The content from the load module will not stay...

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The content from the load module will not stay in the same line

Lin Jie's Avatar Lin Jie

We are not using the yootheme pro template, and the moduleanywhere will not load content and stay in the same line.

Here is the link

<a style="margin-right: 30px;" title="Click for free trial" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Word-ad-download-link');" href="/download/kutools-for-word.html"><em>Click for
<div class="uk-margin-remove-last-child custom">60</div>
-day free trial!</em></a>

the 60 is using the moduleanywhere to load it into the article, but it will not stay in the same line, as you can see in the link, it will load in in new line.

Click for
-day free trial!

Can you please take a look at it?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Modules Anywhere will by default place modules using the module chrome (style) defined by your template.
So your template is outputting the module with the surrounding '<div class="uk-margin-remove-last-child custom">'.

You can change the module style (chrome) via the settings or the {module} tag. See:

I am not sure why you have a module with just the content '60'.
If you are using your modules as reusable content snippets, and using Modules Anywhere to place them in your content, then I advise you to use Snippets instead.
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