Broken Intervention/Image library

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Broken Intervention/Image library

David Jardin's Avatar David Jardin
Hi Peter,

I just updated a client site with various of your extensions (rereplacer, articles anywhere, modules anywhere, conditions, extension manager) and that cause a 500 on the frontend. I traced the issue down to the scoped intervention/image package that you ship in your library folder. You are using a scoped namespace to avoid collisions, however you overlooked a couple of places where that namespace is referenced within the actual runtime code, i.e.

* ImageManager.php, line 94 - that's where the classname of the supported driver is being built
* AbstractDriver.php, line 102 + 103 - that's where the availability of a given command is checked

After patching the namespaces in these locations, the site started to work again.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Please try the latest development version of Articles Anywhere or Modals from:
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
David Jardin's Avatar David Jardin
Looks good, thank you!
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