Glad to see that tooltips4 finally exists. But I couldn't find the solution for how to change the old syntax which is:
{tip Title::Content}Text{/tip} or {tip ::Content}Text{/tip}
on this:
{tip title="Title" content="Content"}Text{/tip} or {tip content="Content"}Text{/tip}
I really hope that there is a solution for this, otherwise I need to look for a rope with a soap... )
You can use DB Replacer Pro to make advanced replacements like this.
For your case you will need Regular Expressions which are only available in the Pro version of DB Replacer.
You can for instance search for (with Regular Expressions on):
Another concern:
What about text with quotes and rich text, e.g.,
{tip BlablaTitle::I have this huge text with lots of "quotes"<br>
<strong>bold text</strong>}tooltip{/tip}
Everything can be fixed via your DBreplacer, including quotes? Because you put everything in quotes...
You'd have to do some smart Regular Expressions to handle those cases, where it adds slashes to escape them: \"
Probably easiest to do that before replacing it all to the new syntax.