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Input Values and wildcards

Chris Mortensen's Avatar Chris Mortensen
Let say I have an article with the title "Regular Labs" and I want to show that article using input values and the title filter.

{articles title="input:data"}

If I put ?data=labs in the URL, nothing happens. I have to put ?data=regular+labs to show the article.

I would like to be able to use wildcards or something and not have to put the full title in the url.

I have tried using wildcards around input:data, but this results in an empty result.
Chris Mortensen's Avatar Chris Mortensen
I can make it work by putting wildcards in the URL, like this: ?data=*labs*

I can work with that, but would prefer the "normal" way with wildcards in the filter like so: {articles title="*input:data*"}
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Indeed, that would be the way to do it.
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