wrap or scroll interfear?

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wrap or scroll interfear?

Dennis Simonsen's Avatar Dennis Simonsen
I like the tabs to wrap, and it works for most times.
But - if I have long Title-names and wrap="true" the title-text wraps and if I delete the wrap="true" the titles are in one row but the small screen becomes "scroll".


Is there a way to get the tabs to wrap with the long title names not wrap?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
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Dennis Simonsen's Avatar Dennis Simonsen
I know that, but my thinking was that this was and oversight that the wrap-buttons="true" affected both the tab-wrap and the txt-wrap.

Dennis Simonsen's Avatar Dennis Simonsen
I added this to the custom.css and it seems to work:
[data-rlta-element=container][data-rlta-state=ready][data-rlta-type=tabs][data-rlta-orientation=horizontal][data-rlta-alignment=center] > [data-rlta-element=button-list] {
justify-content: center;
text-wrap-mode: nowrap;
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
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