Other Snippets questions

Snippets only for mobile devices

Dejan's Avatar Dejan
I have php code

{accordion title="POSALJITE NAM UPIT" open="false" align="center" theme="rezervacija"}

I would like to instead open="false" insert Snippets but only for mobile devices
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You could use Conditional Content to output one or the other tag based on the device.
Or use your custom php code to do whatever check you want.
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Dejan's Avatar Dejan
The idea is to Tabs & Accordions opened by default on desktop, and closed by default on mobile by adding Snippets (open="false"). I bought the pro version thinking it existed Conditions, but Snippets are missing Conditions. Would buying the pro version ReReplacer solve my problem?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I was referring to Conditional Content
But yes, you could solve this with ReReplacer too.
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