Other Articles Anywhere questions

AA code and white page?

Roy Chappell's Avatar Roy Chappell

I added the following AA code into a Joomla article and now that page won't display anything.
<div><h4>5 Day Courses</h4>{article}{foreach data="5-day"}
[row:start-date format="F jS Y"] until [row:end-date format="F jS Y"]<br />
<div><h4>Long Weekend Courses</h4>{article}{foreach data="long-weekend-courses"}
[row:start-date format="F jS Y"] until [row:end-date format="F jS Y"]<br />
and [row:start-date-2nd-weekend format="F jS Y"] until [row:end-date-2nd-weekend format="F jS Y"]

I deleted the AA code but still white page.

The strange thing if I duplicate the menu item to the article it displays correctly
original pages -
duplicate article -

Do you know what might have caused this, and how I can use the original url?

Everything is upto date and using J4. I have tried rebuilding he menu

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Well, if you deleted the Articles Anywhere code, then I don't see how this is connected to Articles Anywhere...

Switch on Error Reporting in the Joomla configuration (set to Development) to see what is breaking the page.

Check if the access levels are set correctly in the menu item.
For more help on Joomla core things, I recommend you ask on the Joomla forum:
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Roy Chappell's Avatar Roy Chappell

I think you may have misunderstood me. I added the code and the page just comes up blank, I then deleted the code but it made no difference, still a blank page.

I have just now added the code to - - and now that page doesn't load. So I believe it is to do with AA.

It seems to affect the menu item, as I can create a new menu item to the page - - and this works

I have turned on full error reporting but nothing is shown at all, just a white page

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Try disabling the Articles Anywhere system plugin and check the page...
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Roy Chappell's Avatar Roy Chappell

I unpublished the AA plugin but still get a blank page for

I have now managed to get the url - - working, not sure how

this ticket can now be closed

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
So indeed, it had nothing to do with Articles Anywhere.
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