Release Notes

Tabs & Accordions
2.2.0 08 July 2024

  • Adds resize trigger to make certain javascript based scripts (like galleries) work better inside tabs/accordions
  • Updates some deprecated code
  • Fixes issue php error when uploading media
  • Fixes issue with php warning about undefined property $title when using title-open/title-closed

Tabs & Accordions
2.1.2 04 March 2024

  • Fixes issue with RegularLabs\Scoped being output in some cases

Tabs & Accordions
2.1.1 04 March 2024

  • Fixes issue with opening tabs on links (to anchors inside tabs) not working
  • Fixes issue with scrolling to anchors inside tabs/accordions not working
  • Scopes external composer libraries to prevent conflicts

Tabs & Accordions
2.1.0 16 January 2024

  • Also triggers replacement on onAfterRenderModule event to prevent "WebAssetManager is locked" in some cases

Tabs & Accordions
2.0.4 13 December 2023

  • Changes layout of editor button popup
  • Refactors some code
  • Fixes issue with errors when trying to install/update via CLI
  • Fixes issue with untranslated language strings in editor button popup

Tabs & Accordions
2.0.3 21 October 2023

  • J5 Fixes issue with fatal errors in editor button popup about onBeforeRender event

Tabs & Accordions
2.0.2 19 October 2023

  • Fixes issue with plugin being run over category description twice
  • Fixes issue with script tags containing a redundant defer attribute

Tabs & Accordions
2.0.1 25 September 2023

  • Fixes issue with php warning about array to string conversion

Tabs & Accordions
2.0.0 21 September 2023

  • J3 Removes Joomla 3 support
  • Updates code to PHP 8.1 standards
  • J4 Fixes issue with "Enable in Admin" option not working
  • J5 Fixes issue with errors on installation

Tabs & Accordions
1.5.0 02 September 2023

  • Increases minimum php version to 8.1

Tabs & Accordions
1.4.1 27 August 2023

  • J4J5 Fixes issue with aliases getting extra numbers
  • J4J5 Fixes issue with tags not being replaced at content render stage
  • J5 Fixes issue with extension getting disabled on Joomla 5

Tabs & Accordions
1.4.0 02 August 2023

  • J5 Makes it possible to install on Joomla 5
  • Updates translations: ru-RU
  • J4 Fixes issue with replacements being done in some edit forms when they contain too much html
  • J4 Fixes issue with scroll="false" attribute not working
  • J4 Fixes issue with tags not being converted in Finder Indexer
  • J4 Fixes issue with tags not being handled during onContentPrepare stage
  • J4 Fixes missing language string ERROR_CODEMIRROR_DISABLED
  • J4FREE Fixes issue with php deprecation error about access_levels

Tabs & Accordions
1.3.1 12 June 2023

  • J4 Fixes issue with script settings also being added to pages not using Tabs & Accordions

Tabs & Accordions
1.3.0 08 June 2023

  • J4 Adds icon="true" as an alias for icons="true"

Tabs & Accordions
1.2.0 28 April 2023

  • Improves memory usage preventing memory exhaustion in some cases
  • Makes tab/accordion of highlighted search text automatically open

Tabs & Accordions
1.1.4 27 March 2023

  • Fixes issue with PHP errors/warnings on PHP 8.2
  • J4 Fixes issues with classes not being defined after upgrading from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 on some setups

Tabs & Accordions
1.1.3 14 March 2023

  • Fixes issue with editor button not working on the frontend (in some cases)
  • Fixes issue with formatting issues in frontend editor button popup on some templates

Tabs & Accordions
1.1.2 08 February 2023

  • Fixes issue with hash links not opening the tab/accordion in some cases
  • Fixes issue with not being able to override all settings that should be allowed
  • Fixes issue with open="false" attribute not getting inserted into {accordion} tag when it should via the editor button
  • Fixes issue with second click on tab title closing the tab
  • PRO Fixes issue with Download Key check not working on some setups

Tabs & Accordions
1.1.1 20 January 2023

  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with 'Combine Admin Menu' option in the Regular Labs Library plugin not working
  • Fixes issue with SP PageBuilder edit pages breaking
  • Fixes issue with page scrolling on first click on accordions not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with styles and scripts getting removed on cached pages

Tabs & Accordions
1.1.0 22 December 2022

  • Adds option to open/close/toggle all items via javascript
  • Adds translations: ru-RU, sv-SE, tr-TR
  • PRO Adds option to add + / - icons to the accordion handles (either via settings or via icons="true")
  • Fixes issue with missing language string for Closing Tag (Tabs) tooltip
  • Fixes issue with print pages not getting correct styling
  • PRO Fixes accessibility issue with missing text in button elements for button scroller

Tabs & Accordions
1.0.0 23 November 2022

  • First stable release