Patrick Finegan
There are a couple wrinkles: (1) the Captcha doesn't appear (Can't click Submit if the Captcha is mandatory), and (2) the Submit button closes the modal window, regardless of whether the form is filled in correctly or contains errors.
You only see the highlighted errors if you re-open the form by clicking on the "Submit a Bug Report" link that opened the modal window the first time. Similarly, even if the form is filled in correctly, you don't see the automated acknowledgement ("Thank you for submitting... Here is what we received... We will get back to you shortly.")unless you re-click on the link opening the modal window.
As attempted workarounds, I disabled the Captcha and added the command
on-closed="alert('Thank you for...');", but the latter never popped up. So, I tried to force the modal window to stay open and to disregard the "finality" of the Submit button.
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0;">Submit a Bug Report</h4>
<p style="font-size: 90%; color: #000000;">⚙
{modal content="submit-bug-form" width="75%" height="98%" theme="dark" show-close-button="false" close-on-outside-click="false" keyboard-navigation="false")}
Bugs, Mistakes, Typos, Dead Links
<div style="margin-left: 10px;">
{modalcontent submit-bug-form}
<span style="color:red;">
You can only close this popup form with this button:
<a class="button button-gradient" onclick="RegularLabs.Modals.close();">
Close this Modal
{module id="130"}
That only worked partially. The Close Modal button doesn't close the window but the Submit button still does. However, the
keyboard-navigation="false" commands do indeed work. Oh well, the form will remain non-modal.