
Latest version

Advanced Template Manager
4.6.0 04 September 2023

Download Free

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates Regular Labs library

Older versions

Advanced Template Manager
4.5.0 11 April 2023

Download Free

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds link to the documentation in the footer text
  • Fixes issue with not being able to install it when the old Pro version is installed

Advanced Template Manager
4.4.0 06 April 2023

Download Free

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Removes PRO version
  • FREE Moves Pro functionality to Free version

Advanced Template Manager
4.3.0 23 March 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Adds ability to use USE statements in PHP conditions
  • Removes not-used language files after installation
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ
  • Fixes issue with incorrect prefix characters for comments in the language files

Advanced Template Manager
4.2.1 06 September 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updated some php code to use PHP 7.4 standards
  • Updates translations: pl-PL

Advanced Template Manager
4.2.0 05 September 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes code styling: tabs to spaces
  • Changes installer to use a package manifest instead of a custom installer plugin
  • Refactors some code
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.39
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ, fr-FR

Advanced Template Manager
4.1.0 10 February 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Increases minimum php version to 7.4.0
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ, nb-NO, tr-TR
  • J3 Reduces amount of queries needed for usergroup assignments
  • Fixes issue with error on installation when using php 8.1 or higher
  • Fixes issue with some error messages that should only show in admin side also showing on frontend
  • PRO Fixes issue with excluding by parent category not working for EasyBlog, HikaShop, K2, MijoShop, Redshop, Virtuemart and Zoo

Advanced Template Manager
4.0.4 14 August 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves upgrade/update check information in Joomla updater
  • Updates translations: sk-SK

Advanced Template Manager
4.0.3 06 August 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with non-html pages (like raw) being forced to html format in some case
  • Fixes issue with php TypeError being thrown on some xml pages
  • Fixes issue with template styles showing twice in the list view in some situations

Advanced Template Manager
4.0.2 27 May 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Cleans up code
  • Fixes issue with installation causing fatal errors in some cases

Advanced Template Manager
4.0.1 25 May 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with error about undefined method NNParameters::getPlugin() on setups still containing old code

Advanced Template Manager
4.0.0 22 May 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds case-sensitive option to URL assignment
  • PRO Removes specific browser and OS version assignments
  • Changes code in minified javascript files to not use eval
  • Cleans up code
  • Improves dealing with Joomla 3 code (disabling plugins) after upgrading to Joomla 4
  • Increases minimum php version to 7.2.0
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.37
  • Fixes issue with incorrect update urls on plugins

Advanced Template Manager
3.9.5 23 February 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves speed of initializing condition checks on page load
  • Removes leading/trailing whitespace from template style titles upon saving
  • Fixes issue with some item assignments not passing correctly

Advanced Template Manager
3.9.4 22 October 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to HikaShop Product Listing sometimes also passing on HikaShop Product pages

Advanced Template Manager
3.9.3 14 September 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • More preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to ZOO item not working when it has a direct menu item

Advanced Template Manager
3.9.2 21 August 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with php notice about too few arguments to function

Advanced Template Manager
3.9.1 19 August 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with php notice about too few arguments passed to function onContentPrepare

Advanced Template Manager
3.9.0 17 August 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility
  • Fixes issue with missing language strings
  • PRO Fixes issue with some 3rd party assignments not working correctly (due to changes in request data)

Advanced Template Manager
3.8.7 27 July 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves page load speed when using many assignments
  • Fixes issue with Expand/Collapse options missing on multi-select fields
  • Fixes issue with the assignments not working SP PageBuilder edit pages
  • PRO Fixes issue with temporary php function files (for the PHP assignment) being deleted before it is fully read on some server setups

Advanced Template Manager
3.8.6 13 June 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Makes IP address in IP condition be taken from the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR value if set
  • Makes multiselect fields show the total number of items and selected items
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.34
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with the authors select field breaking when having more users than the "Maximum List Count" setting

Advanced Template Manager
3.8.5 28 January 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with fatal php error on frontend when fields system plugin is disabled

Advanced Template Manager
3.8.4 11 December 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with broken links in action log entries

Advanced Template Manager
3.8.3 14 October 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • FREE Fixes issue with installation not going well when installing Free version when the Pro version is already installed

Advanced Template Manager
3.8.2 10 October 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with article assignments sometimes not passing correctly (due to empty author array)
  • Fixes issue with php warning about declaration of preprocessForm

Advanced Template Manager
3.8.1 19 September 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with fatal error on saving when assigning to an entire menu with a dash in the name
  • Fixes issue with some missing language strings under Joomla content page type assignments

Advanced Template Manager
3.8.0 17 September 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • New Assignment Types for Advanced Template Manager!

    For the full details, check out the blog post.
  • Adds ability to assign by article author matching the currently logged in user
  • Adds ability to assign by article dates (created, modified, publish up/down)
  • Adds ability to assign by article featured setting
  • PRO Adds ability to assign by custom fields attached to the article
  • Updates translations: de-DE, it-IT
  • Fixes issue with SQL errors when using assignments by Tag in some edge cases
  • Fixes issue with php TypeError concerning Registry in item edit page
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain AcyMailing pages
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain HikaShop pages

Advanced Template Manager
3.7.1 27 March 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.8.0 to Joomla 3.9.0
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.33
  • Updates translations: nl-NL, zh-CN
  • Fixes conditions by pagetype and article not working on article edit views

Advanced Template Manager
3.7.0 07 December 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Removes Advanced Settings tab in configuration (will use Joomla core settings)
  • Fixes issue with list views not defaulting to only show Site items

Advanced Template Manager
3.6.0 26 November 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds support for Joomla 3.9 User Action Logger
  • Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
  • Improves way Regular Labs Library scripts and styles are loaded on admin side
  • Refactors some code
  • Removes redundant assignment to 'Templates'
  • Updates translations: et-EE, pt-BR
  • Fixes issue with editing templates and template files not working
  • Fixes issue with menu items with types 'separator', 'heading', 'alias' and 'url' not being selectable (meaning you can use the “Also on Child Items” option)
  • Fixes issue with order by 'Client' (from dropdown) not working
  • Fixes issue with page switching to styles list view when using filters in templates list view

Advanced Template Manager
3.5.5 30 October 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with fatal error about Too few arguments passed to ShowOn::show

Advanced Template Manager
3.5.4 30 October 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with fatal error about ShowOn not found

Advanced Template Manager
3.5.3 30 October 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
  • Updates translations: tr-TR

Advanced Template Manager
3.5.2 23 October 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with user and usergroup assignments not showing

Advanced Template Manager
3.5.1 23 October 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes ordering of assignment types
  • Improves menu item select field
  • Fixes broken link in settings

Advanced Template Manager
3.5.0 19 October 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds link to core permissions in global settings
  • Removes deprecated helper files from the Regular Labs Library
  • Removes old Joomla 3.6 (and lower) compatibility code
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.7.0 to Joomla 3.8.0
  • Rearranges plugin options
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.32
  • Updates translations: es-ES, nl-NL
  • Fixes issue with asset rules sometimes not being correct
  • Fixes issue with confirm dialog on close buttons on assignments not opening up the options
  • Fixes issue with some missing language strings
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 category assignment not working on empty K2 item edit forms where category is preselected
  • PRO Fixes issue with form not working correctly when K2 has loads of empty tags

Advanced Template Manager
3.4.1 26 April 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with multiselect fields with large selections sometimes not loading
  • Fixes issue with unpublished/trashed items in select lists not getting styled correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop product page type condition not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with PHP conditions not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with php conditions causing errors when used multiple times on one page load

Advanced Template Manager
3.4.0 19 January 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.6.0 to Joomla 3.7.0
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.30
  • Updates translations: de-DE, nb-NO
  • PRO Updates browser list
  • Fixes some javascript issues in admin side on Joomla 3.7.0
  • PRO Fixes issue with browser assignment not working on some Internet Explorer 11 browsers
  • PRO Fixes issue with incorrect language tags on some HikaShop page types

Advanced Template Manager
3.3.1 04 December 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: ru-RU
  • Fixes issue with multi-select fields not showing on some setups
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop page type assignments still not working correctly

Advanced Template Manager
3.3.0 28 November 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds extra notes tab
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.26
  • Updates translations: nl-NL
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop page type assignments not working correctly

Advanced Template Manager
3.2.2 10 October 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves loading speed of template style edit page by loading select lists through ajax
  • Updates translations: bg-BG, da-DK
  • Fixes issue with multi-select fields not showing correctly
  • Fixes issue with some multi-select fields not storing the selection
  • PRO Fixes issue with IP range conditions not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with some locations in Mexico City not matching region 'Distrito Federal'

Advanced Template Manager
3.2.1 05 September 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with menu assignments not working when using aliases
  • Fixes issue with some assignments return false positives

Advanced Template Manager
3.2.0 04 September 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds time fields in date from/to calendar selection
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.25
  • Updates translations: es-ES, pl-PL
  • PRO Fixes issue with Joomla updater not seeing new Pro versions after upgrading from Free to Pro
  • PRO Fixes issue with fatal error when using RedShop 2.0

Advanced Template Manager
3.1.6 22 July 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with Regular Labs plugins no longer being run on category blog pages

Advanced Template Manager
3.1.5 19 July 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds new EasyBlog page types
  • Changes main icon
  • Improves the way the system plugin methods gets called
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ, es-ES, fr-FR, id-ID, it-IT, tr-TR
  • PRO Fixes issue with error on frontend when using php assignments and there is a write permission issue in the tmp folder

Advanced Template Manager
3.1.4 30 May 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • J3.7 Fixes issue with color not being saved when setting in the list

Advanced Template Manager
3.1.3 02 May 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Fixes issue with VirtueMart Product assignments throwing an error

Advanced Template Manager
3.1.2 29 April 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: uk-UA
  • Fixes issue with disabled/blocked users not appearing in user assignment field
  • Fixes issue with potential undefined offset error
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 tag page type assignment not working

Advanced Template Manager
3.1.1 18 February 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with match all usergroups setting not working
  • Fixes issue with some select fields not being shows
  • Fixes issue with websites using certain encodings breaking

Advanced Template Manager
3.1.0 13 February 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds option to only pass Usergroup assignment if user has all usergroups from selection
  • Fixes issue with raw/ajax calls potentially breaking

Advanced Template Manager
3.0.0 07 February 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds option to only pass Tags assignment if article contains all tags from selection
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.4.1 to Joomla 3.6.0
  • Changes minimum requirement from php 5.3.13 to php 5.4
  • Completely recoded the extension and Regular Labs Library (now using namespaces)
  • Updates translations: bg-BG, id-ID, de-DE
  • Fixes issue with Regular Labs Library plugin causing slowness in administrator when 'Show Help Menu Item' is enabled
  • PRO Fixes issue with Day of the Week condition not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 Item and Pagetype conditions not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with some assignments not working any more when using VM/Zoo assignments
  • PRO Fixes issue with updates via core installer sometimes failing

Advanced Template Manager
2.1.6 20 November 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves compatibility with J3.7 (nightly build)
  • Fixes issues with page breaking when Regular Labs Library folder is missing

Advanced Template Manager
2.1.5 14 November 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with comma separated list values not being converted to select list selections when changing max list count
  • PRO Fixes issue with browser agent check giving php notices

Advanced Template Manager
2.1.4 10 November 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Fixes issue with ipads passing as mobile phone device

Advanced Template Manager
2.1.3 24 October 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: nl-BE
  • Updates code to include latest fixes for core template manager for Joomla 3.6.3
  • Fixes issue with Access Level selection not showing as multiselect
  • Fixes issue with commas and bars in text area field selections not working
  • Fixes issue with publish up/down fields getting pre-filled
  • PRO Updates agent detection scripts to v2.8.22

Advanced Template Manager
2.1.2 05 September 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with administrator returning blank on some setups

Advanced Template Manager
2.1.1 01 September 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to tags not working on tag pages
  • PRO Updates browser detection scripts
  • PRO Updates list of browsers in Browser Assignment

Advanced Template Manager
2.1.0 03 August 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to assign by device type (desktop, tablet, mobile) based on agent string
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop category assignments not working

Advanced Template Manager
2.0.4 14 June 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: tr-TR

Advanced Template Manager
2.0.3 07 June 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Adds missing MijShop page type assignments
  • PRO Fixes issue with GeoIP assignments having weird layout in Dutch due to issue in language file

Advanced Template Manager
2.0.2 17 May 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issues with asset rules
  • PRO Fixes issue with VirtueMart category selection being empty when using different languages
  • PRO Fixes some incorrect or missing region names

Advanced Template Manager
2.0.1 30 April 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with language strings in heading not working

Advanced Template Manager
2.0.0 16 April 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Moves from NoNumber to Regular Labs branding

Advanced Template Manager
1.7.1 07 April 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates some HTML syntax
  • Works around bug in php 7.0.5 causing assignments to not work

Advanced Template Manager
1.7.0 05 March 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds note field to template styles
  • Adds version number to own css/js files
  • Makes display of thumbnail in template list view also dependent on config setting
  • Makes display of thumbnail switched on by default
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with plugin languages not getting installed correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to regions in Italy not working

Advanced Template Manager
1.6.6 28 January 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: uk-UA
  • Updates translations: hu-HU
  • Fixes issues with Joomla 3.5 and php7 compatibility

Advanced Template Manager
1.6.5 17 January 2016

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: cs-CZ, fi-FI, hu-HU
  • Removes the template style field from the menu item form
  • Improves rendering speed by eliminating duplicate queries
  • Updates list of browsers in Browser Assignment
  • Fixes issue with not all frontend components being shown in components assignment

Advanced Template Manager
1.6.4 10 November 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Removes initialisation setting (as it causes issues)

Advanced Template Manager
1.6.3 10 November 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves handling on initialisation of plugin
  • Updates translations: bs-BA

Advanced Template Manager
1.6.2 03 November 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: bs-BA
  • Fixes issue with assignment to tags pages with multiple tag ids not working
  • Fixes issue with missing Matching Method field
  • Fixes issue with php errors when deleting a style
  • Fixes issue with rss feeds breaking when not having format=fedd in the url
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop product assignment field sometimes causing module edit page to crash

Advanced Template Manager
1.6.1 23 October 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with false feed check

Advanced Template Manager
1.6.0 22 October 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds option to set the event on which the ATM plugin is initialised

Advanced Template Manager
1.5.2 03 October 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: ja-JP
  • Fixes issue with javascript breaking on some templates because of use of old mootools script
  • PRO Fixes issue with time assignment not working correctly (adding timezone offset twice)

Advanced Template Manager
1.5.1 14 September 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Syncs code with Joomla 3.4.4
  • PRO Fixes issue with Zoo category assignment not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with fatal error when the GeoIP library is not installed

Advanced Template Manager
1.5.0 02 September 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Adds option to assign by postal codes and ranges
  • PRO Removes option to choose Geo Location service
  • PRO Geo Location now uses service run by NoNumber
  • Fixes issue with error about Class NNFrameworkFunctions not found on some setups

Advanced Template Manager
1.4.3 20 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with fatal errors on ART templates

Advanced Template Manager
1.4.2 13 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates list of browsers in Browser Assignment
  • PRO Fixes issue with geo location queries sometimes breaking page

Advanced Template Manager
1.4.1 07 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with uninstallation getting into a loop
  • Fixes issue with upgrading not working
  • Fixes issue with warnings about non-existing folder upon installation

Advanced Template Manager
1.4.0 03 August 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes minimum requirement to Joomla version 3.4.1
  • Recodes the installer
  • Fixes issue date/time assignments not working correctly with some server/timezone settings
  • Fixes issue with menu item selection returning blank on some settings using special characters
  • PRO Fixes issue with some Virtuemart assignments not working properly
  • J3 Fixes issue with pagination in list view not working when using the search field

Advanced Template Manager
1.3.4 15 April 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes the default Show Switch setting to No
  • Fixes issue with fatal error on copy template
  • Fixes issue with template preview always showing default template
  • Fixes issue with update notification not showing in component
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with assignment to K2 page type tags not working

Advanced Template Manager
1.3.3 04 March 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with url assignment not working correctly when using the regex option
  • PRO Fixes issue with Zoo frontpage pagetype assignment not working

Advanced Template Manager
1.3.2 24 February 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with Content author assignment giving fatal error
  • Fixes issue with url assignment not working correctly when having multiple lines
  • PRO Fixes issue with EasyBlog pagetype 'Frontpage Blog Layout' not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 tags assignment not working and giving error

Advanced Template Manager
1.3.1 23 February 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with assignments on items that have no accompanying menu item not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with time assignments not working correctly

Advanced Template Manager
1.3.0 23 February 2015

Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to assign modules by Joomla article author
  • Adds translations: vi-VN
  • PRO Adds Norway counties to the Geo regions selection
  • PRO Adds ability to assign modules by EasyBlog page types, categories, tags and items
  • PRO Adds ability to assign modules by Form2Content types
  • PRO Adds ability to assign modules by K2 item and Zoo item author
  • Moves close buttons on assignment groups from items to group
  • Recodes assignment code
  • Updates translations: sv-SE

Advanced Template Manager
1.2.4 20 January 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: fr-FR
  • Fixes issue with wrong language string in switch to core link

Advanced Template Manager
1.2.3 08 January 2015

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with Free version being able to be installed over the Pro version

Advanced Template Manager
1.2.2 21 December 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: sv-SE
  • Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.3.0
  • Removes compatibility for php versions under 5.3.13
  • Updates review links to the Joomla Extensions Directory
  • PRO Updates browser detection scripts

Advanced Template Manager
1.2.1 25 November 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves speed of pageloads
  • Fixes issue with error about nnFile on installation on some setups
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to VirtueMart pagetype cart not working
  • PRO Fixes issues with duplicate rows in update_sites table

Advanced Template Manager
1.2.0 20 October 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Adds extra geo location service: Telize
  • Fixes issue with assignment to tags on items with multiple tags not working correctly

Advanced Template Manager
1.1.7 25 September 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: pl-PL
  • Fixes issue with IE11 browser assignment not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to K2 categories not working correctly

Advanced Template Manager
1.1.6 15 September 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates browser list
  • PRO Fixes issue with $article->text being empty when referenced in the PHP assignment
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to K2 categories not working on empty items

Advanced Template Manager
1.1.5 20 August 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with frontend module edit links pointing to core module manager
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop category assignments not working when page doesn't have a menu item
  • PRO Fixes issue with Virtuemart product list being empty
  • J2 Fixes issue with errors after upgrade to Joomla 3

Advanced Template Manager
1.1.4 19 July 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with NoNumber Framework not getting installed
  • Fixes issue with manifest cache (version and update info) not being updated

Advanced Template Manager
1.1.3 18 July 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Fixes HikaShop category assignment not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with edit page breaking when not using en-gb as an active language in VirtueMart

Advanced Template Manager
1.1.2 30 June 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: lt-LT
  • Updates translations: id-ID, pt-PT, ru-RU
  • Fixes issue with timeouts in assignment fields when having great amounts of articles/items
  • FREE Fixes update issues
  • J2 Fixes issue with errors after upgrade to Joomla 3

Advanced Template Manager
1.1.1 20 June 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with feed (and other non-html) pages breaking
  • Updates and fixed some stuff in mobile browser detection

Advanced Template Manager
1.1.0 19 June 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: nl-NL
  • Removes Preview Module Positions option (falls back on setting in core template manager)
  • Removes message about default style under assignments when default is not selected
  • Refactors code
  • Updates translations: id-ID, fr-FR
  • Fixes wrong version number

Advanced Template Manager
1.0.1 15 May 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds copyright information to list views
  • Adds redirect and incompatibility message on Gantry based templates
  • Adds switch to core template manager on list views and template edit view
  • Adds version check to list views
  • Removes incorrect translations of the URL field description

Advanced Template Manager
1.0.0 15 May 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • First stable release
  • Updates translations: de-DE
  • Made search ignore leading/trailing spaces

Advanced Template Manager
0.1.1 10 May 2014

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds redirect and incompatibility message on T3 based templates
  • Adds translations: de-DE, fr-FR, id-ID, pt-PT, ru-RU, tr-TR
  • Changes assignment to not use template style if no assignments are selected (all ignored)
  • Changes default menu assignment to ignore
  • Fixes issue with SQL errors on uninstall
  • Fixes issue with extra tab labels showing language strings
  • Fixes issue with language default setting not working
  • Fixes issue with override view not working
  • Fixes undefined property errors in template view

Advanced Template Manager
0.1.0 06 May 2014

Download Free

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • First beta release