Other ReReplacer questions

transfer j3->j4

Rottenberg Michel's Avatar Rottenberg Michel
J4 version : 4.1.5
PHP version : 7.4
Rerplacer : 12.4.PRO

i'm creating a new J4 site from J3 existing one.

2 questions :
first question :
I have a J3 recored which is running perfectly.
It's bugging in J4.

After some search I have found that the following code is the bug :
$uri    = & JFactory::getURI();
$Monurl = parse_url(JURI::root());

Has the code to get the current url changed ?

Second question :

Do you have a date to be able to use tabs, sliders and tips on J4?
Do you expect to adapt the 'advanced template manager in J4 ? It was a very usefull tool in J3

Thank you for your recommandations
Best regards
Michel Rottenberg
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The question about your code really has not much to do with ReReplacer. This is a general Joomla PHP question.
I recommend you ask Joomla coding questions on the Joomla forum:

Try changing your custom code to:
$uri    = JFactory::getURI();
$Monurl = parse_url(Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri::root());

Regarding Tabs for Joomla 4:
Sorry, I can't give a specific date. I still be working on it in the coming months. The plan is to have it all done before the end of the year.

There are no plans to port Advanced Template Manager to Joomla 4.

For more on the roadmap and plans, see:
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