Conflicting with RSmediaGallery Module

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Conflicting with RSmediaGallery Module

kiona's Avatar kiona
Hi, I found a conflict with you advanced module manager 10.1.3. as soon as I enable this it is conflicting with RSmediaGallery Module.I already asked RSJoomla.bu they pointed it out that your extension is conflicting.

working Joomla 4.3.4
advanced module manager 10.1.3.
rRSMediaGallery! Responsive Slider Module 2.1.0

Hopefully you can update the advanced module manager, because I'm using it and if I disable it my module are showing on pages that not supposed to be.


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Depends on what the conflict is.
What is not working?
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
kiona's Avatar kiona
When editing the sliding module, I cannot enter multiple tags in it, only 1 toag, but that is not saved. On save the tags value will be deleted.
When the advanced module manager is disabled, then I can enter tags, just enter 1 or multiple and they will be saved.
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