Schmakowski, Boris
Hi Peter,
I am using this thread, as I think it might be the same issue ... within Joomla 3.
In most circumstances the mail-adress is not vissible anymore.
To me it looks like, when the linkend mail-adresse stand for it's own within a tag,
then it will take display:none .. not so, when the protected part is part of more text, like within a p-tag.
Hope this makes sense somehow. Please see attached screenshots.
As I have to go online wit this project soon, I am jumping back to 4.8.0.
So no SuperAdmin and/or SFTP sensefull ...
Tested on Joomla 3.10.11 / PHP 8.1.4 / Regular Labs - Extension Manager 8.2.3 / Email Protector PRO 5.0.0
I know, Joomla 3 is running out of ... but it made sense on this certain project to use it ..
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