Other Articles Anywhere questions

How to build a article navigation

Ton van Loon's Avatar Ton van Loon
I want to build a navigation on an article-page. Initially the article can be accessed through various ways (requirement), so there is no fixed starting point like a category-blog or so. The articles I would like to be able to scroll through are all member of parent-category=11. This category has children.

How do I build such a navigation?

So far I've come up with this test-code to test whether I can get the articles-id's I can build hrefs with. Some how I think I need to fiddle with the "limit=3", what gives the output 3 times of which only 1 consist all the three wanted values 'previous', 'this' and 'next', and the other two outputs either lack 'previous' or 'next'.

But I don't know how to narrow it down to that one output that has all three values 'previous, this, next'.
  {articles-others category="11" include-sub-categories="true" limit="3"}
    previous: [previous:id] - this: [this:id] - next: [next:id]
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I am not sure why you have the surrounding {article} tag. That doesn't really make sense.

Why not just use Articles Anywhere built-in pagination support?

You could limit the number of items on the page to 1.
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