Articles Anywhere -> Output of Custom MediaJCE...

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Articles Anywhere -> Output of Custom MediaJCE Field in special context

Marc Pradel's Avatar Marc Pradel

when I try to output a subform via foreach the output of the mediajce field with an image goes like this:

<img src="[row:testi-bild:value]" alt="[row:testi-titel:value]" width="150" class="el-image uk-border-circle" />

HTML-Output in Browser:
<img src="/%5Brow:testi-bild:value%5D" alt="Norbert Merz" width="150" class="el-image uk-border-circle">

Any idea why the output doesn't work inside "" when using a mediajce field. Using [row:testi-bild:value] outside of the "" show the right value -> images/testimonials/norbert-merz.jpg

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
This is something done by the editor. It probably replaces the [..] characters inside the src attribute on save.
If not, it might be caused by the Joomla SEF plugin being triggered before Articles Anywhere.

Try changing the ordering of the plugins in question.
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Marc Pradel's Avatar Marc Pradel
After trying a custom layout I found out that the mediajce field outputs the rawvalue with space around the value

[row:testi-bild:value layout="rendermediajce"]

HTML-Output in Browser:
" images/testimonials/norbert-merz.jpg "

I don't know how to get rid of these spaces. I think the spaces are the problem?!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
If you use [row:testi-bild:value] it should output the raw value. It should not use the layout...

The space is not the problem. The '%5B' is an URL encoded version of the '[' character.

Did you try changing the system plugin ordering?
The SEF plugin(s) should be ordered AFTER Articles Anywhere.
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Marc Pradel's Avatar Marc Pradel
Yes, I did. The Articles Anywhere is in the first place of the system plugins and the sef at the last.

Also if you are right

Editor Syntax

should also not, but it is

alt="Norbert Merz"
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
So where are you placing the {article} tags and those data tags?
In a normal article?

And what does the code look like after saving that item (article) in the HTML view of the editor?
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Marc Pradel's Avatar Marc Pradel
Thank you for your question! 🙂

It works after activated the 'Inhalte vorbereiten' in the site module options.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Ah, in a module. Yes, the 'Prepare Content' can solve a lot of headaches when working with plugins.
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