We don't wish cloaking in form mails

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We don't wish cloaking in form mails

Gregor Bresser / bresser media's Avatar Gregor Bresser / bresser media
Hi Peter,

I have a specific problem related to your emailprotector plugin. It's a system plugin and cloaks mails overall in the content. As a result our forms send mails with cloaked mails. That mails get stuck in the sophos web filter because of the word "S P A M" and don't get to the customer.

So, please add a plugin field for the exclusion of components or routes from the plugins processing.

Best regards,
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Email Protector should leave fields inside forms alone.
So the email addresses are probably inside your form (or form script) in another way.

But if you want the email addresses there and nor cloaked, then why use Email Protector at all?

I recommend you do NOT place email addresses inside the form itself.
If you for instance want people to choose which department an email should go to, use the department names.
And do the mapping to the email addresses in the background (code / component that actually sends the email).
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