Other Tabs & Accordions questions

How can I assign all the css parameters

Richard Pearlman's Avatar Richard Pearlman
I want to change the color of the tab letters separate from color="green". How?
What should go into the css file for assigning to styles? Please put up a sample. For example, How can I make the title a different font? Of bigger?
How can I change the position of the tabs from side to top on consecutive tabs on the same page? (Same for accordions)
I looked at the css file for one theme and it is very complicated to see what is affected and besides I want to custom style individual elements and not change the entire style.
I can find no docs that help. I felt I used to have more control in the Joomla 3 version.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You can still style any element how you want it. The CSS declarations are just different. Not using class names but data attributes.

The CSS declarations are pretty specific, as there are a lot of different things that can influence the style of the tabs (theme, color, open/close state, etc).

To change the text color of the closed tabs that have a color green, you could do something like:
[data-rlta-element=container][data-rlta-state=ready]>[data-rlta-element=button-list]>[data-rlta-element=button][data-rlta-color=green]>[data-rlta-element=heading] {
	color: green;
You can change/add stuff to make things more specific to your needs.

For more info about how elements get their styling, you can use the Element Inspector of your browser.

Regarding the position of the tabs, see:
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Richard Pearlman's Avatar Richard Pearlman
You are taking the most complicated way of changing attributes so the different styles will work.
I want something simple so I can control the parameters without worrying about using different styles.
For instance: color="green" when I want to use #999ff6 (I don't know what color this is) but I want to use the #color rather than "green".
Straight css rather then using ">" and fancy names such as [data-rlta-element=container][data-rlta-state=ready]>[data-rlta-element=button-list]>[data-rlta-element=button][data-rlta-color=green]>[data-rlta-element=heading].
How about some drag and drop functionality for defining parameters? At least the Joomla 3 version I could do some og the styling myself.
How about something simple, in-line with the code in the article? Something that gives control for changing text color easily.
How can I set the tabs position to the left, top, bottom, etc. with an inline statement?
Is there a doc with all the possible inline parameters?
Simple is much better than having to be a css expert. I have content to create and the complexity of your css is not acceptable use of my time.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I recommend you look for a different extension that will fit your needs.

Tabs & Accordions will never work the way you want it to.
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