross site scripting via editor button popup
  • PRO Fixes issue with resize not working on internal images using full urls in the src attribute

Articles Anywhere
8.2.0 01 September 2018

  • PRO Adds ability to also use include_child_categories="true" when excluding categories
  • PRO Adds ability to filter content images like: [image-1 filter="dog"] (supporting Regular Expressions)
  • PRO Adds ability to use the NOW value on date fields in the filters
  • PRO Adds automatic image resizing when using image data tags (see:
  • PRO Adds option to output a random content image with [image-random] (see:
  • Rearranges plugin options
  • Fixes issue with [link] tags generating invalid html (extra quote)
  • Fixes issue with some data fields using old names not working
  • Fixes issue with strip attribute replacing inline tags with spaces
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom text fields with comma's being interpreted as lists

Articles Anywhere
8.1.1 10 August 2018

  • PRO Fixes issue with some custom fields with multiple values only returning first value

Articles Anywhere
8.1.0 30 July 2018

  • Adds option to add the [link]...[/link] tags around the [title] via the editor button popup
  • Changes output of the editor button popup to place each data tag on a new line
  • Fixes issue with titles with comma's in {article} tag being interpreted as lists
  • PRO Fixes issue with calculations in if statements not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with database query error when excluding by tags that only have 1 item

Articles Anywhere
8.0.3 16 July 2018

  • Improves execution times by caching some query results in memory
  • PRO Fixes issue with filters not working correctly if dynamic value returns empty

Articles Anywhere
8.0.2 14 July 2018

  • PRO Fixes issue with ordering not working when passing list of article ids

Articles Anywhere
8.0.1 06 July 2018

  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • PRO Fixes issue with [edit] links not showing for non-administrators with edit rights
  • PRO Fixes issue with negative filters on categories and tags not working correctly

Articles Anywhere
8.0.0 03 July 2018

  • Adds [is_published] value, which can also be used in If structures
  • PRO Adds [edit-link]...[/edit-link] tags
  • PRO Adds ability to filter on current article data like my-custom-field="this:id"
  • PRO Adds ability to output current article data like [this:id], [this:title], etc (see:
  • PRO Adds ability to override the class of the edit link via the tag
  • PRO Adds ability to use '*' wildcard in custom field filters in the {articles} tag
  • PRO Adds option to use K2 content (off by default)
  • PRO Adds support for filtering by K2 tags
  • Removes quick options for the [div] tags (will still work, but no longer documented or encouraged)
  • Changes names for many data tags to use '-' instead of '_' (...-url, ...-sefurl, ...-link, author-..., modifier-..., category-..., every-..., is-...-of-...)
  • Changes the [layout] data tag to [article] ([layout] still works as an alias)
  • Makes editor button output no [article] data tag when no settings are selected
  • Renames "Layout" title in editor button popup to "Full Article"
  • PRO Changes the [edit] data tag to output a button (class="btn") with icon instead
  • Fixes issue with html getting messed up in some cases
  • FREE Fixes [category-id], [category-title], [category-alias] and [category-description] not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 [extra-...] tags not getting removed if the field has no value
  • PRO Fixes issue with edit url not working in some cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with empty attribute not working anymore
  • PRO Fixes issue with filters using not empty (foobar!="") not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with some filters not working with value "false"

Articles Anywhere
7.6.1 02 June 2018

  • Fixes issue with php errors on edit pages when using php 5.4
  • FREE Fixes issue with [image-intro] and [image-fulltext] not working anymore
  • PRO Fixes issue with [image-fulltext] returning the Intro image instead

Articles Anywhere
7.6.0 30 May 2018

  • Adds ability to get the number values [next], [previous], [has_next] and [has_previous]
  • Adds ability to get vimeo videos and data (like id, url) via data tags
  • Adds ability to get youtube videos and data (like id, url, thumbnail) via data tags
  • Adds ability to set NOT operator in filters, like foobar="!123"
  • Adds ability to set greater/smaller than operator in filters, like foobar=">123" and foobar="<=123"
  • Adds translations: fi-FI
  • PRO Adds aliases for the '&&' set separator, so you can now also use '||', 'OR' and 'AND' (all do the same)
  • Fixes issue with [text] data tag sometimes outputting data of previous data tag
  • Fixes issue with tags sometimes not getting handled when found after comment tags with certain syntax
  • PRO Fixes multiple filter sets in articles tag not working

Articles Anywhere
7.5.8 02 May 2018

  • FREE Fixes issue with php error about undefined getImageHtmlWithAttributes

Articles Anywhere
7.5.7 30 April 2018

  • Fixes issue with extra attributes not taking any effect on [intro-image] and [intro-fulltext] tags
  • Fixes issue with plugin tags inside html comments being converted
  • PRO Fixes issue with errors when filtering by tags using K2 items

Articles Anywhere
7.5.6 30 March 2018

  • Fixes issue with custom field labels and value names not being parsed through the language files

Articles Anywhere
7.5.5 27 March 2018

  • Fixes issue with current article being selectable in frontend content edit form
  • Fixes issue with references to the current article on blog pages always returning the first article

Articles Anywhere
7.5.4 21 March 2018

  • Fixes issue with incorrect code example in plugin description text
  • PRO Fixes issue with errors when setting ordering to invalid value (defaults to title)

Articles Anywhere
7.5.3 26 February 2018

  • Updates translations: es-ES
  • Fixes issue with {article current} outputting multiple articles in some cases

Articles Anywhere
7.5.2 20 February 2018

  • Fixes issue with Use Query Cache setting not working (always defaulting to Yes)
  • Fixes issue with current article tags not being handled in category blogs correctly
  • Fixes some language string typos and issues
  • PRO Fixes issue with text tag attributes not working on category title and description

Articles Anywhere
7.5.1 24 January 2018

  • PRO Fixes issue with custom layout for custom fields not working

Articles Anywhere
7.5.0 22 January 2018

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.6.0 to Joomla 3.7.0
  • Fixes issue with html breaking when limiting texts with html structures

Articles Anywhere
7.4.2 04 January 2018

  • Fixes some javascript issues in admin side (again!)

Articles Anywhere
7.4.1 04 January 2018

  • Fixes some javascript issues in admin side

Articles Anywhere
7.4.0 31 December 2017

  • Adds support for page breaks via page="..." in text data tags
  • PRO Adds ability to use label="true" and label="only" on K2 extra field data tags
  • PRO Adds ability to use output="value" on K2 extra field data tags
  • Updates translations: de-DE
  • Fixes issue with IN array checks in if statements not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom field tags not outputting correct values in some cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with some custom fields (that rely on current article data) not outputting correctly

Articles Anywhere
7.3.1 04 December 2017

  • Updates translations: ru-RU
  • Fixes issue with fatal errors when the Fields plugin is disabled
  • PRO Fixes issue with readmore tag sometimes not returning correct url

Articles Anywhere
7.3.0 25 November 2017

  • Adds ability to override attributes in image data tags
  • Adds ability to set a suffix in image data tags
  • Fixes issue with data tags of nested articles getting replaced with first article data
  • PRO Fixes issue with Disable On Components option not working
  • PRO Improves support for non-standard custom field types

Articles Anywhere
7.2.3 06 November 2017

  • PRO Fixes issue with image/thumb data tags not working for K2 items
  • PRO Fixes issue with ordering not working when passing list of article ids

Articles Anywhere
7.2.2 29 October 2017

  • Fixes issue with [has_access] value not working
  • Fixes issue with undefined property stdClass::$afterDisplayTitle notice when using the layout output
  • PRO Fixes issue with [link] and [url] data tags outputting wrong data for K2 items
  • PRO Fixes issue with database query errors when getting category data from K2 items
  • PRO Fixes issue with ignore_access and ignore_language attributes not working for K2 items

Articles Anywhere
7.2.1 22 October 2017

  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with articles with comma in the title not working when used in {article} tag

Articles Anywhere
7.2.0 18 October 2017

  • Adds option to set database query caching time
  • Adds option to switch off database query caching
  • Removes database query caching for queries with ordering random
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • PRO Fixes issue with empty custom field image values returning true

Articles Anywhere
7.1.0 11 October 2017

  • Adds ability to output the option values instead of the names for custom fields with output="value"
  • Adds ability to set a separator attribute in the {articles} tag
  • Updates translations: da-DK
  • Fixes issue with article link data (like urla) not working
  • Fixes issue with empty custom fields causing data tag to not get replaced
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 extra-x data tags not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom fields not outputting default value when empty
  • PRO Fixes issue with ordering being applied when it shouldn't

Articles Anywhere
7.0.2 03 October 2017

  • Fixes issue expired articles showing when publish state should not be ignored
  • PRO Fixes issue with Default Maximum Articles setting not working
  • PRO Fixes limit range not working

Articles Anywhere
7.0.1 29 September 2017

  • Fixes issue with plugin tags not getting replaced in some cases
  • FREE Fixes issue with fatal errors on in free version
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 'current' not working

Articles Anywhere
7.0.0 27 September 2017

  • Adds ability to output user data like [user:id], [user:name], etc
  • PRO Adds ability to also get articles from child categories with include_child_categories="true"
  • PRO Adds ability to create category links with [category_link]...[/category_link]
  • PRO Adds ability to filter on user data like created_by="user:id"
  • PRO Adds ability to get articles by multiple filters in {articles} tag
  • PRO Adds ability to get articles by simple extra fields
  • PRO Adds ability to get articles by simple fields like created_by and modified_by
  • PRO Adds ability to get the category url with [category_url] and [category_sefurl]
  • PRO Adds ability to get the total number of articles found before the limit is applied using [total_before_limit]
  • PRO Adds ability to output the category image url or tag via [category_image] and [category-image]
  • PRO Adds ability to set a custom layout file for the custom fields and custom fields values
  • Removes legacy data tag format
  • Completely recoded the plugin from scratch
  • Updates translations: de-DE, uk-UA
  • PRO Fixes issue with Joomla updater not seeing new Pro versions after upgrading from Free to Pro

Articles Anywhere
6.3.0 03 August 2017

  • Adds ability to output the category description with data tag [cat_description]

Articles Anywhere
6.2.1 26 July 2017

  • Adds alias 'delimiter' to separator attribute
  • Adds alias 'separator' to delimiter attribute
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with editor button popup not working and throwing errors

Articles Anywhere
6.2.0 13 July 2017

  • Adds option to insert the [layout] tag via the editor button
  • PRO Adds ability to use tag="current" which will return articles that have one or more of the current article tags
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • PRO Fixes issue with category="current" not working in category descriptions

Articles Anywhere
6.1.1 05 July 2017

  • Improves styling of editor button popup
  • Improves the way the system plugin methods gets called
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ
  • PRO Makes a custom image field return the plain url when using the clean="true" attribute
  • PRO Fixes issue with multiple articles tag using wild cards only returning 1 article

Articles Anywhere
6.1.0 21 June 2017

  • PRO Adds ability to also use custom field keys in if checks
  • PRO Adds ability to output K2 extra field label with label="true" and label="only" attribute
  • PRO Adds ability to set the delimiter for custom fields with multiple values
  • Updates translations: id-ID, it-IT, sv-SE
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom fields with multiple values only returning first selected option
  • PRO Fixes issue with media custom field outputting image url instead of image tag

Articles Anywhere
6.0.6 11 May 2017

  • Fixes issue with paragraph tags sometimes being added to output

Articles Anywhere
6.0.5 11 May 2017

  • Fixes issue with current article not being found when using BreezingForms
  • Fixes issue with potential jQuery error in editor popup on some setups
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom field not outputting default value

Articles Anywhere
6.0.4 28 April 2017

  • PRO Fixes issue with custom fields returning data tag when value is empty

Articles Anywhere
6.0.3 20 April 2017

  • Fixes issue with fatal error when using Show Title on read more links
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 urls not working

Articles Anywhere
6.0.2 13 April 2017

  • Fixes issue with fatal error when trying to include a single article that has no access

Articles Anywhere
6.0.1 12 April 2017

  • FREE Fixes issue with fatal error in Items.php

Articles Anywhere
6.0.0 12 April 2017

  • Adds option to not let Articles Anywhere fix the html structure it outputs
  • PRO Adds ability to use category="current" in articles tag
  • PRO Adds option to output tags as simple text (not links) using strip="true"
  • PRO Adds support for limiting/stripping extra text-type fields
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.4.1 to Joomla 3.6.0
  • Changes minimum requirement from php 5.3.13 to php 5.4
  • Completely recoded the extension and Regular Labs Library (now using namespaces)
  • Disables core Article editor button plugin on installation
  • Enables core Article editor button plugin on un-installation
  • Improves handling of surrounding html tags
  • Improves rendering speed
  • Updates translations: id-ID, tr-TR, uk-UA
  • Fixes issue with SobiPro edit forms not being protected from plugin handling
  • Fixes issue with inline javascripts potentially causing html structure breaks
  • PRO Fixes issue with [tags] generating the clean tags output and [tags clean="true"] generating the layout output
  • PRO Fixes issue with extra fields that have an alias starting with 'text' returning main text
  • PRO Fixes issue with updates via core installer sometimes failing

Articles Anywhere
5.10.0 04 December 2016

  • Adds option to not automatically fix html syntax
  • Updates translations: de-DE
  • Fixes issue with Regular Labs Library plugin causing slowness in administrator when 'Show Help Menu Item' is enabled

Articles Anywhere
5.9.0 21 November 2016

  • Adds ability to check dates against keyword NOW
  • PRO Adds support for custom fields (will be added to Joomla 3.7)
  • Improves loading speed on pages with large forms
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with editor button popup not working when core.edit.own ACL setting does not pass
  • Fixes issue with links to settings/plugins not being correct when non-English language uses different extension names
  • Fixes issues with page breaking when Regular Labs Library folder is missing

Articles Anywhere
5.8.3 24 October 2016

  • Fixes issue with empty intro/full image tag being output when no image is set
  • Fixes issue with layout throwing 500 error in print page on some extensions/templates
  • Fixes issue with tags not being handled in pdfs

Articles Anywhere
5.8.2 13 October 2016

  • Fixes issue with not all content generated via Articles Anywhere being passed through content plugins when force option is set
  • PRO Fixes issue with extra data (images/links/etc) sometimes not being correct when using {articles} tag

Articles Anywhere
5.8.1 06 October 2016

  • Fixes issue with parameters with value false or 0 not working correctly

Articles Anywhere
5.8.0 30 September 2016

  • Adds ability to add the [image-intro] tag via editor button
  • Adds ability to place the title in a heading tag via editor button
  • Adds translations: nl-BE
  • Fixes issue with articles not being output of categories with restricted language/access
  • Fixes issue with error about array_shift when using the [tags] data tag
  • Fixes issue with errors showing when editing an article in some cases

Articles Anywhere
5.7.3 05 September 2016

  • Fixes issue with administrator returning blank on some setups

Articles Anywhere
5.7.2 03 September 2016

  • PRO Fixes issue with negative if checks on first/last/etc not working in k2 if value is false

Articles Anywhere
5.7.1 03 September 2016

  • Fixes issue with &lt; and &gt; getting converted to < and > characters in output
  • Fixes issue with articles showing that have restricted states/access on parent categories
  • Fixes issue with if checks on first/last/etc not working

Articles Anywhere
5.7.0 29 August 2016

  • Adds ability to do if checks with greater/lesser than operators
  • PRO Adds ability to use image keys in if checks
  • PRO Adds support for data tags: [image_count]

Articles Anywhere
5.6.1 17 August 2016

  • Fixes issue with quotes inside the tags not getting interpreted correctly when using some editors (JoomlaCK)
  • Fixes issue with some data sometimes getting converted to dates hen they shouldn't
  • Fixes issue with utf8 characters sometimes being converted to html entities
  • PRO Fixes issue with extra values not working in if statements

Articles Anywhere
5.6.0 08 August 2016

  • Adds support for data tags: [cat_id], [author_id], [author_name]
  • Improves rendering speed
  • Fixes issue with current article sometimes not returning correct one when used in modules
  • Fixes issue with potential looping when having nested articles
  • PRO Fixes issue with limit not working on featured items

Articles Anywhere
5.5.10 14 July 2016

  • FREE Fixes issue with [layout] data tag not working

Articles Anywhere
5.5.9 13 July 2016

  • Fixes issue with editor button popup throwing error in Joomla 3.6

Articles Anywhere
5.5.8 09 July 2016

  • Fixes issue with articles with titles containing special characters not being found on some setups
  • Fixes issue with current article tags showing incorrect data in category blog views

Articles Anywhere
5.5.7 27 June 2016

  • PRO Fixes issue with fatal error about redeclaring class K2ModelItem on some setups

Articles Anywhere
5.5.6 27 June 2016

  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • PRO Fixes issue with fatal error about member function hit() on boolean when using K2 items
  • PRO Fixes issue with images-x tags returning first article images when using multiple article tags

Articles Anywhere
5.5.5 16 June 2016

  • PRO Fixes issue with old category syntax not working anymore

Articles Anywhere
5.5.4 15 June 2016

  • Fixes issue with date format overrides not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with fatal errors regarding function hit() when using 3rd party extensions that override ContentModelArticle

Articles Anywhere
5.5.3 14 June 2016

  • Fixes issue with fatal errors regarding function hit()

Articles Anywhere
5.5.2 14 June 2016

  • Fixes issue with surrounding html elements getting stripped

Articles Anywhere
5.5.1 14 June 2016

  • Fixes issue with fatal error if some other extension is overruling the ContentModelArticle class

Articles Anywhere
5.5.0 10 June 2016

  • Adds ability to also filter articles by category AND title
  • Adds option to increase the hits counter when using the [text] or [fulltext] data tags (default on)
  • Adds translations: tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with php and plugin tag code inside articles breaking

Articles Anywhere
5.4.0 28 May 2016

  • Adds ability to check if article is current article using {if current} and [current]
  • Adds option to output category title and alias via data tags: [cat_title] and [cat_alias]
  • Updates translations: da-DK
  • Fixes issue with inline scripts and styles not being output in texts
  • Fixes issue with new syntax not working when editor converts quotes to html entities
  • Fixes issue with template override for default article view not working for the layout tag

Articles Anywhere
5.3.0 21 May 2016

  • Adds ability to output the SEF url with [sefurl]
  • Adds option to force pass the layout output through the content plugins
  • Fixes issue wit [layout] throwing fatal error when article as empty layout saved
  • Fixes issue with wrong articles being output when using ids and other article contains id in title/alias

Articles Anywhere
5.2.4 16 May 2016

  • Yep, second release in a day
  • Fixes issue with [url] on current article return the login url

Articles Anywhere
5.2.3 16 May 2016

  • Fixes issue with total, count, even, uneven, first and last values not being set
  • Fixes issue with page breaking when using <= or >= in if statements

Articles Anywhere
5.2.2 13 May 2016

  • PRO Fixes issue with category selection not working when also using featured="true"

Articles Anywhere
5.2.1 04 May 2016

  • Fixes issues with html tags breaking when placing links around divs

Articles Anywhere
5.2.0 29 April 2016

  • Adds ability to use empty {article} tag to reference current article
  • Makes {article} tags without any datatags output the layout by default
  • Fixes issue with <p> tags being placed around simple values
  • Fixes issue with empty em/span tags getting stripped when php tidy and are not enabled

Articles Anywhere
5.1.1 28 April 2016

  • Fixes more issues with broken html when using divs

Articles Anywhere
5.1.0 26 April 2016

  • Adds ability to set a text via empty="..." if no articles are found for the tag
  • Fixes issues with broken html when using divs
  • PRO Fixes issue with articles with comma's in the title not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with layout tag not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with query error in K2 items using tags
  • PRO Fixes issue with query error when using old syntax with a ':' in the title

Articles Anywhere
5.0.2 22 April 2016

  • PRO Fixes issue with old k2:id syntax not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with query error in K2 items

Articles Anywhere
5.0.1 21 April 2016

  • Fixes issue with fatal error on feeds
  • Fixes issues with broken html
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 tags causing php errors

Articles Anywhere
5.0.0 16 April 2016

  • Changes tag syntax to use html style attributes (still works with old style too)
  • Moves from NoNumber to Regular Labs branding

Articles Anywhere
4.3.1 17 March 2016

  • Fixes issue with parse error about unexpected '[' on some setups

Articles Anywhere
4.3.0 16 March 2016

  • Adds ability to trim the title, like: [title:20]
  • FREE Makes div tag options available in Free version
  • Adds version number to own css/js files
  • Improves handling of AcyMailing pages
  • Makes the url/link tags use the login url on articles with restricted access
  • Updates some HTML syntax
  • PRO Fixes issue with count, first, last, even, uneven variables not working in k2 items

Articles Anywhere
4.2.1 17 February 2016

  • Fixes issue with if/else using data tag character instead of normal tag character

Articles Anywhere
4.2.0 16 February 2016

  • Adds ability to use has_access in ifs
  • Changes default data tag characters to [...] instead of {...}
  • Fixes issue with div tags being surrounded by tag character instead of data tag character
  • Fixes issue with search on alias not working in editor popup window
  • Fixes issue with smart search (finder) indexing breaking
  • PRO Fixes issue with database query error when trying to get articles of non-existent category

Articles Anywhere
4.1.6 28 January 2016

  • Updates translations: pl-PL
  • Fixes issue with errors when article title has a ':' in it
  • Fixes issue with plugin tags not being converted in smart search (finder)
  • Fixes issues with Joomla 3.5 and php7 compatibility
  • PRO Fixes issue with extra image fields returning empty

Articles Anywhere
4.1.5 16 November 2015

  • Made {readmore} tag use the core readmore layout for output
  • Fixes issue with tags being converted in edit forms

Articles Anywhere
4.1.4 03 November 2015

  • Fixes issue with tags not getting interpreted

Articles Anywhere
4.1.3 03 November 2015

  • Fixes issue with missing language files for the editor button
  • Fixes issue with regular expressions not working on some php versions (5.6.14)
  • Fixes issue with tag character being replaced with 0 through editor button popup after doing a search

Articles Anywhere
4.1.2 12 October 2015

  • Improves matching of data tags inside other { and } characters
  • Updates translations: uk-UA

Articles Anywhere
4.1.1 05 October 2015

  • PRO Fixes issue with multiple articles tag not working

Articles Anywhere
4.1.0 01 October 2015

  • Adds ability to change the surrounding tag syntax characters
  • Improves handling of surrounding html tags
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ, it-IT, ja-JP, sl-SI
  • Fixes issue with NoNumber Framework not always getting installed
  • Fixes issue with page breaking when using some types of plugin tags within the article
  • PRO Fixes issue with {thumb} returning large image

Articles Anywhere
4.0.3 10 August 2015

  • Fixes issue with missing language strings in editor button popup

Articles Anywhere
4.0.2 09 August 2015

  • Fixes issue with php error about call to a member function get() on a non-object on some components

Articles Anywhere
4.0.1 07 August 2015

  • Fixes issue with uninstallation getting into a loop
  • Fixes issue with upgrading not working

Articles Anywhere
4.0.0 02 August 2015

  • J2.5 Removes Joomla 2.5 support
  • Changes minimum requirement to Joomla version 3.4.1
  • Recodes the installer
  • Fixes issue with error about ContentHelperRoute not found in some situations

Articles Anywhere
3.10.0 18 May 2015

  • J3PRO Adds ability to output entire article layouts
  • J3 Fixes issue with surrounding whitespace being stripped
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with {image-intro} using img-fulltext class

Articles Anywhere
3.9.1 08 April 2015

  • J3PRO Adds support for {image} and {thumb} for K2 items
  • J3FREE Fixes issue with error about undefined property articles_tag and disable_components

Articles Anywhere
3.9.0 04 April 2015

  • J3 Adds ability to check for tags in if statements ('My tag' IN tags)
  • J3 Adds ability to use {total} tag to return the total number of articles found
  • J3 Adds ability to use wildcards in if statements (title = '*foobar+')
  • Updates translations: el-GR
  • J3 Improves handling of if statements
  • J3 Improves rendering speed on pages with large contents
  • Fixes issue with characters messing up on chinese text when stripping
  • J3 Fixes issue with editor button showing to users without edit/create permissions
  • J3 Fixes issue with searching by ID:xxx not working

Articles Anywhere
3.8.4 26 February 2015

  • Updates translations: uk-UA
  • PRO Fixes issue with components select list only saving one value
  • PRO Fixes issue with database errors when using articles tag with non-existent tag names

Articles Anywhere
3.8.3 30 January 2015

  • PRO Adds support for K2 multiselect extra fields
  • Fixes issue with default ordering not working

Articles Anywhere
3.8.2 12 January 2015

  • J3PRO Adds option to remove/keep plugin syntax on disabled components
  • Fixes issue with warning about empty needle
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 extra fields with type date not outputting anything
  • PRO Fixes issue with disable on components option not working

Articles Anywhere
3.8.1 08 January 2015

  • Fixes issue with Free version being able to be installed over the Pro version
  • PRO Fixes issue with {edit} link showing when not logged in

Articles Anywhere
3.8.0 03 January 2015

  • PRO Adds ability to use wildcards (*) in the articles tag to match titles/aliases
  • PRO Adds support for K2 in the multiple {articles} tag
  • PRO Adds support for showing articles by tags
  • PRO Adds support for showing the tags of an article via the {tags} tag
  • Removes compatibility for php versions under 5.3.13
  • J3 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.3.0
  • PRO Fixes issue with missing K2 extra-x fields leaving the tag untouched instead of returning empty
  • PRO Fixes issue with tags returning data from current article when category is empty

Articles Anywhere
3.7.3 03 December 2014

  • PRO Fixes issue with url and readmore urls of k2 items not being correct

Articles Anywhere
3.7.2 02 December 2014

  • PRO Adds ability to check for empty categories with {if:empty}
  • PRO Fixes issue with url and readmore tags not working with k2 items

Articles Anywhere
3.7.1 25 November 2014

  • Fixes issue with error about nnFile on installation on some setups
  • Fixes issue with surrounding p tags being stripped when they shouldn't
  • PRO Fixes issues with duplicate rows in update_sites table

Articles Anywhere
3.7.0 01 November 2014

  • PRO Adds ability to output images from article content with {image-1}, {image-2} tags
  • PRO Adds ability to use {elseif:...} tags in if statements
  • PRO Adds ability to use first/last values in the if tags
  • PRO Adds ability to use the count in the if tags
  • Refactors code
  • Fixes issue with plugin not being run over introtext/fulltext on onContentPrepare event
  • Fixes issue with plugin not working on jDownloads frontend view
  • Fixes issue with surrounding p and div tags not being handled correctly in some cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with not being able to check text in if tags

Articles Anywhere
3.6.1 27 August 2014

  • PRO Fixes issue with error on K2 item list in editor button popup

Articles Anywhere
3.6.0 16 August 2014

  • Improves handling (combining) of classes in p tags around tag and inside article
  • Refactors code
  • Updates translations: id-ID, et-EE, lt-LT, sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with plugin tags not being handled on content prepared ajax data
  • Fixes issue with tags being converted in com_myjspace edit forms
  • J2 Fixes issue with errors after upgrade to Joomla 3
  • J3 Fixes issue with tags not being handled in search results

Articles Anywhere
3.5.4 26 May 2014

  • Adds mbstring check to prevent mb_substr error on setups that don't have it enabled
  • Fixes issue with css inside inline style tags not being removed when using the stripping/limits on texts

Articles Anywhere
3.5.3 23 May 2014

  • J3 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.2.2
  • Updates translations: id-ID
  • Fixes issue with weird characters appearing when trimming text with special characters

Articles Anywhere
3.5.2 10 May 2014

  • Updates translations: id-ID
  • Fixes issue with html structure issues when tags are directly inside html 5 elements
  • PRO Fixes issue with too many articles showing when using more that 3 categories in articles tag

Articles Anywhere
3.5.1 11 April 2014

  • Adds ability to place more than just one condition in the if tags
  • Adds translations: id-ID
  • PRO Adds ability to override the ignore_state, ignore_access and ignore_language settings from the {articles} tag
  • Replaces the eval function with ob functions
  • Fixes issue with urls not being correct when using non-default languages
  • PRO Fixes issue with edit tag not working correctly for K2 items
  • PRO Fixes issue with error about K2HelperPermissions when using k2

Articles Anywhere
3.5.0 19 February 2014

  • PRO Adds support for the {counter} tag representing the article number in the articles tag
  • Improves rendering speed on list views
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, lt-LT, nl-NL, pt-BR, sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with Undefined offset error
  • Fixes issue with breaking of xml view of com_jmap
  • Fixes issue with feeds being broken
  • Fixes issue with some missing language strings in some occasions

Articles Anywhere
3.4.1 28 December 2013

  • J3 Fixes wrong version number in xml file

Articles Anywhere
3.4.0 27 December 2013

  • Adds option to ignore language assignments
  • Article will only be displayed when assigned to the active language (or all)
  • Fixes issue with tags being encoded in frontend edit views

Articles Anywhere
3.3.0 19 December 2013

  • Improves some code in NoNumber Framework which improves page load speed
  • Fixes issue with double <p> tags not being cleaned
  • SECURITY FIX: Fixes issue with editor button popup window being accessible to all registered users

Articles Anywhere
3.2.4 26 November 2013

  • Fixes installation error about duplicate entry on some MySQL 5.6 setups
  • J3.1 Fixes issue with fatal php error about using $this

Articles Anywhere
3.2.3 08 November 2013

  • J3.1 Fixes issue with modal popups not working

Articles Anywhere
3.2.2 07 November 2013

  • Fixes issue with header stuff (javascript/css) not always being added in category views
  • Fixes issue with tags in Sourcerer code being converted
  • Fixes issue with tags in some text and textarea fields being converted
  • J3 Fixes Joomla 3.2 compatibility issues

Articles Anywhere
3.2.1 09 October 2013

  • Adds translations: cs-CZ, da-DK, sr-RS
  • J3 Removes unused 'Enable ID tag' option
  • Changes javascript minification to use Google Closure
  • Made readmore text listen to show_readmore_title and readmore_limit config settings
  • Updates translations: ar-AA, ar-SA, de-DE, ja-JP
  • Fixes issue with comparisons in if statements not working correctly when text has spaces
  • Fixes issue with html in if tag not being decoded
  • Fixes issue with links to the main article in the included article not working
  • Fixes issue with opening tags not being converted on some setups
  • Fixes issue with tags not being handled when site has invalid html structure
  • Fixes issue with tags sometimes appearing in title tags and title attributes

Articles Anywhere
3.2.0 09 August 2013

  • J2 Removes compatibility for Joomla 2.5 versions lower than 2.5.10
  • J3.0 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions lower than 3.1.0
  • Updates translations: ru-RU
  • J2 Converts images in (editor) buttons to font icons
  • J3.0 Improves rendering speed on list views
  • J3 Fixes issue with editor button not getting styled correctly on TinyMCE

Articles Anywhere
3.1.6 24 May 2013

  • J3 Changes layout of editor button popup page a bit
  • Fixes issue with article security settings being applied to modules that have content prepare enabled
  • Fixes issue with search in K2 items not working correctly on some setups
  • J3 Fixes issue with error about getValue on config object

Articles Anywhere
3.1.5 15 May 2013

  • Updates translations: uk-UA
  • Fixes issue with spaces after article id/name causing it to not match

Articles Anywhere
3.1.4 28 March 2013

  • Changes messaging on installation on unsupported Joomla versions
  • Cleans up some code (syntax)
  • Updates translations: fa-IR, pl-PL

Articles Anywhere
3.1.3 27 February 2013

  • Adds translations: fa-IR
  • Updates translations: lt-LT, th-TH
  • Fixes issue with image-intro and image-fulltext not working
  • Fixes typo in language file for option "Ignore Article Access Level"

Articles Anywhere
3.1.2 12 February 2013

  • Adds support to show current article details outside article area (using {article current})
  • J2 Adds less files for generating css files
  • Removes redundant run_content_plugins option
  • Minifies css files
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, pl-PL, pt-BR
  • Fixes issue with extra parameters (attribs, images, url) not being available in if statements
  • Fixes some issues with installation breaking and throwing errors on some setups

Articles Anywhere
3.1.1 29 December 2012

  • Fixes error about XML setup file on first install

Articles Anywhere
3.1.0 24 December 2012

  • Cleans up code
  • Moves media files to Joomla media folder
  • Fixes issue with K2 items not being found with K2 2.6.2+

Articles Anywhere
3.0.3 11 December 2012

  • J2 Removes ability to install on Joomla versions lower than 2.5.7
  • Cleans up some code
  • J2 Fixes issue with errors about xml files on installation

Articles Anywhere
3.0.2 27 November 2012

  • J2 Fixes issue with errors in editor button popup

Articles Anywhere
3.0.1 14 November 2012

  • Improves getting menu id (Itemid) of parent categorie(s)
  • Fixes issue with error messages about XML file on installation on some setups

Articles Anywhere
3.0.0 11 November 2012

  • J3 Adds Joomla 3 support
  • J1.5 Removes Joomla 1.5 support
  • PRO Fixes issue with spaces in category params (ordering) not working

Articles Anywhere
2.4.6 16 October 2012

  • J1.5PRO Fixes issue with k2 not being recognized when upgraded to K2 2.6.0
  • J2 Fixes issue with pagination for K2 list in popup not working correctly

Articles Anywhere
2.4.5 10 October 2012

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with NoNumber Framework breaking pages that do assignment checks

Articles Anywhere
2.4.4 10 October 2012

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with error message about NNFrameworkFunctions

Articles Anywhere
2.4.3 09 October 2012

  • Adds option to strip images from text tags with attribute noimages
  • Updates translations: es-ES, fr-FR, sv-SE, th-TH
  • Fixes issue with tags being handled in edit for of jcal, jevent and some others
  • PRO Fixes issue with category list also trying to get blocked articles
  • PRO Fixes issue with k2 not being recognized when upgraded to K2 2.6.0
  • J2 Fixes issue with errors with Phoca PDF
  • J2 Fixes issue with notices about undefined variable

Articles Anywhere
2.4.2 10 September 2012

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with php warning about missing argument

Articles Anywhere
2.4.1 10 September 2012

  • J2 Made multiple articles by category order by descending date by default
  • J2 Fixes issue with php warning about missing argument

Articles Anywhere
2.4.0 06 September 2012

  • Adds ability to override the ignore_state and ignore_access settings from the tag
  • Adds option to ignore the articles access level
  • J2 Adds possibility to place image and url data via data tags
  • J2 Adds possibility to place image-intro and image-fulltext via data tags
  • Updates translations: et-EE, it-IT, nl-NL
  • PRO Fixes issue with random ordering not always showing first x number of articles

Articles Anywhere
2.3.2 20 July 2012

  • PRO Fixes issue with maximum number of articles when using categories not working correctly

Articles Anywhere
2.3.1 13 July 2012

  • Updates translations: nl-NL, ru-RU

Articles Anywhere
2.3.0 09 July 2012

  • PRO Adds ability to set the offset when using categories in the articles tag
  • PRO Adds option to set the maximum number of articles to return when using categories in the articles tag
  • Updates translations: nl-NL, zh-TW

Articles Anywhere
2.2.1 29 June 2012

  • Removes ability to install on Joomla 1.6 and 1.7
  • Cleans a lot of code
  • Made database queries multi-database compatible
  • Updates translations: pt-BR, sl-SI, th-TH
  • Fixes issue with tags being interpreted inside the Josetta form

Articles Anywhere
2.2.0 06 June 2012

  • PRO Adds ability to put id/name/alias of categories in the articles tag with 'cat:'
  • Removes ability to install on setups with php 5.2 or lower
  • Updates translations: pl-PL, sl-SI

Articles Anywhere
2.1.2 22 May 2012

  • J1.5FREE Fixes issue with PHP notice about undefined property articles_security_level

Articles Anywhere
2.1.1 15 May 2012

  • Fixes issue with nested article tags being outputted twice

Articles Anywhere
2.1.0 01 May 2012

  • Adds translations: zh-TW
  • Increases page load speed by changing how xml files are loaded

Articles Anywhere
2.0.3 24 April 2012

  • Improves protecting of edit forms to only protect fields (so tags work outside form fields)
  • Updates translations: ro-RO
  • Fixes issue with tags with underscores and/or dashes not being handled

Articles Anywhere
2.0.2 12 April 2012

  • Adds translations: et-EE
  • Updates translations: nl-NL, sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with language strings not being converted in editor button popup

Articles Anywhere
2.0.1 10 April 2012

  • SECURITY FIX: Fixes URL injection vulnerability in NoNumber Framework

Articles Anywhere
2.0.0 07 April 2012

  • Adds ability to output multiple articles with {articles} tag
  • Adds translations: nb-NO, pl-PL
  • Changes some language strings
  • Cleans up code syntax
  • Improves handling of other plugin style tags inside the {article} tags
  • Moves editor button settings to system plugin
  • Now available as Pro and Free version
  • J1.7+ Improves handling of tags in pdfs
  • Fixes issue with installer not removing the folder/zip from the tmp
  • J1.7+ Fixes styling issues in Editor Button popup

Articles Anywhere
1.13.5 09 January 2012

  • Updates translations: it-IT
  • Fixes issue with time offset setting not working correctly on date strings

Articles Anywhere
1.13.4 16 December 2011

  • Adds category and category_alias as available variables
  • J1.7 Adds K2 selection via editor button
  • Cleans up more code
  • Fixes issues with unused language strings
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with readmore link having class name 'readon' instead of 'readmore'

Articles Anywhere
1.13.3 18 November 2011

  • Updates translations: pt-PT
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with Editor Settings not working

Articles Anywhere
1.13.2 02 November 2011

  • Adds translations: pt-PT
  • Cleans code syntax (no longer guaranteed support for php 5.2.x and lower)
  • Fixes issue with JCEMediabox plugin throwing error because of double trigger
  • Fixes issue with readmore string not being translated if used outside com_content

Articles Anywhere
1.13.1 08 October 2011

  • Adds translations: th-TH
  • Updates translations: pt-BR
  • Fixes SECURITY issue in NoNumber Framework plugin

Articles Anywhere
1.13.0 08 October 2011

  • Cleans up some code (like no more use of DS)
  • Improves installer
  • Moves translation language files to main package (no more language packs)
  • Fixes issue with k2 items not working correctly (always showing item 2)
  • Fixes issue with tags being handled in editor button popup

Articles Anywhere
1.12.0 16 September 2011

  • Changes NoNumber Elements plugin to NoNumber Framework
  • Moves common language strings to NoNumber Framework files
  • Fixes issue with colon characters in article titles
  • Fixes issue with surrounding whitespace

Articles Anywhere
1.11.7 05 August 2011

  • J1.5 Fixes issue error on datetime.php
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with modules with user group selections not working properly

Articles Anywhere
1.11.6 04 August 2011

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with setting elements not working

Articles Anywhere
1.11.5 04 August 2011

  • J1.7 Fixes issue with articles with user group selections not working properly

Articles Anywhere
1.11.4 21 July 2011

  • Optimises code to make it faster
  • Fixes issue with tags not being handled in some cases
  • Fixes some issues with surrounding tags and whitespace

Articles Anywhere
1.11.3 12 July 2011

  • Fixes issue with tags not being handled in some cases

Articles Anywhere
1.11.1 11 July 2011

  • Adds ability to reference the article it is used in with {article current} or {article self}
  • Changes layout of options
  • Changes use of elements
  • Fixes issue with JEventHandler error on some setups
  • Fixes issue with tags not working outside component area of disabled components
  • J1.5 Fixes issue with 'jS' in date format not working
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with Read More text not being translated
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with articles with higher access level showing
  • J1.7 Fixes issue with date formats not working

Articles Anywhere
1.11.0 23 May 2011

  • Joomla 1.7 compatible!
  • Fixes issue with some strings sometimes being interpreted as dates

Articles Anywhere
1.10.3 30 March 2011

  • Adds break to prevent looping of article inclusion
  • Ads space before the '...' on limited text if last character is not a letter/number
  • Made code a little lighter
  • Fixes issue content type selection field in editor button popup not working
  • Fixes issue plugin being executed on raw format pages
  • Fixes issue with readmore class not being inserted when it is 'readmore'
  • Fixes issue with some non-UTF-8 pages breaking

Articles Anywhere
1.10.2 25 March 2011

  • Changes word limit functionality to not strip text by default
  • Fixes issue with leading/trailing paragraph/div tags not being handled well
  • Fixes issue with search component breaking in some cases
  • Fixes issue with special characters (UTF-8)
  • Fixes issue with triple dots not being added on word limited text

Articles Anywhere
1.10.1 17 March 2011

  • Adds ability to limit text by number of words, like {text:20words}
  • Changes default readmore class to readon
  • Changes language files to be J1.6 ready
  • Fixes issue with div alignment dropdown not working
  • Fixes issue with editor button not working for registered/author level
  • Fixes issue with navigation links of included article not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with problems when html has multiple body tags
  • Fixes issue with tags being interpreted in frontend editor fields with very large contents

Articles Anywhere
1.10.0 10 February 2011

  • Adds ability to call on K2 extra fields by their id too: {extra-1}
  • Adds language file for long description in system plugin
  • Changes extension icon / logo
  • Fixes issue with public access to editor button popup page (security fix!)
  • Fixes issue with tags for parameter data throwing error

Articles Anywhere
1.9.3 15 January 2011

  • Changes extension icon / logo
  • Fixes display of dates to match display and offset settings in Joomla

Articles Anywhere
1.9.2 13 December 2010

  • Fixes issue with conflicting characters in language file

Articles Anywhere
1.9.1 12 December 2010

  • Cleans up some code
  • Fixes issues with document being called to early
  • Fixes some issues with compatibility with AcyMailing
  • Fixes some issues with loading of language strings

Articles Anywhere
1.9.0 25 November 2010

  • Adds checks to see if NoNumber Elements plugin is installed/enabled
  • Fixes and updated all language strings
  • Improves code to make it lighter/faster
  • Fixes issue with tags being handled in edit fields

Articles Anywhere
1.8.0 16 November 2010

  • Fixes extension causing pages to break on some setups
  • Fixes issue with not working in some forms (where they should)

Articles Anywhere
1.7.0 15 November 2010

  • Changes to also renders k2 plugins over content
  • Improves code to make it lighter/faster
  • Made syntax also be handled in AcyMailing
  • Moves popup styles and images to NoNumber Elements plugin

Articles Anywhere
1.6.1 18 October 2010

  • Adds ability to also put {div} tag outside {article} tag
  • Changes default ordering of articles / K2 items in popup window
  • Changes layout of Editor Button popup window a little
  • Changes tooltips ids/titles/aliases of articles in list in Editor Button popup window
  • Fixes issue with category filter not working in article list
  • Fixes issue with reset button not clearing all filters
  • Fixes some language strings

Articles Anywhere
1.6.0 17 October 2010

  • Adds ability to wrap output in styled div tags
  • Changes layout of Editor Button popup window a little
  • Changes tooltips ids/titles/aliases of articles in list in Editor Button popup window
  • Fixes issue with comment tags not being true HTML compliant

Articles Anywhere
1.5.0 18 September 2010

  • Adds ability to overrule readmore classname
  • Adds extra output control through {if} & {else} tags
  • Fixes issue with tags being handled in Eventlist textareas

Articles Anywhere
1.4.6 03 September 2010

  • Fixes issue with custom readmore text not working

Articles Anywhere
1.4.5 30 August 2010

  • Adds option to turn off the handling of content plugins
  • Fixes issue with errors when k2 hasn't been uninstalled properly

Articles Anywhere
1.4.4 30 July 2010

  • Fixes issue with text attributes (strip and length) not working (since 1.4.3)

Articles Anywhere
1.4.3 29 July 2010

  • Adds ability to add custom format on date values

Articles Anywhere
1.4.2 24 July 2010

  • Changes way version and license information are displayed (now via ajax)
  • Changes way versions and licenses are checked (no more base64)

Articles Anywhere
1.4.1 10 July 2010

  • Fixes issue with error about reference passing

Articles Anywhere
1.4.0 07 July 2010

  • Adds ability to also display K2 extra fields
  • Adds ability to also display values stored in the attribs/params
  • Improves some code to make it lighter
  • Fixes incompatibility with php4 (due to use of stripos function)
  • Fixes incompatibility with rokajaxsearch
  • Fixes issue with readmore link not being completely SEF compatible
  • Fixes some issues with (content) plugins being called on

Articles Anywhere
1.3.2 23 June 2010

  • Adds {link} tag to easily add link to article to stuff
  • Fixes issue with code looping, causing page timeouts
  • Fixes issue with readmore links not being fully SEF compatible

Articles Anywhere
1.3.1 22 June 2010

  • Fixes issue with foreach error in some cases

Articles Anywhere
1.3.0 22 June 2010

  • Adds support for K2 items
  • Improves code (=faster)
  • Improves removal of obsolete paragraph tags
  • Fixes issue with text type selection not working in the (editor button) modal popup
  • Fixes some ordering issues in the (editor button) modal popup

Articles Anywhere
1.2.1 22 May 2010

  • Improves removal of obsolete paragraph tags
  • Fixes issue with ordering not working in (editor button) modal popup
  • Fixes issue with some language strings not being loaded
  • Fixes styling of notice in the (editor button) modal popup

Articles Anywhere
1.2.0 12 May 2010

  • Adds ability to set default data tags and parameters (in editors-xtd plugin parameters)
  • Adds ability to set more than 1 data tag to insert
  • Adds option to not place the HTML comments
  • Adds option to strip html tags from the texts (text, intro, full)
  • Improves removal of obsolete paragraph tags
  • Fixes issue with editor button popup page being accessible to all
  • Fixes issue with surrounding tags with digits (like h1) not being closed
  • Fixes issue with undefined index notice in some occasions
  • Fixes issue with undefined reference error on some setups
  • Fixes issues with script tags when cutting of text with max character limit
  • Fixes issues with tags not closing properly when cutting of text with max character limit

Articles Anywhere
1.1.0 02 April 2010

  • Adds readmore class to readmore links
  • Content plugins are now executed over article text (even when placed in modules and such)
  • Fixes issue with errors about registry for php 5.0.5
  • Fixes issue with errors when using max character limit and article text is shorter
  • Fixes issue with publish dates not being taken into account
  • Fixes issue with rss feed breaking
  • Fixes issues with tags not closing properly when cutting of text with max character limit

Articles Anywhere
1.0.0 20 January 2010

  • Adds Commercial License Code support
  • First stable release
  • Moves elements to separate global plugin (also used by other extensions)
  • Fixes issue with titles with special characters

Articles Anywhere
0.2.0 19 December 2009

  • Adds tag to place a read more link
  • Adds tag to place the url to the article
  • Changes syntax
  • Improves way texts get cut of when using maximum length

Articles Anywhere
0.1.2 18 December 2009

  • Improves query for texts
  • Fixes issue with all text displaying when choosing introtext / fulltext

Articles Anywhere
0.1.1 16 December 2009

  • Fixes issue with alert in plugin admin page
  • Fixes issue with php errors on frontpage

Articles Anywhere
0.1.0 15 December 2009

  • First beta release