Peter Hellinger
Hey Peter,
I have several websites that realise issues with Articles Anywhere. Version 10.6.1 is installed on most of the sites. When I update the plugin to the current 12.1.1, various things no longer work.
1. Nested articles:
I use an article that calls up other articles. Example:
<div class="text-block center90">
{article komfort-doppelzimmer}
<div class="center90">[introtext]</div>
<div class="big-margintopbot">{snippet ImageGrid|Doppelzimmer Slider|}</div>
<div class="med-margintopbot"><a href="[image-intro-url]" data-uk-lightbox data-lightbox-type="image">[image-intro]</a></div>
<div class="center80 big-margintop">
<h1>Unsere Preise</h1>
{snippet preisblock|[appcode]|Sommer|[sommer-saison]|[preis-sommer]|Winter|[winter-saison]|[preis-winter]|}
<div class="med-margintopbot left">{article preise-bedingungen}[text]{/article}</div>
<div class="big-margintop">{article service-inklusivleistungen}<h3>[title]</h3>[text]{/article}</div>
This article is called up again in a module:
{article app-dozi-desktop}[text]{/article}
This still worked in 10.6.1, but it no longer works in 12.1.1. Is there a switch somewhere that I can use to make nested articles work again?
2. As in the example above, I use different custom fields in the article.
{snippet preisblock|[appcode]|Sommer|[sommer-saison]|[preis-sommer]|Winter|[winter-saison]|[preis-winter]|}
In 10.6.1 the output of a custom field without specification was simply the field WITHOUT anything around it, in 12.1.1 you now have to explicitly specify [appcode layout="false"] to get the raw value.
In principle, no problem. But: My customers dutifully update all plugins and are then surprised that nothing works properly on their websites, the layout is broken or the website reports errors. Is there a possibility to set the output of custom fields generally to [field layout="false"] mode via a switch in the plugin?
Best regards,
Peter Hellinger