Strips all HTML tags

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Strips all HTML tags

Toni's Avatar Toni
I'm using Joomla 4 and Sourcer actually work OK. It runs PHP ok, but the problem is that it strips all HTML tags.

Here is a simple example:
Row 1<br><b>Row 2</b><br>
Row 1<br><b>Row 2</b><br>

Result is:
Row 1
Row 2
Row 1Row 2

So, Sourcer does not execute HTML tags <br> and <b>
Toni's Avatar Toni
I read both articles, but I can't find a solution?

I dont use WYSIWYG editor, so the code is all OK.

But as u result (in HTML) I get this code:
<div itemprop="articleBody">
		Row 1
<b>Row 2</b>

Row 1

Row 2
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
it is literally explained here:
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Toni's Avatar Toni
OK, now I understand... and it worked on that simple code.

But when I insert "raw="true" in my real code it does not work.
syntax error, unexpected '<'

but if I remove "raw="true" them works perfectly but striping all HTML tags?!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
So what exact code have you entered?
I guess you made a syntax error somewhere...
There should NOT be a quote before raw.
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Toni's Avatar Toni
I used this:
{source raw="true"}
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Ok... but the rest of the code?
I expect this to not be an issue with Sourcerer but with your custom code syntax.
So please try to figure out if this is really an issue with Sourcerer or not.

If you need help on how to use Sourcerer and help with your syntax, then please purchase a subscription.
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