Other Sourcerer questions

Security update version 10.1.4

Dstny Nederland's Avatar Dstny Nederland
Is the security issue fixed in version 10.1.4, also present in version 9.8.0?
In other words, does 9.8.0 also require an update?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Yes. Update.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Dstny Nederland's Avatar Dstny Nederland
On a Joomla 3 site where Sourcerer 9.8.0 is running, no update is found.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Correct. Joomla 3 is dead and doesn’t receive any more updates itself. So also no updates for Regular Labs extensions.
If security is a concern, you should not be still running on Joomla 3.

Upgrade your Joomla site, update your extensions.
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