I'm using the free version of Advanced Module Manager (v9.2.0) on Joomla 4.1.5.
It's my understanding that Advanced Module Manager is supposed to use the core Module Manager permission rules. There appears to be a bug in this implementation.
I've configured the ACLs of the core Module Manager to allow Create, Delete, and Edit actions for a particular user group. However, this user group is unable to perform those actions. For users in this user group, the "New" and "Actions" buttons do not appear on the administrator component page. The "Save" and "Save & Close" buttons do not appear on any module edit screens. When attempting to create a module using the quick icons from the home dashboard, the user gets a "Create record not permitted" error. Only super users are able to perform these actions.
I've identified two possible areas in the code where I believe the bug exist:
File: administrator/components/com_advancedmodules/src/View/Module/HtmlView.php
Method: display
Line: 77
$this->canDo = ContentHelper::getActions('com_advancedmodules', 'module', $this->item->id);
File: administrator/components/com_advancedmodules/src/View/Modules/HtmlView.php
Method: addToolbar
Line: 192
$canDo = ContentHelper::getActions('com_advancedmodules');
In both places, using 'com_modules' as the first parameter to the ContentHelper::getActions call (instead of 'com_advancedmodules') appears to partially fix the issue for me, although I'm still having issues creating new modules.