Custom Field in Modals not working anymore

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Custom Field in Modals not working anymore

Nathanael Holzer's Avatar Nathanael Holzer

The following code used to work for years:
{articles categories="95" ordering="ordering ASC"}

{tabs [title]}

 {modal gallery="images/Administration/Fotogalerien/[ordnername]" title="[title]" showall="true" class="fotosModalLink" classname="fotosModalWindow"}{/modal}

{if last}{/tabs}{/if}


Since one of the last updates there are no images displayed anymore.

What i found out:
- [ordnername] is a Joomla custom field. This is the folder where the images are stored. If I replace [ordnername] with the static folder name it works.
- The [title] tag still works like before but that's in the {tabs} portion of the code and not in {modal}. So it seems to be an issue of Modals. The tabs are created successfully. Just the images are missing.

The gallery is at the bottom of:

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Nathanael Holzer's Avatar Nathanael Holzer
layout=„false“ worked

This is no longer the default i guess.
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