could it be ...
• article is set up for PuplishUp at 10:59:00
• DB Replacer can't find it while
searching in puplish up and catid=xx and looking for '10:'
but will find it when I am looking for '09:'
Confidential information:
In config time-base is set up to 'Berlin' which it should be.
Bug or feature or ... ?
For sure you have an answer 😉
The date you see in the edit form is not always the same as what is stored in the database by Joomla. This has to do with the timezone you are in and the timezone the Joomla site is configured to.
DB Replacer replaces directly in the raw data in the database. Any offsets you see have nothing to do with DB Replacer. It is simply what is stored in the database.
If you want to know more about timezones and how dates and times are stored by Joomla, please ask on the Joomla forum.