David Hillock
Okay, I've looked at Articles Anywhere, but I cannot get that to work for my custom fields.
I first created an article, and then I'm referencing it in a custom component...as the component will only be displayed on certain days, and for specific members. Here is the content for the custom component.
{article title="Check Your Email Address Please"}
This is the article text: [text]
This is your first name: [first-name]
This is your date paid: [date-paid]
This is your email address:[email]
As it turns out, the above works, except that first-name and date-paid (custom fields) are displayed literally...meaning that "[first-name]" is displayed, instead of "David"
Also, email is not a custom field, do I need to do something different to get that data?
Finally, I did try this to simplify:
{article title="Lions"}[first-name]{/article}
Which was from the Custom Fields example, but I just changed habitat-area to first-name.
Your feedback and help is appreciated.