Faulty link in Extension Manager

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Faulty link in Extension Manager

Bert Mannaert's Avatar Bert Mannaert
FYI: there is a link in Extension Manager that points to > regularlabs.test/extensionmanager

It's the hyperlink for the text "Regular Labs - Extension Manager" just above the link to the documentation in the footer the Extension Manager.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
It isn't for me.
Is your version of the Regular Labs Extension Manager up-to-date?
On what Joomla version are you running?
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Bert Mannaert's Avatar Bert Mannaert
My mistake, Peter. Your comment had me looking twice. I reported on an older version indeed. Had two versions (a way older test version and an up-to-date version) mixed up.

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