Jonathan Asbell
That page does not contain the syntax I shared <a %handler% href="%url%?[[snippet:query:empty-query]]"><button class="uk-button uk-button-primary"><i class="fa %icon%"></i> %text%</button></a>
I do not see [[snippet:
I do not see the key word "query" nor the use of a second colon following the keyword "empty-query"
My snippet "button-tools-send-tenant-application" is not rendering
[%snippet alias="popup-structure" handler="popup-onclick" url="url-tools-send-tenant-application" icon="fa-file-import" text="Send Tenant Appliction"%]
It incorporates the below snippets
snippet called popup-structure with variables url, icon, text, handler and contains
<a %handler% href="%url%?[[snippet:query:empty-query]]"><button class="uk-button uk-button-primary"><i class="fa %icon%"></i> %text%</button></a>
snippet called popup-onclick contains
onClick="openPopup(this.href); return false;"
snippet called url-tools-send-tenant-application contains