Display various data from users, assigned to a...

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Display various data from users, assigned to a group

Seppi's Avatar Seppi
Hi Peter

If none of your awesome extensions can provide this, it must be just impossible. 😉 So I hope you can just tell us, which one we need for this:

We want to display Joomla user data (the native user infos and the user's custom fields) based to the group, they are assigned to.

The minimal requirement is a list of User names (THE username for the default user data or splitted up in two custom user fields «surname» and «name»)

something like

<yourcomponent usergroup="2">
<a href="[link to user]">[username]</a>

or the custom field way

<yourcomponent usergroup="2">
<a href="[link to user]">[surname] [name]</a>

Can any of your componentes provide this in a similar way?

thank you and have a good weekend

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I don't have an extension specifically for this, no.

If you cannot find an extension that does what you want, you could try to write the PHP code yourself for this, and optionally embed that code in the article (or other content) you want using Sourcerer.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Seppi's Avatar Seppi
okay, a pity, of course. but we will keep in mind sourcing it with sourcerer. thanks!
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