Other Articles Anywhere questions

Some issues with custom fields and with nested {article}

Peter Hellinger's Avatar Peter Hellinger
Hey Peter,

I have several websites that realise issues with Articles Anywhere. Version 10.6.1 is installed on most of the sites. When I update the plugin to the current 12.1.1, various things no longer work.

1. Nested articles:
I use an article that calls up other articles. Example:
<div class="text-block center90">
	{article komfort-doppelzimmer}
	<div class="center90">[introtext]</div>
	<div class="big-margintopbot">{snippet ImageGrid|Doppelzimmer Slider|}</div>
	<div class="med-margintopbot"><a href="[image-intro-url]" data-uk-lightbox data-lightbox-type="image">[image-intro]</a></div>
	<div class="center80 big-margintop">
		<h1>Unsere Preise</h1>
		{snippet preisblock|[appcode]|Sommer|[sommer-saison]|[preis-sommer]|Winter|[winter-saison]|[preis-winter]|}
		<div class="med-margintopbot left">{article preise-bedingungen}[text]{/article}</div>
		<div class="big-margintop">{article service-inklusivleistungen}<h3>[title]</h3>[text]{/article}</div>
This article is called up again in a module:
{article app-dozi-desktop}[text]{/article}
This still worked in 10.6.1, but it no longer works in 12.1.1. Is there a switch somewhere that I can use to make nested articles work again?

2. As in the example above, I use different custom fields in the article.
{snippet preisblock|[appcode]|Sommer|[sommer-saison]|[preis-sommer]|Winter|[winter-saison]|[preis-winter]|}
In 10.6.1 the output of a custom field without specification was simply the field WITHOUT anything around it, in 12.1.1 you now have to explicitly specify [appcode layout="false"] to get the raw value.

In principle, no problem. But: My customers dutifully update all plugins and are then surprised that nothing works properly on their websites, the layout is broken or the website reports errors. Is there a possibility to set the output of custom fields generally to [field layout="false"] mode via a switch in the plugin?

Best regards,
Peter Hellinger
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
In 10.6.1 the output of a custom field without specification was simply the field WITHOUT anything around it, in 12.1.1 you now have to explicitly specify [appcode layout="false"] to get the raw value.

My customers dutifully update all plugins and are then surprised that nothing works properly on their websites
For Joomla and extension following semantic versioning (like mine do), a major version means there are breaking changes.
Always check out the changelog before updating to major new versions, to see if the changes affect you.
And then first test it out on a development version.
Is there a possibility to set the output of custom fields generally to [field layout="false"] mode via a switch in the plugin?
No, there isn't.
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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
PS: I see that this change was marked as a bugfix release, which it was.
In hindsight, it should probably have been better as a major release.
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