Other Conditional Content questions


worech's Avatar worech
I am using CC for a restaurant, which is offering certain menu on certain days. So, on Mon, Tue, Wen they are cooking pasta, Fri, Sat, Sun pizza. No problem to set this condition, but how to combine with Thu, when they are off? Did not find the solution.

Any help appreciated.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I am not sure what you mean with "how to combine with Thu"...
So what do you want to show on Thursdays?
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worech's Avatar worech

there are three days when the menu is set up to something, three days to something different. One day the restaurant is closed, so on Thu I need to set up different offer like like "Today we have a rest day, come tommorow".

Those three and three days are set, now I need to set up the rest day with a combination with the rest. Hope, I am more clear now..

Thanks a lot.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Assuming you are on Joomla 4, I would recommend you combine this with Articles Anywhere:
Then you could do this something like:
{show condition="It's Thursday"}
Today we have a rest day, come tomorrow
{article article="The Full Menu"}[text]{/article}

Then in the article "The Full Menu" you can place what you have now.

Or have a separate menu for "Mon, Tue, Wed" and for "Fri, Sat, Sun", and do this:
{show condition="It's Monday to Wednesday"}
{article article="The Monday to Wednesday Menu"}[text]{/article}
{article article="The Friday to Sunday Menu"}[text]{/article}
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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Hold on...

Please try the latest development version from:

Again, assuming you are using Joomla 4, you should now be able to do this:
{show condition="It's Thursday"}
   Today we have a rest day, come tomorrow
{show-else condition="It's Monday to Wednesday"}
   {article article="The Monday to Wednesday Menu"}[text]{/article}
   {article article="The Friday to Sunday Menu"}[text]{/article}
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worech's Avatar worech

thanks a lot for a fast support.

I need to set up this rule till this Thu, so a small amount of time..

Being new to CC - I´ve tried this, but di not work:

{show days="thursday"}
Today we have a rest day, come tomorrow
{show-else days="monday,tuesday,wednesday"}
Mon - wed text
Fri - to sun text

Is it possible to set up the conditions like this?

Thanks a lot and best regards!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
What version of Joomla are you running on?
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worech's Avatar worech

Thanks for your time.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
And tell me on what url I can see/reproduce the issue.
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worech's Avatar worech
Confidential information:
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
So where is this module visible on the frontend?
By the looks of it, your website is using Gridbox and the menu (content) is in there. Not in the module.
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worech's Avatar worech
The menu on the main page is the module and is shown through Gridbox module app.
Hope I am clear now 🙂
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
No, I have no idea how Gridbox works.
But when I open that page in Gridbox, I can see the content (menu) in there, without any {show} tags.

Can you reproduce this issue with normal Joomla content? So taking Gridbox out of the equation?
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worech's Avatar worech
Yes, but it is not needed to do anything with Gridbox. The module is just inserted there.
I´ve copied the code to an article, you can find it there.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Well, you haven't installed the development of Conditional Content yet...
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worech's Avatar worech
Should be there.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
That is the Conditions component.
That is not the Conditional Content extension (plugin) itself.
You have not installed the development version of Conditional Content yet.
Please download it from here and install it:
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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Correct. You have the stable version installed. As described earlier, the ability to use attributes in the {show-else} tag is in the development version.
So you will need to install that DEV version to see if it works.
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worech's Avatar worech
Got it! Sorry for not understanding, now it is there.
Thank you.
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