Other Sourcerer questions

Plain code is displayed instead of "compiled" code

Yassin Abdelhamid's Avatar Yassin Abdelhamid
Hello there, I am using sourcerer within an article in joomla and then I add this artice to SP Page Builder.
My problem is, that everytime I write code into the article (I follow the guidlines by starting with {Source} and ending with {/Source}) the plain code and the {Source} tags are being shown instead of the "compiled" code.

Here is a simple example:
$version = "Version 28";
echo $version;

Instead of just showing "Version 28" the whole plain code above is being displayed.
What am I doing wrong and why isn't it working correclty?

Kind Regards
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Do you see the code including the {source} tags?
Shouldn't it be {source} instead of {Source} (so lowercase)? Or did you change the syntax in the settings?
Does the code work when using it in a normal article (so not using Page Builder)?
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Yassin Abdelhamid's Avatar Yassin Abdelhamid
The code is shown with the {source} tags included yes and I tried both, lower and upercase for writting {source}...
I never tried that, our company only has SP Page Builder sites from Joomla. So I need to have it working with SP Page Builder.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
If the {source} tags are still showing, it looks like the plugin is not triggered at all. So probably an SP issue.

It might be a matter of system plugin ordering. Try changing the ordering of the plugins in question.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Yassin Abdelhamid's Avatar Yassin Abdelhamid
Thank you I will take a look!
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