I'm using Conditional Content to set up a condition that needs to resolve the values of several custom User Fields in order to determine whether to trigger a modal and display the User Profile update page so that the users fill out the missing information.
Currently the User Fields are appearing in the Article Fields list, even though they are User Fields. The way I think the condition is loading though is that it's testing if the field is associated with the article, but the field should be applying to the current user's record. As such I can't use this field to create the condition I want at the moment.
Similarly, custom fields can also be applied to Categories, so filtering those would be a useful addition also.
Also for both Article Fields and User Fields, an option to set the condition to match when the field is null/empty/blank would be great.
A regex match of ^$ I think should work, but at the moment as it's looking at the User Fields as Article fields, that's not applying as the User Data is not loading.