Hi there,
I seem to be getting a few of these errors lately on pages that shouldnt even exist.
This is an example:
I have posted the error below
I can still redirect the page thats not the problem, the problem really is how do Joomla generate this url and and why is it a 500.
Can you help?
RegularLabs\Component\Conditions\Administrator\Condition\Other\Tag::getTag(): Return value must be of type object, null returned
in /usr/www/users/dolcep/nl/administrator/components/com_conditions/src/Condition/Other/Tag.php (line 56)
->from('#__tags as t') ->where('t.id = ' . (int) $tag_id); $this->db->setQuery($query); $tag = $this->db->loadObject(); return $tag; } private function getTagsParents(int $id = 0): array { if ( ! $id)
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
And tell me on what url I can see/reproduce the issue.
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The problems concern only the Joomla installation in the /nl directory under the root
Confidential information:
You can check on this url which actually shouldnt exist at all
The fact is I dont really know how it came into existance but Google picked it up in the non-indexable pages in Search Engine Console because of a 500 error. I can't redirect these if I cant fix the 500 first. I have a few more pages like this :
Well, the initial error should not be able to exist anymore:
RegularLabs\Component\Conditions\Administrator\Condition\Other\Tag::getTag(): Return value must be of type object, null returned
in .../administrator/components/com_conditions/src/Condition/Other/Tag.php (line 56)
If you still get that error, can you show me where?
That you have non-existing urls that give 500 errors and/or redirect... what does that have to do with Advanced Module Manager?
Dear Peter,
I didnt say it had anything to do with AMM I am only searching for a solution to my issue. This 500 error hinted to an issue with Conditions but I didnt know how to address it. No need to get so defensive, I am only trying my best here to clean up any errors. I didnt say it was your fault. I actually respect your opinion.
The error did indeed concern an issue with the Conditions.
But a 500 issue is typically not because of a PHP error. So if the errors are no longer appearing (and no php errors concerning AMM or the conditions in the error logs), then I can't help you much further with this.
That is something you would probably have to ask your host about.
500 errors usually mean that the url cannot be converted to something that returns a page.