Other ReReplacer questions

Dynamic Tag to Replace Print-Only-Header to include page URL.

George Benson's Avatar George Benson
I have created a module and assigned it to cassiopia main-top. It has the following code:
<div class="print-only" style="text-align: center;">GB-Print-Only-Page-Header</div>

I am using rereplacer to search for "GB-Print-Only-Page-Header" and to replace it with the following:
This article (Article ID#"[[article:id]]"), titled "[[article:title]]", was printed:<br>[[date:r]].<br>(C) [[date:%G]] - Alderpen Media, INC. - All Rights Reserved

So what I am trying to do is add to my replacement the page url but I do not see that as a dynamic option? Is it possible to output the page url in a replacement? If so, how?

As a side note I noticed that the date did not require the percent sign infront of the 'r' - not sure if that is a bug or not but it works.

Thanks in advance for your help with this!

- George
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You would need to use PHP to get the url data.
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