Other ReReplacer questions

Made a bad rereplacer entry and now any new entries won't work

Paul P's Avatar Paul P
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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Not sure what the actual issue or question is.

If your ReReplacer item is causing issues because your replacement is not setup correctly, just open up the replacement and change it. Or disable it.
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Paul P's Avatar Paul P
I removed the replacement but the problem persists. It seems to have caused a problem on the back end or in the db
Paul P's Avatar Paul P
Is there any way to remove all traces of ReReplacer and install it from scratch?

I "trashed" all of the ReReplace lines, and uninstalled and reinstalled ReReplacer.

With a newly reinstalled ReReplacer, it still won't work when I add a simple ReReplace line, which worked before.

So something is not being removed when doing the uninstall/reinstall. I'd prefer to fix this than going to a backup from before I added the bad ReReplacer line that caused it to stop working.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
ReReplacer doesn't replace anything in the database or files.
As soon as you disable/remove the replacement or the ReReplacer plugin, it will not be actively replacing in the HTML output anymore.

What probably happened, is that you made a replacement that also replaces stuff inside the fields of an edit form. And when saving that item, those changes were then of course saved to the item.

There is no way to undo saving data to the database by uninstalling ReReplacer. As those changes are not controlled by ReReplacer.

So if you narrow down what things are actually saved incorrectly to the database, then you could fix it by changing those database entries back.
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Paul P's Avatar Paul P
Hi Peter,

I looked through the user actions log and believe I found the entry that caused this problem to start, or at least it was very near the time I added this ReReplacer line:

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Just as an example of the bug, I have a basic replacement line for search: logo.png -> replace: logo-large.png and the logo doesn't display. When I inspect the page source, I see that the replacement is happening, but the new image URL after the replacement doesn't load the image, like it would have before I added the bad ReReplace item.

Thank you for any help with getting this fixed.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
So ReReplacer is doing what it is supposed to do, and replacing what you tell it to in the html output.

Maybe your site uses javascript to load the image. That is outside the scope of ReReplacer.

Probably best to ask the template developers about this.
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