We need to add a div with a class when the user use the article button for adding some nice style on it. We can even image adding some text etc I don't see where to do that properly. Maybe with adding some before/after options in the system plugin "Button settings" could do the trick.
Okay, so if we can't disting in HTML code the insertion of an article by the AA plug-in, we have to "hack" your code to find where you add the START: Articles Anywhere and END: Articles Anywhere or there is something we can override for doing that ?
You could use ReReplacer to add html code to your HTML output.
For instance, replace those start and end comment tags with something else, like:
Okay thanks, it's a full Regular Labs solution ^^ Do you have any idea of the perf inpact of Rereplacer because I supose it's a parsing of the $item object just before rendering.
I recommend setting the ReReplacer item Search Area to 'Everywhere' or 'Body'.
It will do the replacement on the final HTML output.
The impact of ReReplacer on the rendering speed - unless you go crazy with hundreds of heavy Regular Expression based searches - should not be noticeable.