Other Articles Anywhere questions

Articles anywhere Tags no longer work

Laurent's Avatar Laurent

I use this tag (articles anywhere and sliders)
<div class="texte-musiciens">
		<p class="center nomargintop">En un peu plus d'une décennie, ce sont déjà trente groupes et plus de cent-quarante artistes qui se sont produits à Puym'Jazz, parmi lesquels beaucoup ne sont pas inconnus du grand public et encore moins des amateurs de Jazz.</p>
		<p class="center uk-text-bold">Retrouvez ou découvrez tous ces groupes et musiciens :</p>
	<div class="items-musiciens">{articles category="Musiciens" ordering="title DESC"} {slider title="
		<div class="container-slider"><span class="img-intro-slider">[image-intro]</span>
			<div class="details-slider"><span class="title-slider">[title]</span> <span class="introtext-slider">[introtext]</span></div>
		<span class="lire-plus-slider">Lire plus</span> <span class="lire-plus-slider_active">Fermer</span>" alias="[title] "}[fulltext]{if last}{/sliders}{/if}{/articles}</div>
it used to work but for a while now it doesn't, you can see the display on this page
Confidential information:

Laurent's Avatar Laurent
I test with your example tag in the doc on a local test website
{articles category="Musiciens"}{slider title="[title]"}[introtext]{if last}{/sliders}{/if}{/articles}

there is an issue also
Laurent's Avatar Laurent
Sorry i found it was the plugin order, and I know that, some days...
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Yup ?
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