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Nested articles with custom field created excess <p> <span class="field-value".​. code

Rachel Walraven's Avatar Rachel Walraven
Here I am again..

I have an article with custom articleslinked field. Below the article those articles are displayed in a module.

It works, but I get an extra paragraph with a span:
<span class="field-value">

The module code is very simple:
<div class="grid">

The custom field as a custom html value to show the linked items:
<div class="events">
{article-others [id]}
<div class="datum"><h3><strong>[link][title][/link]</strong></h3>{if datum}<p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> [datum]</p>{/if}</div>{if image-intro}<div class="image"><p>[image-intro]</p></div>{/if}
<div class="tekst"><p>[introtext]</p></div>
<div class="link"><p>[link class="button"]Meer info[/link]</p></div>

How can I get rid of the extra paragraph with the span?

Andrea Malalana's Avatar Andrea Malalana
The extra paragraph depends on your editor. To avoid it, make sure you put [fieldname] in the same line as the parent div.

The span is due to the field being rendered through the layout. To avoid that, simply do [fieldname layout="false"].
Rachel Walraven's Avatar Rachel Walraven
If I do that, the paragraph is gone, but now all my items are insde the <span class="field-value">. I can make that work, but prefer not to have those either.
Andrea Malalana's Avatar Andrea Malalana
See the second part of my message 😁
Rachel Walraven's Avatar Rachel Walraven
Sorry, overlooked that completely.

Thank you!
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