I'm using joomla 4.48 and the most recent CDN from RL combined with BunnyCDN pull zone.
I recently upgraded a website from j3 to j4 and changed the zoo listings to be dynamically pulled using a Yootheme pro Dynamic Grid.
The images are loading fine using this method for Joomla articles (intro image) but not the zoo listings.
I have purged the cache from Bunny and checked the images work fine when the RL CDN plugin is disabled.
Any ideas why they wont load?
This is what they should look like
The console does not show any errors apart from these below which are not likely related.
Without the CDN the image is being shown in the dynamic grid via the following URL:
Confidential information:
so I'm wondering if the CDN is not able to render them due to the unusual url
For the purpose of trouble shooting I have turned off the caches and CDN plugin for now.
The weird image urls can indeed be the issue.
By the way, I cannot see any images there now either, and CDN for Joomla! seems to be switched off.
So not sure this has anything to do with your CDN.
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your time on this issue.
It is partly solved!!
The issue was there were 2 image urls available for the grid.
I was using the main img url (which loaded the images fine in the editor mode)
I should have used the thumbnail img url.
With the CDN turned on the images are loading but I dont think they are being served from the CDN see:
Confidential information:
It would be great if they could load from the CDN but I'm not sure if its restricted by the RL plugin or the CDN itself?
CDN for Joomla can only change the urls of static images. CDN servers cannot handle dynamic images. Your url is not a simple image url.
Also, CDN for Joomla can only change the urls of images that are present in the html output of your site. So not of images that are loaded through javascript/ajax.
Hi Peter
I put the query to Yootheme pro / Zoolanders devs and here is the correspondence.
If you can suggest anything further that would be great as I'm caught with no solution at the moment.
Following on from this I decided to use a builder grid and dynamically pull the zoo items as you recommended "In zoo 4, my suggestione is to just move those modules to a YOOtheme Pro source using zoo, so you can display them directly with the builder"
However there is a problem.
When using a CDN the images are loading fine using this method for Joomla articles (intro image) but not the zoo listings.
According to Peter Van Westen: "CDN for Joomla can only change the urls of static images. CDN servers cannot handle dynamic images. Your url is not a simple image url.
Also, CDN for Joomla can only change the urls of images that are present in the html output of your site. So not of images that are loaded through javascript/ajax."
See for example the listings under the Dynamic Grid "provider" section
Example image URL from the zoo dynamic grid (with bunny CDN turned on)
Can you fix this issue as page load speed is being impacted without the CDN
08:08 (4 hours ago)
to me
It's not something related to us. That's just how YOOtheme pro deals with images so it can create N versions of the same image for each breakpoint, making it faster. So either you choose a plugin that can intercept that url and make it fetchable by the CDN, since that's an image url, just proxied through com_ajax) or you just don't use a CDN for this.
My suggestion would be the former, since you get both benefits (CDN cached images + responsive images automatically).
If you can, let Peter know that that url is not "fetched by ajax", but it's a real image file, just served through the com_ajax endpoint. If he can suppor that, every yootheme pro site (which is the majority of sites in joomla nowadays) will benefit from this addition
If there's anything else we can help you with, please let us know, meantime I will mark this issue as solved.
Because the urls are embedded inside a data-src that is json encoded, it is not that straight-forward to recognize the image path.
Having to support this, would make the search very complex and heavy, and would probably cause more of a speed cost than it is worth.
It would also affect pages and sites not using those ajax image urls at all.
So this is not something I am currently considering to implement.