No more '\1' parameter in the free snippets...

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No more '\1' parameter in the free snippets plugin?

Stefan Schoch's Avatar Stefan Schoch
Hi there,

I was using snippets to embed videos in my article, where I have the full iframe code etc. in the snippet and I just pass the YT ID (like kouXfuyaNwF) as '\1' to the snippet.

After updating all Regular Lapbs plugins, this seems to no longer work.

Did you remove the '\1' parameter from the free version of snippets?
Ist this only available for the paid version?

If so, I'd be sorry to deinstall and no longer use it. The paid version is to expensive in relation to the cases where I need the plugin.

I understand that you have to make money with your (wonderful!!) plugins.

But, honestly, I don't like it when functions that where free are removed and I only realize by coincidence, that suddenly something on my site is broken.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The support for variables was moved to just the Pro version back in March 2021. So 16 months ago.
In version 7.0.0:

With extensions/software using semantic versioning - like my extensions and Joomla itself - a major version release means something major has changed. And that there are potential backward compatibility breaks.

When updating extensions (and Joomla itself) you should read the changelogs before updating. Especially when it concerns major version releases.

And it is also a good idea to first update things on a development version of your website, before doing this on your live website. To make sure nothing breaks.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Stefan Schoch's Avatar Stefan Schoch
Hi Peter,

thank you for the detailed reply.

Yes, I agree that I was kind of sloppy to not check the changelogs prior to updating.

I still love your plugins and your style and I'm a bit sad that I can't use snippets any more. A paid version doesn't make sense, because I use it too little.
To update 10 or so pages today and manually insert the full iframe-code was a bit of a punishment, but it's done now anyway.

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