With J3 you can put modules anywhere as it says, however while testing J4 Upgrade I realise that there is a change in Behaviour, whereby with J3 you can have a modules which is NOT ASSIGNED to any pages, and when you use the code such as {module id="321" position="slider"} the module will appear on any generated page, however now with J4 the modules is not generated unless you set the modules to "ALL PAGES", which results in the module appearing everywhere and then TWICE on the page you have the code.
Guessing that was not done intentionally, so thought you should be aware as the component does not work as we require it anymore.
Checked and the settings are the "Same" between the V3 & V4, whereby in V3 Ignore Module Assignments is set to "YES"
and then in V4 "Ignore Module Conditions" is also set to "YES", however as above it's not appearing when not assigned on a menu.
It should show the module regardless of the module assignments.
It is working fine on my setups.
I have fixed something else, which I don't think should affect anything you are describing. But who knows...
Please try the latest development version from:
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
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aha, interesting, so the previous parsing logic dealt with my incorrect syntax, I can't remember any logic, or thinking around this too long ago now.
However as you suggested replace it with a single {module id="321"} call and it works!!
Thanks very much for that, sorry that it ended with a mistake on our side, but it was interesiting to see I guess the different parsing logic on your side as others might have mis-used the sytax also.