I'm connecting to an external database using the database="external_database" parameter. Everything - including the Domain for URLs setting is set in the AA plugin. The articles on the external website are in a category with the same ID as a category on the originating site, and with SEF URLs enabled on the originating site, the [link] tag is outputting a URL that points to [domain]/[originating-site-category-alias]/[article-alias], not [domain]/[external-site-category-alias]/[article-alias], as would be expected. With SEF URLs disabled on the originating site, the link works fine, so it looks like the originating site's router is getting confused about what belongs to it, and what belongs to an external site.
Hi Peter,
I just installed AA 12.1.3-dev2260783-PRO and tried the links again. The links are now appearing as relative SEF URLs of the originating site, still using the parent site's category alias rather than the connected site's category alias.
When I disable SEF URLs on the originating site, the links are definitely connecting to relative URLs pointing to articles on the originating site, not on the remote site.
In both cases, the [title] tag outputs the correct article title from the connected site, so that's working correctly, and the connection to the other site's database is obviously working.
It should just create a non-SEF link to the external website, using the article id and category id of the external articles.
If it is (still) creating SEF links to the external articles, then something is still not right.
If so, can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
And tell me on what url I can see/reproduce the issue.
You can use the 'Confidential information' button in the forum editor to hide sensitive information.
Hi Peter,
Unfortunately neither our organization's database server nor development websites are accessible from outside our network, so I won't be able to share access to the site that is exhibiting the problem.
I have the Domain for URLs setting configured, but it is not appearing in the link's URL, so perhaps this is where the problem lies? If I take the generated non-sef URL "index.php..." and stick it onto the end of the target domain, the correct page opens, so my original interpretation of the problem may have been incorrect.
Unfortunately that's not going to be possible. Looks like I'll be able to use a workaround of manually indicating the target domain URL and using the [url] tag inside an href attribute, so I'll just do that for now.