Hi Peter, we have excluded "/administrator/cache/autoload_psr4.php" 2 weeks ago from clearing cache.
The issue happened again the other day, after making content updates and clearing cache the site crashed again. We had to manually remove "/administrator/cache/autoload_psr4.php" and allow Joomla to create a new version for the site to come up.
Hi Peter
We still facing the issue of site went down withh autoload file.
After couple of re try we noticed it happen when the site cache is cleared.
Intersting is the file timestamp change and regenrated if the cache is clear via regular labs cache clear. Did multiple test and autoload php file got refeshed each time if i do a cache clear via Cache cleaner button.
If i do clear cache via Normal Joomla > settings > clear cache the file does not get any change.
Is there any way to ignore this behaviour or any fix would be helpfull.
Sorry, correct.
The namespace map is re-generated as a separate process.
I have added an option to switch that off. Also, I changed the ordering of the processes (now first the namespace map generation, then the emptying of the cache folders).