Other Cache Cleaner questions

tmp full disck

Zenon art's Avatar Zenon art

every 1 month this file /customers/1/d/f/website name/tmp becomes full, 500 Internal server error!, then I have to delete it manually via sftp (3,000,000 files).
How can I empty this folder via your plugin?

thank you

kind regards

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You can tell Cache Cleaner to empty that folder. It's a ready-to-use option in the system plugin settings.

But the real question here is why that folder is filling up!

Normally that folder is used to story files/folders that are only used during a pageload, and get deleted at the end of the page load, when the process is done.
If that is not happening, there might be an issue with the read/write permissions of the tmp folder on your server.
Ask your host about it.
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Zenon art's Avatar Zenon art
thank you very much
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