
Latest version

DB Replacer
8.0.4 08 July 2024

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Fixes issue php error when uploading media

Older versions

DB Replacer
8.0.3 04 June 2024

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Updates some deprecated code
  • Fixes issue with php error about null given instead of string on replacement

DB Replacer
8.0.2 28 March 2024

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Improves preview output when searching for '*'
  • Scopes external composer libraries to prevent conflicts

DB Replacer
8.0.1 20 December 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Refactors some code
  • Fixes issue with errors when trying to install/update via CLI
  • Fixes styling issue of columns select field in dark mode
  • Fixes styling issue with column headings showing numbers instead of names

DB Replacer
8.0.0 21 September 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J3 Removes Joomla 3 support
  • J4J5 Updates code to PHP 8.1 standards
  • J5 Fixes issue with errors on installation

DB Replacer
7.8.0 04 September 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Increases minimum php version to 8.1

DB Replacer
7.7.1 27 August 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J5 Fixes issue with extension getting disabled on Joomla 5

DB Replacer
7.7.0 02 August 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J5 Makes it possible to install on Joomla 5

DB Replacer
7.6.0 09 May 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Adds link to the documentation in the footer text
  • J4 Improves memory usage preventing memory exhaustion in some cases
  • J4 Fixes issue with PHP deprecation warning on PHP 8

DB Replacer
7.5.3 27 March 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Updates translations: cs-CZ
  • J4 Fixes issue with PHP errors/warnings on PHP 8.2
  • J4 Fixes issues with classes not being defined after upgrading from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 on some setups

DB Replacer
7.5.2 17 March 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • PRO Fixes issue with Download Key check not working on some setups

DB Replacer
7.5.1 13 January 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Removes not-used language files after installation
  • Fixes issue with incorrect prefix characters for comments in the language files
  • J4 Fixes issue with 'Combine Admin Menu' option in the Regular Labs Library plugin not working
  • J4 Fixes issue with no error being shown if the search request runs into a php error

DB Replacer
7.5.0 11 October 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Changes code styling: tabs to spaces
  • Changes installer to use a package manifest instead of a custom installer plugin
  • Refactors some code
  • Updated some php code to use PHP 7.4 standards
  • Updates translations: et-EE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with actionlog plugin not uninstalling automatically when uninstalling the component
  • J4 Fixes issue with extensions not being re-enabled after upgrading from J3 to J4
  • J4 Fixes some styling issues in the configuration settings

DB Replacer
7.4.1 11 June 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issue with installation breaking on Joomla 4.2

DB Replacer
7.4.0 13 May 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Adds missing actionlog plugin

DB Replacer
7.3.2 22 April 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issue with configuration options not showing correctly
  • J4 Fixes issue with potential php warnings about NULL value in strpos, on PHP 8.1+
  • J4 Refactors some code

DB Replacer
7.3.1 14 March 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issue with columns list showing the column type instead of the name (and the rest breaking because of that)

DB Replacer
7.3.0 12 March 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4PRO Adds Download Key field in configuration
  • J4PRO Adds Download Key popup on main component page

DB Replacer
7.2.0 09 February 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Increases minimum php version to 7.4.0
  • Updates translations: pl-PL, sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with error on installation when using php 8.1 or higher

DB Replacer
7.1.1 27 October 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issue with replacing numeric values not being possible

DB Replacer
7.1.0 26 September 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4PRO Adds ability to use special tags to alter the output of Regular Expressions results
  • Updates translations: es-ES, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with errors when using case sensitive searches on some database collations
  • Fixes issue with some error messages that should only show in admin side also showing on frontend
  • J4 Fixes issue with SQL syntax errors on replacing

DB Replacer
7.0.0 30 August 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Adds Joomla 4 support

DB Replacer
6.4.2 14 August 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves upgrade/update check information in Joomla updater

DB Replacer
6.4.1 06 August 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves syntax (and file size) of css and minified css files
  • Fixes issue with php TypeError being thrown on some xml pages

DB Replacer
6.4.0 02 June 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes code in minified javascript files to not use eval
  • Cleans up code
  • Improves dealing with Joomla 3 code (disabling plugins) after upgrading to Joomla 4
  • Increases minimum php version to 7.2.0
  • Fixes issue with NULL matching 0 in search but not replacing it
  • Fixes issue with results not being filtered when searching for '0'
  • PRO Fixes issue with multiple OR clauses in the WHERE field not acting correctly

DB Replacer
6.3.9 18 March 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with replacing NULL dates on DATETIME columns not working

DB Replacer
6.3.8 14 September 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • More preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility
  • Updates translations: nl-NL, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with modal popups not respecting right-to-left languages

DB Replacer
6.3.7 20 February 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • FREE Fixes issue with fatal error about undefined method prepareCustomWhereClause
  • FREE Fixes issue with php notice about undefined property regex

DB Replacer
6.3.6 14 February 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Refactors a lot of code
  • PRO Fixes issue with database error when not name quoting certain column names in the custom WHERE field

DB Replacer
6.3.5 11 December 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: it-IT
  • Fixes issue with broken links in action log entries

DB Replacer
6.3.4 05 August 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: de-DE, pl-PL, zh-CN
  • Fixes issue with texts in inactive columns not being trimmed

DB Replacer
6.3.3 30 March 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.8.0 to Joomla 3.9.0
  • Makes ID column remain visible when hiding inactive columns
  • Fixes issue with search for zero values not working correctly

DB Replacer
6.3.2 12 February 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with html entities getting converted in search/replace fields after replacement is done

DB Replacer
6.3.1 01 February 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: et-EE
  • Fixes issue with column selection being reset after replacing

DB Replacer
6.3.0 26 November 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds support for User Action Logs (includes new plugin)
  • Changes layout of fields on main view
  • Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
  • Improves way Regular Labs Library scripts and styles are loaded on admin side
  • Refactors some code
  • Updates translations: et-EE

DB Replacer
6.2.2 29 October 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.7.0 to Joomla 3.8.0
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • Fixes issue replacement text being striked through when using the wildcard '*' as the search
  • Fixes issue with asset rules sometimes not being correct

DB Replacer
6.2.1 22 September 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • FREE Fixes issue with error about RegularLabs\Library\Image not found not found when using other Regular Labs Pro extension

DB Replacer
6.2.0 21 September 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds Search button instead of automatic updating on typing
  • Adds clear buttons to search, replace and where fields
  • Improves output of results with long strings
  • Improves styling
  • Rearranges plugin options

DB Replacer
6.1.0 09 February 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: vi-VN
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.6.0 to Joomla 3.7.0
  • Updates translations: da-DK, de-DE, nl-NL, ru-RU
  • Fixes some javascript issues in admin side on Joomla 3.7.0

DB Replacer
6.0.2 04 September 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: cs-CZ, et-EE, id-ID, it-IT, sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with replacements not being done on tables without an index column
  • PRO Fixes issue with Joomla updater not seeing new Pro versions after upgrading from Free to Pro

DB Replacer
6.0.1 27 February 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Removes useless message about maximum rows when no search is entered
  • Updates translations: sv-SE, uk-UA
  • Fixes issue with searches for 0 not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with updates via core installer sometimes failing

DB Replacer
6.0.0 02 February 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: nl-BE
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.4.1 to Joomla 3.6.0
  • Changes minimum requirement from php 5.3.13 to php 5.4
  • Completely recoded the extension and Regular Labs Library (now using namespaces)
  • Updates translations: de-DE, fr-FR, id-ID, sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with Regular Labs Library plugin causing slowness in administrator when 'Show Help Menu Item' is enabled
  • Fixes issues with page breaking when Regular Labs Library folder is missing

DB Replacer
5.1.3 02 August 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: hu-HU
  • Fixes issue with replacements not being done in table with float value columns

DB Replacer
5.1.2 05 July 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Fixes issue with WHERE clauses containing '<' not working correctly

DB Replacer
5.1.1 14 June 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: sv-SE, tr-TR

DB Replacer
5.1.0 13 May 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves error handling
  • Improves stability of database queries
  • PRO Fixes issues with queries not working when using WHERE clause with columns having reserved names

DB Replacer
5.0.0 16 April 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Moves from NoNumber to Regular Labs branding

DB Replacer
4.0.8 25 February 2016

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds version number to own css/js files
  • Updates some HTML syntax

DB Replacer
4.0.7 28 January 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: fi-FI
  • Updates translations: pl-PL
  • Fixes issues with Joomla 3.5 and php7 compatibility

DB Replacer
4.0.6 23 October 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: ja-JP
  • Fixes issue with false feed check

DB Replacer
4.0.5 22 September 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with only replacing one row when search contains enters

DB Replacer
4.0.4 09 September 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with fatal error on setups using geo assignments in other extensions

DB Replacer
4.0.3 08 September 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with error about Class NNFrameworkFunctions not found on some setups
  • Fixes issue with utf-8 character in search/replace fields sometimes breaking functionality

DB Replacer
4.0.2 13 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with pages breaking when querying extra urls

DB Replacer
4.0.1 07 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with upgrading not working

DB Replacer
4.0.0 02 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J2.5 Removes Joomla 2.5 support
  • Changes minimum requirement to Joomla version 3.4.1
  • Improves matching of enters and whitespace in non-regex searches
  • Recodes the installer

DB Replacer
3.3.2 03 March 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: fr-FR
  • J3 Minifies JavaScript file
  • J3 Fixes issue with html tag syntax not being found

DB Replacer
3.3.1 29 January 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: sv-SE, uk-UA
  • J3 Changes way data is passed in background, preventing security settings blocking functionality

DB Replacer
3.3.0 19 January 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds text showing amount of rows found
  • J3 Adds toggle button to hide/show the inactive columns
  • Adds checks to throw error if invalid data is passed in url

DB Replacer
3.2.2 08 January 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with Free version being able to be installed over the Pro version

DB Replacer
3.2.1 21 December 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Removes compatibility for php versions under 5.3.13
  • J3 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.3.0
  • Updates review links to the Joomla Extensions Directory
  • Fixes issue with error about nnFile on installation on some setups
  • PRO Fixes issues with duplicate rows in update_sites table

DB Replacer
3.2.0 28 July 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J3 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.2.2
  • Refactors code
  • Updates translations: id-ID
  • J2 Fixes issue with errors after upgrade to Joomla 3

DB Replacer
3.1.2 10 April 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Cleans up some code
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, id-ID
  • Fixes installation error about duplicate entry on some MySQL 5.6 setups
  • Fixes issue with icon missing

DB Replacer
3.1.1 07 November 2013

Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: ar-AA, ar-SA, cs-CZ, da-DK, fa-IR, hr-HR, id-ID, pt-PT, ro-RO, sk-SK, sr-RS, tr-TR, zh-CN, zh-TW
  • Changes javascript minification to use Google Closure
  • Updates translations: bg-BG, ca-ES, es-ES, fr-FR, hi-IN, ja-JP, nb-NO, uk-UA
  • J3 Fixes Joomla 3.2 compatibility issues

DB Replacer
3.1.0 17 August 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Adds option to hide copyright info on the main admin component view
  • PRO Adds option to hide the update notification on the main admin component view
  • Updates translations: ru-RU
  • J3 Fixes issue with title missing in view
  • J3 Fixes issue with update notification not working

DB Replacer
3.0.8 28 June 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J2 Removes compatibility for Joomla 2.5 versions lower than 2.5.10
  • J3.0 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions lower than 3.1.0
  • Improves minification of js files
  • Fixes issue with single quotes in search/replace string giving errors

DB Replacer
3.0.7 03 May 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with alert messages not escaping special characters (causing issues with certain languages)
  • J3 Fixes issue with delay on keypress not working
  • J3 Fixes issue with some scripts relying on Mootools instead of jQuery

DB Replacer
3.0.6 11 April 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Prepends 'NoNumber' to the component name in admin menu

DB Replacer
3.0.5 28 March 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J2 Fixes issue with settings popup showing overlay and styling being messed up

DB Replacer
3.0.4 28 March 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes faulty icon in admin components menu (sorry)

DB Replacer
3.0.3 28 March 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes messaging on installation on unsupported Joomla versions
  • Cleans up some code (syntax)
  • Moves/fixed location of admin menu icon
  • Updates translations: sl-SI

DB Replacer
3.0.2 14 February 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J3 Fixes issue with javascript errors causing page to wait in grey screen

DB Replacer
3.0.1 10 February 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J2 Fixes issue with replacements not being executed

DB Replacer
3.0.0 09 February 2013

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J2 Adds less files for generating css files
  • J3 Adds Joomla 3 support
  • J1.5 Removes Joomla 1.5 support
  • J2 Changes styling a bit
  • J2 Minifies css and js files

DB Replacer
2.2.2 29 December 2012

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with:

  • Updates translations: pl-PL
  • J2 Fixes error about XML setup file on first install

DB Replacer
2.2.1 24 December 2012

Compatible with:

  • J2 Fixes issue with replacements not working when error reporting is on

DB Replacer
2.2.0 22 December 2012

Compatible with:

  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • J2 Cleans up code
  • J2 Moves media files to Joomla media folder

DB Replacer
2.1.3 11 September 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds translations: hi-IN
  • Removes ability to install on Joomla 1.6 and 1.7
  • Cleans a lot of code
  • Updates translations: de-DE, et-EE, hu-HU, it-IT, nl-NL, pt-BR, th-TH

DB Replacer
2.1.2 08 June 2012

Compatible with:

  • Updates translations: lt-LT
  • J2 Fixes issue with missing permission settings

DB Replacer
2.1.1 31 May 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds ability to match empty fields with NULL
  • Removes ability to install on setups with php 5.2 or lower
  • Updates translations: hu-HU, pl-PL
  • Fixes issue with select fields loosing value after submit

DB Replacer
2.1.0 01 May 2012

Compatible with:

  • Increases page load speed by changing how xml files are loaded

DB Replacer
2.0.2 16 April 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds translations: et-EE
  • Updates translations: hu-HU, lt-LT, sv-SE, th-TH
  • PRO Fixes issue with default columns being force selected

DB Replacer
2.0.1 10 April 2012

Compatible with:

  • SECURITY FIX: Fixes URL injection vulnerability in NoNumber Framework

DB Replacer
2.0.0 07 April 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds translations: km-KH
  • PRO Adds options to select default table and columns
  • Changes layout of fields
  • Changes some language strings
  • Cleans up code syntax
  • Now available as Pro and Free version

DB Replacer
1.3.3 03 February 2012

Compatible with:

  • Adds translations: pl-PL, sl-SI
  • Cleans code syntax (no longer guaranteed support for php 5.2.x and lower)
  • Fixes issue with installer not removing the folder/zip from the tmp
  • Fixes issue with javascript error about nnTogglerSet

DB Replacer
1.3.2 08 October 2011

Compatible with:

  • Adds permission rules to settings
  • Adds translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes SECURITY issue in NoNumber Framework plugin

DB Replacer
1.3.1 09 October 2011

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with missing link in components menu (with v2.6.0)

DB Replacer
1.3.0 08 October 2011

Compatible with:

  • Cleans up some code (like no more use of DS)
  • Improves installer
  • Moves translation language files to main package (no more language packs)

DB Replacer
1.2.0 16 September 2011

Compatible with:

  • Adds UTF-8 selection for Regular Expression searches (thanks Georgios Papadakis)
  • Changes NoNumber Elements plugin to NoNumber Framework
  • Moves common language strings to NoNumber Framework files
  • Fixes some minor styling issues

DB Replacer
1.1.3 26 July 2011

Compatible with:

  • J1.7 Fixes issue with DB Replacer not working

DB Replacer
1.1.2 27 June 2011

Compatible with:

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with install problems

DB Replacer
1.1.1 18 June 2011

Compatible with:

  • J1.7 Fixes issue with install problems

DB Replacer
1.1.0 18 June 2011

Compatible with:

  • Joomla 1.7 compatible!
  • Fixes issue with DB Replacer not working with mootools upgrade

DB Replacer
1.0.4 17 March 2011

Compatible with:

  • Changes language files to be J1.6 ready
  • Fixes issue with some security extensions causing DB Replacer to not work

DB Replacer
1.0.3 11 February 2011

Compatible with:

  • Changes extension icon / logo
  • Fixes some minor javascript problems

DB Replacer
1.0.2 13 December 2010

Compatible with:

  • Fixes installer

DB Replacer
1.0.1 13 December 2010

Compatible with:

  • Cleans up some code
  • Fixes some issues with loading of language strings

DB Replacer
1.0.0 25 November 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds checks to see if NoNumber Elements plugin is installed/enabled
  • Fixes and updated all language strings

DB Replacer
0.2.0 16 November 2010

Compatible with:

  • Made MooTools 1.2 compatible

DB Replacer
0.1.5 14 October 2010

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with (non-regex) searches containing single quotes
  • Fixes issue with searches containing # characters

DB Replacer
0.1.4 23 August 2010

Compatible with:

  • Fixes issue with preview only matching first row
  • Fixes issue with replacements not being done if search was not equal to entire value

DB Replacer
0.1.3 16 August 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds ability to replace entire value (search for *)
  • Adds ability to search NULL values
  • Fixes issue with HTML tags being stripped from search and replace
  • Fixes issue with non-greedy regular expressions not working (.*?)
  • Fixes issues with other special regular expression characters

DB Replacer
0.1.2 24 July 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds display of version number in component screen
  • Changes way version and license information are displayed (now via ajax)
  • Changes way versions and licenses are checked (no more base64)

DB Replacer
0.1.1 07 July 2010

Compatible with:

  • Adds extra WHERE field to limit search
  • Changes some layout
  • Fixes issue with enters not displaying in preview
  • Fixes issue with leading and trailing spaces in search/replace
  • Fixes issue with special characters not being displayed correctly
  • Fixes some issues with regular expressions

DB Replacer
0.1.0 29 June 2010

Compatible with:

  • First beta release