Florence Rouch
I need to use DB Replacer PRO to update the tags for Tooltips since I upgraded from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4.
First of all, I tried to make a list of different cases of syntax in my Tooltips tags, hoping you will help me to write the good regular expressions in DB Replacer to update them. This list is not obviously not exhaustive (I have several hundred of tooltips), but I hope these few ones will help me to understand the logic of regular expressions.
Before we go, I notice sometimes my tags contain "" that would be interpreted as code and break the new syntax, like in this example:
{tip TextContentWithQuotationMarks "TextContentWithQuotationMarks" TextContentWithQuotationMarks }text{/tip}
Is there any way to fix this issue or do I have to search for them all and replace them by hand only? I'm not even sure by wich way I can find those "" in my tooltips tags...
Here we go!
Tooltips with text only :
{tip TextContent}text{/tip}
{tip TextContent}<strong>textWithFormat</strong>{/tip}
{tip TextContent}<strong class="text-size-xlarge">textWithFormatAndClass</strong>{/tip}
{tip TextContent}text <strong>text</strong>{/tip}
{tip TextContentWithFormat <strong>TextContentWithFormat</strong> TextContentWithFormat}<strong>textWithFormat</strong>{/tip}
{tip TextContentWithURL <a href="index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=item&cid=92&id=201&Itemid=1283" title="TitleText"><strong>TextContentWithURLAndFormat</strong></a> TextContentWithURL <strong>TextContentWithURLAndFormat</strong> }<strong>text</strong>{/tip}
{tip TextContentWithURLAndHashtag <a href="index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=item&cid=92&id=118&Itemid=1246#cop" title="TitleText">textWithaSlash / textWithaSlash </a>}<strong>text</strong>{/tip}
{tip TitleText::TextContent <strong>TextContent</strong> TextContent}text{/tip}
Tooltips with image(s) :
{tip <img src="images/subfolder/image1.jpg" alt="TitleOfImage" width="400" height="300" class="valign-middle" />TextContentWithImage}text{/tip}
{tip <img src="images/subfolder/image1.jpg" alt="TitleOfImage" width="300" height="200" /><br />TextContentWithImageAndBreakline}<strong>textWithFormat</strong>{/tip}
{tip <img style="margin: 10px;" src="images/subfolder/subsubfolder/image1.jpg" alt="TitleOfImage" />}text{/tip}
{tip TextContentWithImage <img src="images/subfolder/subsubfolder/image1.png" alt="TitleOfImage" width="300" height="71" />} text {/tip}
{tip TextContentWithImageAndDoubleDots : <img src="images/subfolder/subsubfolder/image1.png" alt="TitleOfImage" />}text{/tip}
{tip TextContentWithImageAndDoubleDotsAndbreakLine : <img src="images/subfolder/subsubfolder/image1.png" alt="TitleOfImage1" /><br />TextContentWithImageAndDoubleDotsAndbreakLine : <img src="images/subfolder/subsubfolder/image2.png" alt="TitleOfImage2" />}text{/tip}
{tip<img src="images/subfolder/image1.jpg" alt="TitleOfImage)" width="400" height="300" />TextContentWithImage}<strong>textWithFormat</strong>{/tip}
Maybe double dots (🙂 and breakline (<br /> are no problem, but in case they could be, I mentioned them above. If they are no problem, just tell me.
Last question : do you think it would be a good idea to try the replacement first in ReReplacer (on the fly), then when it's ok only in DB Replacer?
Thank you for your help.